Habits And Obsessions Flashcards
Filthy smoking habit
Asqueroso , sucio
Stub out
App agar cigarro
Wife to Tom cruise
Esposa de
To become totally obsessed with
There is more in life than football
Hay más que el futbol en la vida
We’re going to watch Manchester United play Real Madrid
Vamos a ver el Manchester contra el Madrid
Committed ( de commit)
Comprometido , y tambien, cometer
Decaffeinated coffee /di’kafineitid
Compulsive shopper, shopping addict
Compradora compulsiva
Taquiner, annoy
Adicto al trabajo
Granate, rojo oscuro
Crave chocolate
Tener antojo de
Wish followed by the past simple expresses a regret about the present
I wish I, he, she were thin /with me
Wish followed by would is used for a present or future wish(it expresses regret, dissatisfaction, impatience or irritation , you don’t use it for yourself)
I just wish he would talk to me
Wish followed by the past perfect is used for wishes or regrets about the past
I wish I hadn’t accepted the job/
I wish I had never accepted the job
If only…
If only I had more power
Hope is used for wishes that seem possible in the future
I hope to go to university
I hope that he’ll come back soon
If only he would ring me, I can’t wait to hear from him
Si me llamara…
Drop out of school
Salirse del colegio