Families Flashcards
A fitting shirt
Camisa ajustada
This stands for
Esto significa, quiere decir…
To slim
Overcome the difficulties
Superar las dificultades
Someone tofi
Someone who seems to be thin , but isn’t
Clean cut
Un hombre acicalado, pulcro
String of pearls
Collar de perlas
I enjoy dancing
Summary, synopsis /si’nopsis
Bracing,invigorating / in’vigereitin
Tonificante, estimulante
Statistics /st “e” al revés ‘tistics/
More one-parent families
Más familias monoparentales
Fewer births
Menos nacimientos
Young people less inclined to marry
La gente joven menos inclinada a casarse
Higher divorce rate
Tasa , indice, de divorcio más alto
Women more interested in a career
Mujeres más interesadas en carreras
Grandparents have a caring role
Rol de cuidados
Mum multi-tasking
Multi tareas
Dad taking child to school, juggling work and fatherhood
Alternando trabajo con paternidad
An extended family
A family that includes near relatives in addition to the nuclear family (aunts, )
A family that only includes mother, father and children
Traditional family
Parents are married
Unconventional family
Not a traditional one ( father stays at home while wife goes out for work, parents who are not married, family with only one parent in the home)
A shoulder to cry on
Give support to someone
Bored to tears
Be very bored
Laugh one’s head off
I laughed my head off
Couldn’t stop laughing
Make a move (informal)
It’s late, the children have to go to bed, we have to make a move
Leave, Salir
Sink or swim
It could go either way for her at university, she might do well or just give it all up
O hundirse o salir adelante
To feel under the weather
To feel unwell
Indispuesto, ill, sick, not healthy
Turn a blind eye
My neighbour behaved pretty badly at the party but I pretended not to notice
Be at loose end
Estar al borde de los nervios