H&S Culture & Climate Flashcards
What is the definition of Health & Safety Culture?
H&S culture is an attitude to safety which pervades the whole organisation from top to bottom and has become a norm of behavior for every member of staff from the board of directors down to the newest juniors.
What are the three aspects of Health & Safety culture and climate? as determined by Cooper (2000)
- How people feel, their attitudes and perceptions
- What people do
- What the organisation has; Policies, Procedures etc.
What is the impact of organisational cultural factors on the behavior of the following people/areas?
Managers & Supervisors Work Colleagues Training Job Design Work Equipment
If they appear to condone poor behavior then it is likely to go unchecked. Does safe behavior rank below productivity? Do they show commitment to safety & lead by example? Do they commit sufficient resources to H&S?
The way that colleagues behave will probably have an influence on others. What is their attitude to risk-taking?
Not being trained in correct procedures and use of equipment can affect H&S. Does the organisation see training as a priority? Is the training appropriate?
Job design may be done in a way that makes safe behavior difficult. How much consideration has been given to the layout of the job and the needs of the individual?
If this is not kept in good order or is unavailable, it may affect H&S. What is the organisations attitude to equipment maintenance?
List the factors associated with good safety performance.
Effective Communication
Between, and within, levels of the organisation, and comprehensive formal and informal communication
Learning Organisation
The organisation continually improves its own methods and learns from mistakes
H&S Focus
A strong focus by everyone in the organisation on H&S
Committed Resources
Time, money and staff devoted to H&S showing strong evidence of commitment
Staff at different levels in the organisation identify hazards, suggest control measures, provide feedback and feel that they ‘own’ safety procedures.
Management Visibility
Senior Managers show commitment and are visible on the ‘Shop floor’
Balance of Productivity & Safety
The need for production is properly balanced against H&S so that the latter is not ignored
High Quality Training
Training is properly managed, the content is well chosen and the quality is high. Counting the hours spent on training is not enough.
Job Satisfaction
Confidence, trust and recognition of good safety performance
Workforce Composition
A significant proportion of older, more experienced and socially stable workers. This group tends to have fewer accidents, and lower absenteeism and turnover.
List the indicators of a Safety Culture within an organisation
Housekeeping Warning Notices throughout the premises The wearing of PPE Quality of Risk Assessments Good or bad staff relationships Accident/Ill-Health Statistics Statements made by Employees
List some of the Safety Climate Assessment Tools
Organisational Commitment H&S Behaviors H&S Trust Usability of Procedures Engagement in H&S Peer-Group Attitude Resources for H&S Accidents & Near-Miss Reporting
List the tools available to measure H&S culture and climate
Safety Climate Assessment Tools
Perception or Attitude Surveys
Findings of Incident Investigations
Effectiveness of Communication
Evidence of Commitment by Personnel at all levels