HACCP Flashcards
What is the CCP?
Specific point in production where it is possible to prevent, eliminate or reduce hazards
What is the role of HACCP?
Prevent consumer harm by identifying, evaluating and controlling hazards
What does PRP stand for?
Prerequisite programmes
What are PRPs?
Measures that provide environmental and operating conditions for safe food
What are some examples of PRPs?
Staff training
Personal hygiene
Repairs and maintenance
What are the 7 preparation stages of producing a HACCP plan?
Senior management commitment
Define terms of reference
Select team
Describe product and process
Identify use of product
Construct process flow diagram
Confirm flow diagram
What are the 7 stages of HACCP?
Hazard analysis
Determine CCPs
Establish critical limit for CCPs
Monitor CCPs
Corrective action plan
Validation, verification, review
What does PIGS stand for?
Presence of hazard
Introduction of hazard
Growth of microbe
Survival of hazards
What is the HACCP scoring system?
Significance of hazard multiplied by severity and likelihood of hazard (1-3)
What is critical limit?
Value which makes a product safe (temperature, time, pH)
What is the action plan for in HACCP?
If monitoring shows a failure in CCPs
What should an action plan include?
Who is responsible
Stop product production
Isolating product
Actions for next batch