Gynecology Flashcards
What is primary amenorrhea?
the absense of menses by age 13 without pubertal development
the absence of menses by age 15 regardless of pubertal development
What is secondary amenorrhea?
the absense of menses for 3 months with previously regular cycles
the absense of menses for 6 months with previously irregular cycles
What is the MCC of secondary amenorrhea?
What is the suspected etiology of amenorrhea in a patient with an elevated prolactin?
get a brain MRI
What is the suspected etiology of amenorrhea in a patient with low FSH?
HPA failure
pubertal delay (athletes, anorexia)
What is the suspected etiology in a patient with high FSH?
Ovarian causes
(premature ovarian failure, turners syndrome)
How do you treat amenorrhea?
Treat the underlying cause
* No desire to be pregnant: OCPs
* Desires pregnancy: cyclic progesterone
What is abnormal/dysfunctional uterine bleeding?
Unexplained, abnormal bleeding in a non-pregnant women
MC > 40 years old
What are common causes of AUB?
* Polyp
* Adenomyosis
* Leiomyoma
* Malignancy & hyperplasia
* Coagulopathy
* Ovarian dysfunction
* Endometrial
* Iatrogenis (IUDs)
* Not otherwise classified
MCC: anovulatory
What labs should be ordered for AUB?
CBC, TSH, iron studies, PT/PTT, progesterone, prolactin, FSH
What testing should be done for AUB?
- Initial: TVUS
- Gold standard: D&C
- R/o CA: endometrial bx
How do you treat AUB?
- Levonorgestrel-releasing IUD: most effective longterm tx
- NSAIDs/tranexamic acid: unable/unwilling to use hormonal therapy
- Definitive: hysterectomy
- Acute hemorrhage: high-dose IV estrogen, COCs or oral progestins
What is dysmenorrhea?
Painful menstruation that affects normal activities
What is primary dysmenorrhea?
painful menses that begins within 12 months of menarche due to increased prostaglandins
What is secondary dysmenorrhea?
- Painful menses due to another disorder
- MCC: PID & endometriosis
- MC in 20-30 year olds
What are symptoms of dysmenorrhea?
Recurrent, crampy midline lower abdominal pain or pelvic pain 1-2 days before or at the onset of menses & gradually decreases over 12-72 hours
HA, N/V/D, fatigue, malaise
How is dysmenorrhea diagnosed?
TVUS helpful
How is dysmenorrhea treated?
- NSAIDs: started prior to pain onset and taken for 2-3 days
- Combined OCPs
- Laproscopy: indicated if unresponsive to 3 cycles of inital treatment to rule out secondary causes
What is first line treatment for vasomotor symptoms of menopause?
* No uterus: estrogen only
* Uterus present: estrogen + progestin
What is second line for vasomotor symptoms of menopause?
* Paroxetine
* Escitalopram
* Venlafaxine
How do you treat osteoperosis in menopause?
- Calcium & vitamin D supplements
- Bisphosphonates (alendronate)
- DEXA scan at 65 and every 2 years
- SERMs (Raloxifene): alterntative to estrogen replacement in menopausal women at risk of osteoporosis
How do you treat vaginal dryness?
- Topical vaginal estrogens
- Vaginal mositurizers
- Lubricant
How do you treat stress incontience?
- Kegal exercises
- Estrogen replacement (if due to menopause)
- Sling procedure
How do you treat urge incontinence?
- Bladder training, kegals
- Mirabegron (Beta-3 agonist, least sx)
- Oxybutyin (antimuscurinic)
What is premensutral syndrome?
recurrent physical and emotional symptoms that develop during the 5 days before the onset of menses and subside within 4 days after menstruation begins
What is premenstural dysphoric disorder?
Severe PMS with functional impairment when anger, irritablity and internal tension are prominent
What are symptoms of PMS and PMDD?
Bloating, weight gain, constipation, anxiety, breast tenderness, depression, cravings, irritablity, mood swings, anger
How is PMDD diagnosed?
DSM-5 criteria
* Sx occur during the last week of the luteal phase of most menstrual cycles during the previous 12 months and remit within a few days after the onset of menstruation
* Total of 5 symptoms needed
How are PMS and PMDD treated?
- Conservative: diet & exercise
- 1st line: SSRIs – Fluoxetine, sertralin
- Pain/cramping: NSAIDs
- Bloating: Spironolactone
- w/ contraception: OCPs with drospierenone
What are gonorrhea and chlamydia?
Neisseria gonorrhea
* gram negative diplococci
Chlamydia trachomatis
* gram negative
* MCC of cervicitis
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea and chlamydia?
Mostly ASX
* Female: mucopurulent discharge, post-coital bleeding, friable cervix, urinary sx
* Male: dysuria, urethral discharge
How are gonorrhea and chlamydia diagnosed?
* Annually screening recommended by the CDC in sexually active women
How are gonorrhea and chlamydia treated?
* Gonorrhea only or coinfxn: azithroymycin 1g PO & ceftriaxone 500 mg IM
* Chlamydia: azithromycin 1 g PO
* Test of cure 4 weeks after tx
* Gonorrhea: ceftriaxone 500 mg IM
* Chlamydia: doxycycline 100 mg BID x 7 days
* Retesting 3 months after tx
What are symptoms of herpes simplex cervicitis?
Vulvar burning & pruritus preceded by multiple vesicles on an erythematous base
* flu-like sx, malaise, myalgias, N/D, fever
How is HSV cervicitis diagnosed?
- Gold standard: viral culture
- Tzanck smear: multinucleated giant cells
How is HSV cervicitis treated?
- Primary: valacyclovir 1g BID x 10 days
—–Alt. acyclovir 400 mg TID x 7-10 days - Recurrent: topical lido + valcyclovir
- Supressive: 500 mg once daily
What is condylomata acuminata?
Anogenital warts
* MCC HPV types 6 & 11
* MC STI worldwide
What are symptoms of condylomata acuminata?
- Flat, dome-shaped, verrucous, and cauliflower-shaped warts soft to palpation
- Single or multiple, MC fleshy-colored but can vary
- Pap smear: Koilocytic squamous epithelial cells in clumps
How is condylomata acuminata treated?
Self: imiquimod, podophyllotoxin
Office: trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy, surgery
What is HPV cervicitis?
Human papilloma virus
* Types 16 & 18
* MCC of cervical cancer
* RF: IC + sexually active
What are symptoms of HPV cervicitis?
postcoital bleeding, dyspareunia, large amounts of unusal dyscharge
How is HPV cervicitis diagnosed?
White, sharply demarcated lesion of the cervix after acetic acid is applied
* HPV viral typing
How is HPV cervicitis treated?
Surgical excision
How can HPV be prevented?
* Ages 9-14: 2 doses at 0, 6-12 months
* > 15: 3 doses at 0, 2 and 6 months
What is trichomoniasis?
Trichomonas vaginalis
* flagellated protozoan
* sexually transmitted
* can affect fertility!
What are symptoms of trichomoniasis?
Frothy yellow-green discharge worse with menses
* itching, dysuria, post-coital bleeding
* men usually asx
What are physical exam findings of trichomoniasis?
Friable Cervix
* Strawberry cervix
How is trichomoniasis diagnosed?
Saline wet mount: flagellated motile trichomonads
* pH > 5
How is trichomoniasis treated?
* Screen/treat partners
* Retest in 2 weeks
* Prevention: spermicidal agents
What is bacterial vaginosis?
Gardnerella vaginalis
* MCC of vaginitis
* Due to lack of lactobacilli
* Not sexually active, but MC in sexually active women with new/multiple partners
What are symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?
Thin, milky discharge with a fishy odor
* Worse after sex and during menses
* Vaginal pH > 4.5
How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?
- Amine whiff test (KOH prep)
- Clue cells on wet mount (most reliable)
How is bacterial vaginosis treated?
Metronidazole 500 mg BID x 7 days
* Alt: clindamycin
What is candidiasis?
Candida albicans
* RF: DM, steriods, pregnancy, recent abx use
What are symptoms of candidasis?
Thick, white, “cottage-cheese” discharge + itching
* Dyspareunia, beefy red vaginal mucosa
How is candidiasis diagnosed?
KOH: budding hyphae, yeast & spores
How is candidiasis treated?
Fluconazole 150mg PO x1
What is PID?
Ascending infection of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
* Mixed etiolgoy: chlamydia (MC), gonorrhoeae, BV
What are symptoms of PID?
Pelvic or lower abdominal pain, often bilateral and worse during sex
* abnormal vaginal discharge, fever, bleeding, N/V
What are physical exam findings of PID?
Cervical motion tenderness with chandelier sign
How is PID diagnosed?
Mostly clinical
* NAAT for chlamydia or gonorrhea
How is PID treated?
- Outpatient: ceftriaxone + doxycycline + metronidazole
- Inpatient (pregnant, severe): IV ceftoxin + doxycycline
What are complications of PID?
- Chronic pelvic pain due to adhesions
- infertility
- tubo-ovarian abscess
- ectopic pregnancy
- Fitz Hugh-Curtis syndrome
What is chancroid?
Haemophilus ducreyi
* Painful anogenital ulcers
* gram negative coccobacillus
* sexually transmitted
* MC in undeveloped countaries
What are symptoms of chancroid?
Tender erythematous papules with a ragged border and purulent base that become pustules then painful ulcers with soft irregular margins
* Marked unilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy
* In women: dysuria, dyspareunia, abnormal discharge, rectal bleeding, painful defecation
How is chancroid diagnosed?
- Rule out other causes: RPR/VDRL, PCR
- Gram stain
- Chocolate agar culture
How is Chancroid treated?
Ceftriaxone 250mg IM x 1
Azithromycin 1g PO x1
What is lymphogranuloma venereum?
Painless genital ulcer
* Due to chlamydia trachomatis, esp. serotypes L1, L2, and L3
* MC in undeveloped countries (tropical areas)