(gynae) Uterine Fibroids Flashcards
Typical clinical presentation of a woman with uterine fibroids
Reproductive age
Nulliparous or last pregnancy more than 5 years ago
Usually complains of:
Heavy prolonged painful period
W symptoms of anemia (dyspnea, easy fatigue, palps, headache, orthopnoea, fainting spells)
Distended abdomen
Pressure on bladder causing increased frequency of micturition
Constipation rarely
Large low posterior fibroids: urinary retention if they are wedged in pelvis and kink urethra
Large fibroids can obstruct ureters causing renal failure
Further complications of fibroids:
Red degeneration- occurs when fibroids outgrow their blood supply and center becomes ischaemic and necrotic. May also become calcified and cause intestinal obstruction
Which type of fibroids is said to be associated with infertility and recurrent spontaneous abortions? List the other types of fibroids
Ddx of a patient with uterine fibroids
Full bladder
Ovarian mass or tubal mass
Large lymph nodes
Conservative treatment of fibroids
Analgesia for the pain
Iron replacement if ida
Conservative drugs: depo provera or GnRH (side effects is osteoporosis so can use for more than 3-6 months therefore not definitive)
Both drugs decrease bleeding and increase Hb prior to sx
GnRH also shrinks fibroids
One year after stopping GnRH fibroids will usually return to og size
Surgical mx of fibroids
Myomectomy which involves removal of fibroids and uterus left in tact
Done by hysteroscopy for submucous(fibroids), laporascopic for subserous and laparotomy for all types
Main complication of myomectomy
Postoperative adhesions leading to infertility in 50% of cases and intestinal obstruction in 1% If myomectomies
May need to convert to hysterectomy if bleeding too much so warm patient prior esp if Nulliparous