Gynecology Flashcards
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)
Overarching term for disturbed menstrual bleeding, which includes bleeding that is abnormally heavy or abnormal in timing
Primary Ammenorrhea
Failure to menstruate by 15-16 years of age in someone with secondary sexual characteristics
Secondary Ammenorrhea
Absence of periods for a 6/12 period in a woman who has previously had menstrual periods
Delayed Puberty
Failure to menstruate by 13-14 years of age in someone without secondary sexual characteristics
Intermenstrual Bleeding
Bleeding episodes between normally timed menstrual periods that are either random or follow a cyclical pattern
Irregular Menstrual Bleeding
Range of varying lengths of bleeding-free intervals >17 days within one 90-day reference period
Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding
Prolonged menstrual bleeding for greater than or equal to 10 days in 1 episode
Acute AUB (abnormal uterine bleeding)
Episode of heavy bleeding that, in the clinician’s opinion, is sufficiently heavy to require immediate treatment to prevent further blood loss
Chronic AUB (abnormal uterine bleeding)
Bleeding from the uterine corpus that is abnormal in volume, duration and/or frequency and has been present for most of the past 6 months
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Excessive menstrual blood loss that interferes with a woman’s physical, emotional, social and material quality of life, occurring alone or with other symptoms
NOTE this definition includes menstrual bleeding deemed excessive by the patient regardless of its regularity, frequency or duration
Infrequent Menstrual Bleeding
One or two episodes in a 90 day period
Pelvic pain during menstruation
Painful sexual intercourse.
Deep dyspareunia - pain with intercourse deep in the vagina or pelvis.
Superficial dyspareunia - pain with intercourse at the introitus, vulva or lower vagina
Cervical Excitation
Pain felt by the woman when her cervix is moved during vaginal examination, typically from free blood in the peritoneal cavity
Cervical Ectropion
Endocervical columnar epithelium protrudes through the external os of the cervix and onto the vaginal portion of the cervix