Gynae cancers Flashcards
Cervical cancer:
- Definition
- Symptoms and signs
- Risk factors
- Complications
- What is CIN + types
- Investigations
- Management
Cervical cancer:
- Definition: scc
- Symptoms and signs : pelvic pain, unusual bleeding, discharge bloody
- Risk factors: no screening, age, hpv16/18, smoking, hiv
- Complications: vte, anaemia
- What is CIN + type: dysplasia. if CIN2/3 needs excisional ablation via loop excision of transformation zone
- Investigations: preg test, sti swabs, fbc/crp, colposcopy
Screening 25-50 every 3 years, 50-64 every 5 years - Management: hysterectomy (cone biopsy if wants children) +/- chemo
Endometrial cancer:
- Definition
- Met locations
- Causes: endogenous + exogenous
- Risk factors
- Protective factors
- Symptoms + signs
- Investigations
- Management
- Complications
Endometrial cancer:
- Definition: adenocarc
- Met locations : intraperitoneal, lung, bone, brain
- Causes: endogenous + exogenous
- Risk factors: obesity, nullparity, early menarche, late menopause, t2dm, pcos, hnpcc, tamoxifen/hrt
- Protective factors: smoking, multiple, cocp
- Symptoms + signs: post menopausal bleeding, discharge, pain, enlarged uterus
- Investigations: transvag uss + biopsy (>4mm post menopausal, >12 mm pre)
- Management: TAH + bilat salpingoorphrectomy, + radio if high risk. Progesterone if palliative
- Complications: hysterectomy (enterocoele, vag prolapse, urin retention)
Ovarian cancer:
- Definition + types
- Risk factors
- Protective factors
- Symptoms + signs
- Investigations
- Management
Ovarian cancer:
- Definition + types: epithelial cell (serous most common), sex, gc (benign). Most commonly spreads to paraaortic which drains to ovaries/fallopian tubes.
- Risk factors: age, fx, brca1/2, breast cancer, ovarian cysts, early menarche/late menop
- Protective factors : breast feeding, multiple, hysterectomy
- Symptoms + signs: early satiety, abdo pain, diarrhoea, urin symptoms, pelvic pain, pelvic mass, ascites, fixed immobile uterus
- Investigations : ca125 (also inc in endomet/fibrosis/infection/preg) and if high urgent abdo uss, transvag uss, explorative laprotomy diagnostic
- Management : surgery, chemo
Vulval cancer:
- Definition
- Risk factors
- Symptoms
- What is VIN
- Investigations
- Management
Vulval cancer:
- Definition : scc
- Risk factors : lichen sclerosis, immunosupp, hpv16/18, >75, VIN, smoking
- Symptoms : lump, inguinal lymphadenopathy
- What is VIN: needs WLE, imiquimod, laser ablation. Risk f: hpv16/18, smoking, hsv1/2, lichen sclerosis
- Investigations
- Management: punch biopsy, wle, vulvectomy, groin lymph node dissection
Post menopausal bleeding causes
- ix
- causes: atrophic vaginitis, endomet hyperplasia, endomet ca, cervical ca, ovarian cancer, vaginal ca, trauma, hrt, bleeding disorders
- ix >55 + post meno 2ww uss