Chem Path EMQs Flashcards
Sodium handlingA EthanolB SIADHC FrusemideD Chronic kidney diseaseE Conn’s syndromeF DiarrhoeaG Congestive cardiac failureH Addison’s diseaseI HyperlipidaemiaA 50-year-old woman with known diabetes has a routine blood test whichdemonstrates the following:Na 130 (135–145 mmol/L)K 4.1 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 4.2 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Glucose 3.1 (2.2–5.5 mmol/L)Osmolality 283 (275–295 mOsm/kg)
I HyperlipidaemiaPseudo-hyponatraemia can occur in patients with hyperlipidaemia(I) or hyperproteinaemia. In such states, lipids and proteins willoccupy a high proportion of the total serum volume. Although thesodium concentrationin serum water is in fact normal, a lowersodium concentrationwill be detected due to dilution by increasedlipids and protein molecules. As a consequence, there is an apparenthyponatraemia.A spurious result due to the sample being taken fromthe drip arm can also cause pseudo-hyponatraemia.
Sodium handlingA EthanolB SIADHC FrusemideD Chronic kidney diseaseE Conn’s syndromeF DiarrhoeaG Congestive cardiac failureH Addison’s diseaseI HyperlipidaemiaA 45-year-old man is seen by his specialist. His last blood and urine testsdemonstrated the following:Na 129 (135–145 mmol/L)K 5.5 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 8.2 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Glucose 4.2 (2.2–5.5 mmol/L)Osmolality 265 (275–295 mOsm/kg)Urine osmolality 26 mOsm/kg
D Chronic kidney diseaseA true hyponatraemic state occurs when the osmolality is simultaneouslylow. Chronic kidney disease (CKD; D) results in urinary proteinloss and hence oedema. A reduced circulating volume causes activationof the renin–angiotensin system, thereby raising blood sodium levels.This in turn causes release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from theposterior pituitary leading to water retention and hypervolaemichyponatraemia. Water reabsorption in the renal tubules increases urineosmolality (>20 mmol/L indicates a renal cause of hyponatraemia). CKDis also associated with hyperkalaemia and azotaemia.
Sodium handlingA EthanolB SIADHC FrusemideD Chronic kidney diseaseE Conn’s syndromeF DiarrhoeaG Congestive cardiac failureH Addison’s diseaseI HyperlipidaemiaA 30-year-old woman visits her GP due to pigmentation of her palmar creases.Two weeks later the following blood and urine tests are received:Na 128 (135–145 mmol/L)K 5.9 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 5.2 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Glucose 1.8 (2.2–5.5 mmol/L)Osmolality 264 (275–295 mOsm/kg)Urine osmolality 24 mOsm/kg
H Addison’s diseaseAddison’s disease (H) is also known as primary adrenal insufficiency(reduced aldosterone and cortisol); consequently there is a rise in theproduction of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). An impaired synthesisof aldosterone reduces reabsorption of sodium and increasesexcretion of potassium in the distal convoluted tubule and collectingducts of the kidney; this leads to a simultaneous hyponatraemia andhyperkalaemia. Reduced cortisol production causes hypoglycaemia dueto impaired gluconeogenesis. Clinical features of Addison’s diseaseinclude hyperpigmentation, postural hypotension and weight loss.
Sodium handlingA EthanolB SIADHC FrusemideD Chronic kidney diseaseE Conn’s syndromeF DiarrhoeaG Congestive cardiac failureH Addison’s diseaseI HyperlipidaemiaA 30-year old woman is seen by her GP after a 5-day episode of productivecough and lethargy. The GP notes dullness on percussion of the patient’s leftlower lung. Blood and urine tests reveal the following:Na 128 (135–145 mmol/L)K 4.1 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 3.5 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Glucose 3.2 (2.2–5.5 mmol/L)Osmolality 265 (275–295 mOsm/kg)Urine osmolality 285 mOsm/kg
B SIADHThe syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (B; SIADH) results fromthe excess release of ADH. In this case the clinical features suggestpneumonia is the cause, but the aetiologies of SIADH are numerous,including malignancy, meningitis and drugs (carbamazepine). Criteriato diagnose SIADH include the following:• Hyponatraemia 100 mmol/L• High urine sodium >20 mmol/L• Euvolaemia• No adrenal, renal or thyroid dysfunctionCharacteristically the urine osmolality is inappropriately high; in normalcircumstances if the plasma osmolality is low, the urine osmolalitywill stop rising as reduced ADH secretion prevents water retention. Asa rule of thumb in SIADH, urine osmolality is greater than plasmaosmolality.
Sodium handlingA EthanolB SIADHC FrusemideD Chronic kidney diseaseE Conn’s syndromeF DiarrhoeaG Congestive cardiac failureH Addison’s diseaseI HyperlipidaemiaA 63-year-old man with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) sees hisGP due to oedematous ankles. His blood and urine tests show the following:Na 130 (135–145 mmol/L)K 4.4 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 4.2 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Glucose 3.1 (2.2–5.5 mmol/L)Osmolality 268 (275–295 mOsm/kg)Urine osmolality 16–mmol/LmOsm/kg
G Congestive cardiac failureCongestive cardiac failure (G) may present with shortness of breath, pittingperipheral oedema and/or raised jugular venous pulse (JVP). In thisscenario, shortness of breath may be masked by the patient’s COPD.The clinical picture together with the blood result demonstrating a lowsodium and low osmolality suggest a hypervolaemic hyponatraemia.This scenario can be differentiated from hypervolaemia as a result ofCKD (D) by the urine osmolality, which is less than 20 mmol/L in thisinstance, thereby suggesting a non-renal cause for the hyponatraemiaEthanol (A) may cause hyponatraemia in the context of a raised plasmaosmolality (>295 mmol/L). Other low molecular weight solutes that cancause hyponatraemia (when osmolality is raised) include mannitol andglucose.Frusemide (C) and other diuretics cause a hypovolaemic hyponatraemia.As well as a low plasma sodium and osmolality, the urine osmolality willbe greater than 20 mmol/L, signifying a renal cause of hyponatraemia.Conn’s syndrome (E), also known as primary aldosteronism, resultsfrom an aldosterone-producing adenoma producing excess aldosterone.Biochemical (and concurrent clinical) features include hypernatraemia(hypertension) and hypokalaemia (paraesthesia, tetany and weakness).Diarrhoea (F) leads to a hypovolaemic hyponatraemia (as does vomiting).Plasma sodium and osmolality will be low and urine osmolalitywill be lower than 20 mmol/L indicating an extra-renal cause ofhyponatraemia.
Potassium handlingA Spurious sampleB AnorexiaC DiarrhoeaD Renal tubular acidosisE Insulin overdoseF Bartter syndromeG FrusemideH Renal failureI ACE inhibitorsA 15-year-old boy presents to accident and emergency with loss ofconsciousness. His blood sugars are found to be extremely low. Blood testsdemonstrate the following:Na 138 (135–145 mmol/L)K 3.0 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 4.2 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Creatinine 74 (60–120 mmol/L)pH 7.48 (7.35–7.45)HCO3 31 (22–28 mmol/L)
E Insulin overdoseInsulin overdose (E) in a diabetic patient will cause a redistributivehypokalaemia and concurrent metabolic alkalosis. Insulin causes a shiftof potassium ions from the extracellular space to the intracellular space,thereby lowering blood potassium levels. Metabolic alkalosis can alsocause a redistributive hypokalaemia; a reduced hydrogen ion concentrationin the blood causes increased intracellular hydrogen ion loss to increaseextracellular levels via Na+/H+ ATPase; potassium ions therefore diffuseintracellularly to maintain the electrochemical potential. Adrenaline andre-feeding syndrome also cause redistributive hypokalaemia.
Potassium handlingA Spurious sampleB AnorexiaC DiarrhoeaD Renal tubular acidosisE Insulin overdoseF Bartter syndromeG FrusemideH Renal failureI ACE inhibitorsA 64-year-old man who is an inpatient on the Care of the Elderly ward is foundto have the following blood results:Na 136 (135–145 mmol/L)K 5.5 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 14.4 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Creatinine 165 (60–120 mmol/L)pH 7.44 (7.35–7.45)HCO3 27 (22–28 mmol/L)
H Renal failureRenal failure (H) can lead to hyperkalaemia secondary to reduceddistalrenal delivery of sodium ions. As a consequence, there isreduced exchange of potassium ions via the Na/K ATPase pump inthe collectingduct, which thereby leads to accumulation of potassiumions in the blood and hence hyperkalaemia. An increase in aldosteronerelease will initially cause a compensatory loss of potassium ions;as renal failure progresses, this homeostatic mechanism will becomedecompensated and hyperkalaemia will result. Renal failure will alsobe reflected in the deranged urea and creatinine levels due to reducedexcretion.
Potassium handlingA Spurious sampleB AnorexiaC DiarrhoeaD Renal tubular acidosisE Insulin overdoseF Bartter syndromeG FrusemideH Renal failureI ACE inhibitorsA 16-day-old baby girl is found to have low blood pressure. Urinary calciumlevels are found to be elevated. Blood tests demonstrate the following results:Na 138 (135–145 mmol/L)K 2.8 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 3.4 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Creatinine 62 (60–120 mmol/L)pH 7.51 (7.35–7.45)HCO3 33 (22–28mmol/L)
F Bartter syndromeBartter syndrome (F) is an autosomal recessive condition due to a defectin the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. It is characterized byhypokalaemia, alkalosis and hypotension. The condition may also leadto increased calcium loss via the urine (hypercalcuria) and the kidneys(nephrocalcinosis). Various genetic defects have been discovered; neonatalBartter syndrome is due to mutations in either the NKCC2 or ROMKgenes. In the associated milder Gitelman syndrome, the potassium transportingdefect is in the distal convoluted tubule of the kidney.
Potassium handlingA Spurious sampleB AnorexiaC DiarrhoeaD Renal tubular acidosisE Insulin overdoseF Bartter syndromeG FrusemideH Renal failureI ACE inhibitorsA 32-year-old man presents to his GP for a check-up. His serum aldosterone isfound to be low. Blood tests reveal the following:Na 140 (135–145 mmol/L)K 5.6 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 5.3 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Creatinine 92 (60–120 mmol/L)pH 7.38 (7.35–7.45)HCO3 24 (22–28 mmol/L)
I ACE inhibitorsACE inhibitors (I) will lead to hyperkalaemia due to reduced potassiumexcretion. ACE inhibitors antagonize the effect of angiotensin convertingenzyme, the enzyme which catalyzes the production of angiotensinII from angiotensin I. A decreased level of angiotensin II reduces theproduction of aldosterone in the adrenal glands, a key hormone causingthe excretion of potassium. Other causes of reduced excretion of potassiuminclude Addison’s disease, renal failure and potassium sparingdiuretics.
Potassium handlingA Spurious sampleB AnorexiaC DiarrhoeaD Renal tubular acidosisE Insulin overdoseF Bartter syndromeG FrusemideH Renal failureI ACE inhibitorsA 68-year-old woman on the Care of the Elderly ward is found to have thefollowing blood results:Na 138 (135–145 mmol/L)K 3.0 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L)Urea 4.2 (3.0–7.0 mmol/L)Creatinine 74 (60–120 mmol/L)pH 7.31 (7.35–7.45)HCO3 28 (22–28 mmol/L)
D Renal tubular acidosisRenal tubular acidosis (D) occurs when there is a defect in hydrogenion secretion into the renal tubules. Potassium secretion into the renaltubules therefore increases to balance sodium reabsorption. This resultsin hypokalaemia with acidosis. Renal tubular acidosis is classifiedaccording to the location of the defect: type 1 (distal tubule), type 2(proximal tubule), type 3 (both distal and proximal tubules). Type 4results from a defect in the adrenal glands and is included in the classificationas it results in a metabolic acidosis and hyperkalaemia.
Acid–base balanceA Metabolic acidosisB Metabolic acidosis withrespiratory compensationC Metabolic alkalosisD Metabolic alkalosis withrespiratory compensationE Respiratory acidosisF Respiratory acidosis withmetabolic compensationG Respiratory alkalosisH Respiratory alkalosis withmetabolic compensationI Mixed metabolic and respiratoryacidosispH 7.31 (7.35–7.45)pO2 7.6 (10.6–13 kPa)pCO2 8.2 (4.7–6.0 kPa)HCO3 26 (22–28 mmol/L)
E Respiratory acidosisRespiratory acidosis (E) is defined by a low pH (acidosis) together witha high pCO2, due to carbon dioxide retention secondary to a pulmonary,neuromuscular or physical causes. There is no metabolic compensationin this case, suggesting this is an acute pathology; a compensatorymetabolic rise in HCO3 from the kidneys can take hours or days.This patient is also hypoxic with a low pO2. Causes of an acute respiratoryacidosis include an acute exacerbation of asthma, foreign bodyobstruction and cardiac arrest.
Acid–base balanceA Metabolic acidosisB Metabolic acidosis withrespiratory compensationC Metabolic alkalosisD Metabolic alkalosis withrespiratory compensationE Respiratory acidosisF Respiratory acidosis withmetabolic compensationG Respiratory alkalosisH Respiratory alkalosis withmetabolic compensationI Mixed metabolic and respiratoryacidosispH 7.36 (7.35–7.45)pO2 14.2 (10.6–13 kPa)pCO2 4.1 (4.7–6.0 kPa)HCO3 14 (22–28 mmol/L)
B Metabolic acidosis withrespiratory compensationMetabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation (B) occurs when pHis low (acidosis) and HCO3 is low with concurrent respiratory compensationby decreasing pCO2. The anion gap can differentiate betweencauses of metabolic acidosis (anion gap = [Na++ K+] – [Cl−+ HCO3−];normal range between 10 and 18 mmol/L). Causes of a raised anion gapcan be remembered by the mnemonic MUDPILES: methanol/metformin,uraemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, paraldehyde, iron, lactate, ethanol andsalicylates. Causes of a normal anion gap include diarrhoea, Addison’sdisease and renal tubular acidosis.
Acid–base balanceA Metabolic acidosisB Metabolic acidosis withrespiratory compensationC Metabolic alkalosisD Metabolic alkalosis withrespiratory compensationE Respiratory acidosisF Respiratory acidosis withmetabolic compensationG Respiratory alkalosisH Respiratory alkalosis withmetabolic compensationI Mixed metabolic and respiratoryacidosispH 7.45 (7.35–7.45)pO2 10.2 (10.6–13 kPa)pCO2 7.2 (4.7–6.0 kPa)HCO3 32 (22–28 mmol/L)
D Metabolic alkalosis withrespiratory compensationMetabolic alkalosis with respiratory compensation (D) occurs when pH ishigh (alkalosis) and HCO3 is high with a compensatory reduction in respiratoryeffort that increases pCO2. As respiratory effort is reduced thereis the possibility of the patient becoming hypoxic. Causes of metabolicalkalosis include vomiting, potassium depletion secondary to diureticuse, burns and sodium bicarbonate ingestion. Respiratory compensationincrease serum CO2 concentration, which reduces pH back towards normal.
Acid–base balanceA Metabolic acidosisB Metabolic acidosis withrespiratory compensationC Metabolic alkalosisD Metabolic alkalosis withrespiratory compensationE Respiratory acidosisF Respiratory acidosis withmetabolic compensationG Respiratory alkalosisH Respiratory alkalosis withmetabolic compensationI Mixed metabolic and respiratoryacidosispH 7.30 (7.35–7.45)pO2 8.2 (10.6–13 kPa)pCO2 7.2 (4.7–6.0 kPa)HCO3 19 (22–28 mmol/L)
I Mixed metabolic and respiratoryacidosisMixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis (I) occurs when there is alow pH and a simultaneous high pCO2 and low HCO3. In the case of amixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis, the metabolic acidosis componentmay be due to conditions such as uraemia, ketones produced asa result of diabetes mellitus or renal tubular acidosis. The respiratoryacidosis component may be due to any cause of respiratory failure.Hence, this mixed picture may occur in a COPD patient with concurrentdiabetes mellitus.
Acid–base balanceA Metabolic acidosisB Metabolic acidosis withrespiratory compensationC Metabolic alkalosisD Metabolic alkalosis withrespiratory compensationE Respiratory acidosisF Respiratory acidosis withmetabolic compensationG Respiratory alkalosisH Respiratory alkalosis withmetabolic compensationI Mixed metabolic and respiratoryacidosispH 7.49 (7.35–7.45)pO2 13.6 (10.6–13 kPa)pCO2 4.1 (4.7–6.0 kPa)HCO3 23 (22–28 mmol/L)
G Respiratory alkalosisRespiratory alkalosis (G) is biochemically defined by a raised pH (alkalosis)and reduced pCO2. As previously mentioned, metabolic compensationcan take hours or days to occur. The primary pathology causingrespiratory alkalosis is hyperventilation which causes increased CO2 to be lost via the lungs. Causes of hyperventilation may be due to centralnervous system disease, for example stroke. Other causes of hyperventilationinclude anxiety (panic attack), pulmonary embolism and drugs(salicylates).
Liver function testsA Alcohol abuseB Gilbert’s syndromeC GallstonesD Dublin–Johnson syndromeE Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseF Crigler–Najjar syndromeG Alcoholic liver diseaseH Paracetamol poisoningI Hepatocellular carcinomaAST 65 (3–35 IU/L)ALT 72 (3–35 IU/L)GGT 82 (11–51 IU/L)ALP 829 (35–51 IU/L)Total bilirubin 234 (3–17 μmol/L)Conjugated bilirubin 63 (1.0–5.1 μmol/L)
C GallstonesGallstones (C) may be composed of cholesterol, bilirubin or mixed innature. The major complication of gallstones is cholestasis, wherebythe flow of bile is blocked from the liver to the duodenum. This resultsin right upper quadrant abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Othercauses of cholestasis include primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosingcholangitis and abdominal masses compressing the biliary tree.Biochemically, cholestasis is defined by rises in GGT and ALP (obstructivepicture) that are greater than the rises in AST and ALT.
Liver function testsA Alcohol abuseB Gilbert’s syndromeC GallstonesD Dublin–Johnson syndromeE Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseF Crigler–Najjar syndromeG Alcoholic liver diseaseH Paracetamol poisoningI Hepatocellular carcinomaAST 32 (3–35 IU/L)ALT 29 (3–35 IU/L)GGT 34 (11–51 IU/L)ALP 53 (35–51 IU/L)Total bilirubin 36 (3–17 μmol/L)Conjugated bilirubin 3.4 (1.0–5.1 μmol/L)
B Gilbert’s syndromeGilbert’s syndrome (B) is an autosomal dominant condition in whichthere is a mutation in the enzyme UDP glucuronosyl transferase whichreduces conjugation of bilirubin in the liver. As a consequence patientsexperience mild, intermittent jaundice. Jaundice in patients withGilbert’s syndrome may be precipitated by infection or starved states.Biochemistry will reveal that all liver function tests are normal apartfrom an isolated raised unconjugated bilirubin level, while conjugatedbilirubin is within the normal range.
Liver function testsA Alcohol abuseB Gilbert’s syndromeC GallstonesD Dublin–Johnson syndromeE Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseF Crigler–Najjar syndromeG Alcoholic liver diseaseH Paracetamol poisoningI Hepatocellular carcinomaAST 1259 (3–35 IU/L)ALT 1563 (3–35 IU/L)GGT 73 (11–51 IU/L)ALP 46 (35–51 IU/L)Total bilirubin 15.2 (3–17 μmol/L)Conjugated bilirubin 4.2 (1.0–5.1 μmol/L)
E Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD; E) is due to fatty depositsin the liver (steatosis), but where the underlying cause is not due toalcohol. In such circumstances, aetiological factors include obesity,diabetes, parenteral feeding and inherited metabolic disorders (glycogenstorage disease type 1). NAFLD may present with right upper quadrantpain or may be asymptomatic. Liver function tests will reveal raisedAST and ALT levels (AST:ALT ratio
Liver function testsA Alcohol abuseB Gilbert’s syndromeC GallstonesD Dublin–Johnson syndromeE Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseF Crigler–Najjar syndromeG Alcoholic liver diseaseH Paracetamol poisoningI Hepatocellular carcinomaAST 2321 (3–35 IU/L)ALT 2562 (3–35 IU/L)GGT 62 (11–51 IU/L)ALP 182 (35–51 IU/L)Total bilirubin 14 (3–17 μmol/L)Conjugated bilirubin 3.4 (1.0–5.1 μmol/L)
H Paracetamol poisoningParacetamol poisoning (H) is a common cause of acute liver failure. Theclinical features of acute liver failure reflect the diminished syntheticand metabolic functioning of the liver. Characteristics include reducedblood sugar level, metabolic acidosis, increased tendency to bleed andhepatic encephalopathy. Biochemical tests will reveal AST and ALT levelsgreater than 1000 IU/L. AST and ALT levels will be greater than GGTand ALP levels, reflecting the hepatic rather than obstructive picture ofthe pathology.
Liver function testsA Alcohol abuseB Gilbert’s syndromeC GallstonesD Dublin–Johnson syndromeE Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseF Crigler–Najjar syndromeG Alcoholic liver diseaseH Paracetamol poisoningI Hepatocellular carcinomaAST 34 (3–35 IU/L)ALT 32 (3–35 IU/L)GGT 134 (11–51 IU/L)ALP 123 (35–51 IU/L)Total bilirubin (3–17 μmol/L)Conjugated bilirubin (1.0–5.1 μmol/L)
A Alcohol abuseAlcohol abuse (A) can lead to deranged liver function tests. In theabsence of underlying liver disease, biochemical investigation maydemonstrate an isolated rise in GGT. There may also be mild elevationsin AST and ALT, reflecting mild hepatic damage. Haematology resultswill show a macrocytic picture due to toxic effects of alcohol on thebone marrow. Isolated raised GGT levels may also occur due to theconsumption of enzyme-inducing drugs such as phenytoin, carbamazepineand phenobarbitone.
Endocrine chemical pathologyA ProlactinomaB Grave’s diseaseC Addison’s diseaseD Schmidst’s syndromeE AcromegalyF Conn’s syndromeG Kallman’s syndromeH Secondary hypoaldosteronismI De Quervain’s thyroiditisA 38-year-old woman is referred by her GP to the Endocrine Clinic for furthertests after experiencing fatigue and orthostatic hypotension. After a positiveshort synACTHen test, a long synACTHen test reveals a cortisol of 750 nmol/Lafter 24 hours.
C Addison’s diseaseAddison’s disease (C) is caused by primary adrenal insufficiency resultingin a reduced production of cortisol and aldosterone. It is diagnosedusing the synACTHen test. In the short synACTHen test, baselineplasma cortisol is measured at 0 minutes, the patient is given 250 μg ofsynthetic ACTH at 30 minutes and plasma cortisol is rechecked at 60minutes; if the final plasma cortisol is
Endocrine chemical pathologyA ProlactinomaB Grave’s diseaseC Addison’s diseaseD Schmidst’s syndromeE AcromegalyF Conn’s syndromeG Kallman’s syndromeH Secondary hypoaldosteronismI De Quervain’s thyroiditisA 48-year-old man visits his GP complaining of muscle pain and weakness.He is found to have raised blood pressure. Blood tests reveal Na 149 (135–145 mmol/L) and K 3.1 (3.5–5.0 mmol/L).
F Conn’s syndromeConn’s syndrome (F) is defined as primary hyperaldosteronism secondaryto an aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma. As a result of thehigh aldosterone levels produced there will be an increased excretionof potassium and reabsorption of sodium, leading to hypokalaemia andhypernatraemia. The increased delivery of sodium to the juxtaglomerularapparatus causes renin levels to be reduced. Plasma aldosteronewill either be raised or inappropriately normal (as ACTH is suppressed,aldosterone should physiologically be reduced).
Endocrine chemical pathologyA ProlactinomaB Grave’s diseaseC Addison’s diseaseD Schmidst’s syndromeE AcromegalyF Conn’s syndromeG Kallman’s syndromeH Secondary hypoaldosteronismI De Quervain’s thyroiditisA 39-year-old woman sees an endocrinologist due to recent onsetgalactorrhoea. She denies recent child birth. Thyroid function tests are found tobe normal.
A ProlactinomaA prolactinoma (A) is a prolactin-producing tumour and is the mostprevalent pituitary tumour. Prolactinomas are classified according tosize: microprolactinoma 10 mm diameter. The clinical consequences of prolactinoma are dividedinto, first, those that occur as a result of increased prolactin productionand, second, effects due to the mass effect of the tumour. Hormonaleffects of prolactin include amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea and gynaecomastiain males. Mass effects of the tumour can lead to compression ofpituitary cells producing other hormones such as thyroid stimulatinghormone, growth hormone and ACTH.
Endocrine chemical pathologyA ProlactinomaB Grave’s diseaseC Addison’s diseaseD Schmidst’s syndromeE AcromegalyF Conn’s syndromeG Kallman’s syndromeH Secondary hypoaldosteronismI De Quervain’s thyroiditisA 46-year-old man is seen by his GP after experiencing tremors, heatintolerance and weight loss. His wife complained that his eyes were bulging.Blood tests reveal T3 (1.2–3.0 nmol/L), T4 (70–140 nmol/L), TSH (0.5–5.7 mIU/L).
B Grave’s diseaseGrave’s disease (B) is an autoimmune condition resulting in the productionof TSH-receptor antibodies, leading to elevated levels of T3 and T4.TSH levels will therefore be suppressed as a result of negative feedback.Clinical features will include exophthalmos, pretibial myxoedema,diffuse thyroid enlargement as well as other systemic features of hyperthyroiditis(tremor, excess sweating, heat intolerance and unintentionalweight loss). There is a strong association with other autoimmune conditionssuch as vitiligo and type 1 diabetes mellitus.