What is cumulative incidence?
The proportion of the ‘at risk’ population that becomes diseased over a specific time period.
Types of surveillance
Active surveillance - where by a member of PHE health protection team contacts healthcare providers to seek information about certain conditions
Passive surveillance - a designated body received reports of infectious disease or illness submitted from hospitals, GP surgeries and public health units.
What is the p-value?
How likely the results in the study would have occured by chance if the null hypothesis was true
How would you assess publication bias?
Funnel plot
How would you calculate Odd’s ratio?
Forest plot interpretation
Lines - 95% Confidence Interals
Squares - Odd’s ratios
Size of square - weight of the study
Diamond - pooled estimate
Dotted line from centre of the diamond - pooled odd’s ratios
Width of diamond - pooled 95% Confident intervals
Solid line - null hypothesis