Explain why Intelligence Oversight was established
The need for a Department of Defense (DoD) Intelligence Oversight (IO) program came about as a result of certain activities conducted by DoD intelligence and counter-intelligence units against U.S. persons involved in the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements. During the 1960s and 1970s, the United States experienced significant civil demonstrations from protesters associated with these movements. Some of these demonstrations were believed to be beyond the ability of civilian authorities to control, and military forces were used to assist in the restoration of order. Units deploying for this purpose discovered they needed basic pre-deployment intelligence to perform their missions. The Army, designated as executive agent for providing aid to civilian authorities, requested assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). When the FBI was unable to provide the information needed, the Army began collecting it. Over time, this collection mushroomed and led to abuse of the Constitutional rights of our citizens. Eventually, DoD intelligence personnel were using inappropriate clandestine and intrusive means to collect information on the legitimate political positions and expressions of U.S. persons, accumulating that information in a nationwide data bank, and sharing that information with law enforcement authorities.
Describe the purpose of USSID SP0009
Exception to disseminate SIGINT on host nation
Describe the purpose of USSID SP0018
Exception to disseminate SIGINT in reference to a US Person
Define and discuss the functions of SSES
Where specially detached enlisted cryptologic personnel from NAVSECGRU monitor SIGINT and ELINT emanations. Exploited SIGINT is passed along to pertinent users in the battle group for use in support of operations
Define and discuss the functions of SUPPLOT
The function of SUPPLOT is to gather indications and warning (I&W) information and pass it quickly to the pertinent warfare commander(s). SUPPLOT serves as a focal point and fusion center for all-source operational intelligence information
Define and discuss the functions of CVIC
CVIC must be responsive to the air wing, ship, and embarked staff(s). This involves a great deal of coordination with other functional areas. two major functional groups; Mission Planning (MP) and Multi Sensor Interpretation (MSI).
Analysis of foreign signals to recover parameters and/or intelligence from said signals.
Analysis of foreign ciphers to recover intelligence from the ciphered information.
Analysis of foreign communications frequency usage and sent traffic to determine operational trends and recover network construction.
Multi-source, multi-intelligence analysis to provide operational commanders and decision makers accurate Indications and Warning (I&W) information, tailored product reports, and to help refine further analysis in response to customer demands.
Discuss RASIN Manua
RAdio SIgnals Notation (RASIN)Manual
A technical document used in the exploitation of signals of interest. Contains external and internal parameter information and standardizes the classification of signals.
Discuss USSID
United States Signals Intelligence Directives.(USSID)
Directive documents for conducting and reporting on the performance of Signals Intelligence.
Describe LOS communication
Line Of Sight (LOS) Communications require that the transmitter and receiver must be within the Radio Horizon of one another for effective communication.
Define the Doppler Effect
The Change in frequency (phase shift) of a signal based on the movement of the transmitter as compared to the receiver.
Define Sampling and how it relates to Signals Collection
A signal which is analog (continuous time) in nature can be converted to a digital (discrete time) signal. (Known as ADC - Analog to Digital Conversion).
Explain Direction Finding and Geo-Location
Providing the rough location for a signal transmitter by calculating the Time Difference Of Arrival (TDOA) or the Frequency Difference Of Arrival (FDOA) at multiple receivers at different geographic locations to triangulate the emitters position.
Discuss the three dimensions that make up an Information Environment.
- Individuals
- Organizations
- Systems
What are the two types of warfare planning.
- deliberate-planning
* crisis action planning
What is COG?
center of gravity — The source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act.
What is DP?
decisive point — A geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function that, when acted upon, allows commanders to gain a marked advantage over an adversary or contribute materially to achieving success.
What are the six phases of the Joint targeting cycle?
- Commander’s Objectives
- Target Development and Prioritization
- Capabilities Analysis
- Commander’s Decision and Force Assignment
- Mission Planning and Force Execution
- Assessment
What is a SOFTKILL?
• Making a target non-capable through mean that leave no physical damage. An example would be a Denial of Service attack versus a computer.
What is a HARDKILL?
• Is making a target non-capable physically, typically through whole or partial destruction. An example would a 500 pound bomb strike from an FA-18E.
24) What are the indicators for each message precedence:
- Routine- “R”
- Priority-“P”
- Immediate-“O”
- Flash-“ZZ”
- Flash Overide-“WW”