110, 206, 209
What is HA/DR?
Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief
Describe how the following Intelligence disciplines play a role in HA/DR: HUMINT
Imagery Intelligence: Used to find landing areas, refugees, structural damage, large personnel and equipment movement, and supply lines
Describe how the following Intelligence disciplines play a role in HA/DR: IMINT
Imagery Intelligence: Used to find landing areas, refugees, structural damage, large personnel and equipment movement, and supply lines
Describe how the following Intelligence disciplines play a role in HA/DR: OSINT
Open Source Intelligence: Used in all HA/DR operations (news, newspaper, word of mouth, internet
Which shipboard assets can CVN70 provide?
electricity, water medical, food, communication, safety, clothing
Purpose of METOC in supporting HA/DR
reports weather wave height, ocean current
Define the purpose of the following in HA/DR: OPT
Operational Planning Team
Define the purpose of the following in HA/DR: CLF
Commander Landing Force
Define the purpose of the following in HA/DR: CATF
Commander Amphibious Task Force
Define the purpose of the following in HA/DR: BWC Watch
Battle Watch Captain: Stands watch in TFCC, commanders direct representative for current operations
Anti-submarine Warfare
Surface Warfare
Air Warfare
Information Warfare
Strike Warfare
Naval Special Warfare
Direct Support Assets (DIRSUP)
Allow Commanders to meet quick reaction mission requirements to support deployed needs. The inability to deploy a DIRSUP suite within 48 hours is an authorized CASREP.
Psycological Operations. Planned operations to convey selected truthful information to influence emotions, motives, and behavior of their governments, groups, and individuals.
Computer Network Operations. Used to attack, deceive, degrade electronic information.
CNA (Computer Network Attack)
CND (Computer Network Defense)
CNE (Computer Network Exploitation)
Military Deception. Deliberate misleading of adversary decision makers
Operations Security. ID critical information and analyze friendly actions
Electronic Warfare. Uses electromagnetic and direct energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the sdversary.
EA (Electronic Attack)
EP (Electronic Protect)
ES (Electronic Support)
US Code Title 10
Outlines the role of Armed Forces
US Code Title 50
Outlines the role of war and national defense within the US Code