Habit 3 Flashcards
What is Habit 3?
Put First Things First. It’s the habit of personal management. It’s how we put your personal mission into practice.
Common Paradigm: I spend my time…
I spend my time on what’s most urgent.
Highly Effective Paradigm: I spend my time…
I spend my time on what’s most important.
Habit 3 Practice: Focus on…
Focus on your highest priorities.
Habit 3 Practice: Plan every…
Plan every week.
What is Quadrant 1?
The Quadrant of Necessity. Highly Important and Urgent.
What are Q1 Insights and results?
Unavoidable, but Q2 can help prevent urgencies. Staying in Q1 too long us unhealthy. It’s easy to stay in Q1 because there’s usually a public reward for fixing a crisis.
What is Quadrant 3?
The Quadrant of Distraction. Not important but urgent.
What are some Q1 Insights and results?
This is the quadrant you can borrow time from. Much of Q3 is important not to us, but to other people. Practice Habit 1 when you find yourself pulled into Q3.
What is Quadrant 4?
The Quadrant of Waste. Not important nor urgent.
What are some Q4 Insights and results?
People who live in Q1 and Q3 often escape to Q4, which isn’t renewing. It’s the excessive use of these activities that makes them not renewing.
What is Quadrant 2?
The Quadrant of Effectiveness. Highly important but not urgent.
What are some Q2 Insights and results?
This is the quadrant of effective living, a proactive place. You get her by choice. Time in this quadrant generates the best results for your work and personal life.
What is Step 1 of Weekly Planning? Connect…
Connect with your mission and roles.
What is Step 2 of Weekly Planning? Schedule…
Schedule your big rocks.
What is Step 3 of Weekly Planning? Organize…
Organize the rest.
What are some tips (4) for Weekly Planning? Plan before…Weekly Planning is…Plan in…Choose…
Plan before the week begins. Weekly planning is a Big Rock. Plan in a quiet place. Choose Big Rocks that will help you accomplish your mission.