H7 - Roof Adjustments Flashcards
Major common
1/2 thickness of ridge
Square/plumb cut
Common overhang
Full fascia
Major ridge
+ thickness of the common at each end q
Square cut
Major hip
1/2 45 degree thickness of common (1 1/16)
Double cheek
Hip overhang
Full 45 degree of fascia
Double cheek
Major 1st hip jack
1/2 45 degree of hip
Single cheek
Supporting valley
1/2 45 degree of ridge
Single cheek
Minor common
1/2 thickness of ridge
Square plumb
Minor hip
1/2 45 degree thickness of common
Supported valley
1/2 thickness of valley square plumb
Minor ridge
Equal to jog
Minor 1st hip jack
1/2 45 degree of hip
Single cheek
Shortest major valley jack
1/2 of ridge
1/2 of 45 degree valley
Single cheek
Shortest valley valley cripple
1/2 45 degree of valley at each end
Single cheek
Hip valley cripple
1/2 45 degree of hip
1/2 45 degree of valley
Single cheek
Short minor valley jack
1/2 of ridge, 1/2 45 of valley
Single cheek cut
Longest minor valley jack
1/2 of ridge, 1/2 45 degree of valley