Gynecology Flashcards
Day 1 of the menstrual cycle is slated by the onset of _____?
Days 1-14 of the menstrual cycle are described as which phase?
Day 14 is typically the day of ________?
Days 14-30 of the menstrual cycle are described as which phase?
GnRH from the hypothalamus stimulate which organ?
Anterior pituitary
The anterior pituitary, once stimulated by GnRH, secretes ____ and _____?
FSH and LH
LH is responsible for which stimulating production of which hormone(s)?
Androgens and progesterone
LH stimulates what process?
FSH is responsible for stimulating production of which hormone(s)?
Estrogen (E2) “Estradiol”
What are signs of Estrogen excess?
- dysmenorrhea
- menorrhagia
- nausea
- edema
- enlarged uterus/fibroids
- fibrocystic breast changes
What are signs of Estrogen deficiency?
Scant menses and mid-cycle spotting
What are signs of progesterone excess?
- Edema
- Bloating
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Varicose veins
“Things you would expect in a pregnant woman”
What are signs of progesterone deficiency?
- Endometriosis
- Adenomyosis
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Prolonged/heavy menses
- Severe cramps
- Luteal spotting and BTB (breakthrough bleeding)
How many days are in a “normal” menstrual cycle?
21-35 days
Define amenorrhea
absence/abnormal cessation of menses for more than 3mo
Define oligomenorrhea
scant menses; periods occur >35 days apart
Define polymenorrhea
menses of increased frequency; periods occur <21 days apart
Define menorrhagia
AKA Hypermenorrhea; prolonged or profuse menses (>7days or 80cc)
Define metrorrhagia
any irregular uterine bleeding between cycles; spotting out of cycle
Define menometrorrhagia
both profuse bleeding during menstruation and between periods
Define dysmenorrhea
painful menses
Define mittelschmertz
pain with ovulation; “middle of month pain”
- typically unilateral, front or back
Define contact bleeding
cervix bleeding from tip of condom/penis/manual physical exam
What would contact bleeding indicate?
Cervical cancer, cervicitis (CT/Gon), period starting
What is dyspareunia?
Painful intercourse
Why could there be pain with entry at introitus (vaginal opening)?
- vaginismus mm. contractions
- infection, sores, low Estrogen
Why could there be pain with sexual friction?
- infection
- low estrogen
Why could there be pain with deep penetration?
- Pelvic pathology
- Cervix/uterus/adnexal inflammation
Which hormone is responsible for reducing vaginal pH and increasing cervical pH?
- low vag pH to prevent infection
- high cx mucous pH to welcome sperm
Which hormone is responsible for vaginal cornification?
Which hormone and contraceptives is/are responsible for decreasing cervical pH?
- Progesterone OCP, IUD, Prog injection
T/F: Hypothyroid disease often presents with hypermenorrhea (menorrhagia)
What is primary amenorrhea?
No secondary sex characteristics by age 14; no menses by age 16
What are potential causes for primary amenorrhea?
CNS hypothalamic disorder, hymen blockage, eating disorder, hypoglycemia, thyroid condition
What is secondary amenorrhea?
no menses for 3 cycles OR 6 months (whichever sooner), in a woman with previous menses
What are potential causes of secondary amenorrhea?
PREGNANCY, weight changes, stress/depression, thyroid conditions, PCOS, increased prolactin, early menopause, medications
Hypoestrogenic amenorrhea puts women at a higher risk for developing which condition?
osteoporosis d/t bone mineral density loss;
- also at risk for dyslipidemia, DM, breast cancer
Which initial labs are important to order for amenorrhea evaluation?
- also r/o estrogen deficiency
When does exercise induced amenorrhea occur?
Body fat goes below 15-19%, BMI<18;
- usually not just d/t exercise alone- nutrition is often a factor
What initial labs should you order if you suspect premature ovarian failure?
FSH, LH and E2 (rule out Estrogen deficiency)
What age category would you consider for premature ovarian failure?
<40 y.o.
What are the criteria for Dx of PCOS?
1- oligomenorrhea
2- hyperandrogenism
3- exclusion of other known disorders
**polycystic ovaries not required
What are S/Sx of PCOS?
hirsutism, anovulation, + FGT, +2hr PPGT, +insulin, increased free Testosterone,
What is the proper management of PCOS?
Meds - Progesterone, Spironolactone, Metformin
Supplements - soy/flax, saw palmetto, green tea
Other - High PRO/Low CHO diet
What are common causes of menorrhagia?
pregnancy (r/o placenta prev.), infection, IUD, fibroids/polyps, Hypothyroid, blood disorder, neoplasms
What does a workup of menorrhagia consist of?
urine pregnancy -> STI screen -> endocrine workup -> PAP -> U/S -> biopsy
What are the S/Sx of cervicitis?
- Chronic:* thick yellow d/c w. no bacterial etiology
* Acute:* (STI- NG, CT, trick), acute trauma, polyps and cancer
How do you diagnose cervicitis?
Pap smear and/or biopsy
What is adenomyosis? What are some sx?
Endometrial glands + stroma grow into the uterine wall, creating a spongelike effect;
Sx: associated w/ heavy, painful periods & uterine enlargement.
What is Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)?
Anovulatory cycles and endometrium overgrowth
How do you diagnose DUB?
Dx of exclusion w/ irregular menstrual intervals
What are treatment options for DUB?
- Stabilize estrogen via: diet, exercise, GnRH agonist- Lupron
- Anti-inflammatory via NSAIDs
- Limit endometrial overgrowth via Progesterone in any form (cream, pill, IUD)
- Dilatation and Curretage
- Endometrial ablation
- Historectomy
What is the most common solid tumor in women?
Uterine fibroids AKA Leiomyomata, Leiomyoma, Fibromyoma, Myoma
What makes uterine fibroid removal/surgery controversial?
They are 1% malignant (leosarcoma) and the process may lead to a spread
T/F: Nulliparous women have increased risk of uterine fibroid.
What are Sx of uterine fibroids?
50-80% are asymptomatic
- UF are the MC cause of abnormal uterine bleeding
- Pain is NOT typical
- Urinary abnormalities
- “Pressure”, bloating, heaviness
How do you dx uterine fibroids?
Pelvic ultrasound, however it is not definitive
When would surgery be an option for uterine fibroids?
- Bleeding causes severe anemia
- Unmanageable bleeding
- Severe dysmenorrhea
- Pelvic pain
- Urinary tract compression- pt tolerant level and kidney function compromised
- Infertility
- Rapid growth
- Affects adnexal evaluation
What is endometrial hyperplasia?
Overgrowth of endometrial cells in the endometrium.
What are sx of endometrial hyperplasia?
- abnormal bleeding
- postmenopausal bleeding
How do you dx endometrial hyperplasia?
- Pelvic US Endometrial stripe
- Endometrial biopsy
- D&C
- Hysterectoscopy
What are treatment options for endometrial hyperplasia?
Progesterone, dietary changes, exercise, possible D&C, ablation, hysterectomy
What is a dangerous warning sign for endometrial cancer?
Postmenopausal bleeding, postmenopausal pap with abnormal cells, premenopausal inter menstrual bleeding
What is the difference between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea?
Primary - no underlying pelvic pathology (dx of exclusion)
Secondary - there IS underlying pathology
What are sx of primary dysmenorrhea?
Abdominal/pelvic/Low back pain that begins with onset of menses and lasts 8-72hrs, headache, diarrhea, N/V
What are common/possible etiologies for secondary dysmenorrhea?
Ovarian disorders (Endometrioma, cysts/neoplasm) Uterine disorders (Fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, PID, IUD)
What are sx of secondary dysmenorrhea?
- Onset after painless menstrual cycles in past
- Pain during times other than menses
- Infertility
- Heavy flow
What are the labs to R/O secondary amenorrhea?
- Cervical culture, hCG, CBC/UA/ESR
What is the prostaglandin theory?
LH & Progesterone increases the release of local Pgs, the endometrium increases prostaglandin production as a response to progesterone withdrawal
What is the required timeframe to dx chronic pelvic pain (CPP)?
6 months
What is endometriosis?
Presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterus
What is the clinical presentation fora woman with endometriosis?
- Pelvic pain @ ovulation, before/during menses
- dyspareunia
- infertility
- LB/leg pain
- severe dysmenorrhea
- irregular or heavy menses
How do you dx endometriosis?
laparoscopy is gold standard
- appearance of blue-grey powder burned lesions
How do you treat endometriosis?
- Analgesics
- Endocrine therapy
- Surgery