Gyn flash cards partial
What are the other names for the Mullerian ducts? Wolffian ducts?
Mullerian: paramesonephric
Wollfian: mesonephric
(Metanephric ducts give rise to kidneys)
What abnormalities are associated with DES exposure?
Small, T-shaped endometrial cavity (infertility and miscarriage)
Fallopian tube abnormality (risk of ectopic)
Cervical hood
Vaginal adenosis (columnar epitheliam in vagina)
What malignancy DES exposure put the female child at risk for?
Clear cell carcinoma of the vagina
What can cause labial fusion?
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia and other excess androgen exposures
What presents with normal female external genitalia, normal secondary sexual characteristics, but absence of upper vagina, uterus, and fallopians?
Mullerian agenesis (a.k.a. MRKH syndrome, for Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser)
(Karyotype is XX, will have normal ovaries)
What presents with normal female external genitalia, normal breast development but scant pubic hair, and absence of upper vagina, uterus, and fallopians?
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)
(Karyotype is XY, will have undescended testes that need to be removed)
What condition is associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva?
Lichen sclerosis
(These patients need careful surveillance, every 6 months. SCC follows vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia)
What condition can lead to destruction of external genetalia architectures ((loss of labial folds, obliteration of clitoris, vaginal stenosis)?
Lichen sclerosis
What is associated with thin, pale, crackled vulvar skin?
Lichen sclerosis (skin described as cigarette paper, onion skin, or parchment paper)
What is associated with loss of rete pegs on histology?
What else is seen on histology in this condition?
Lichen sclerosis
Also thin epithelium, with or without overlying hyperkeratosis
What is the treatment for lichen sclerosis?
High potency topical steroids (0.05% clobetasol or halobetasol)
What is associated with elongated rete pegs on histology?
What else is seen on histology in this condition?
Lichen simplex chronicus
Hyperkeratosis also seen.
What is the treatment for lichen simplex chronicus?
Medium potency steroids (1% hydrocortisone or 0.1% triamcinolone), antihistamines, remove irritants
Which lichen is associated with vaginal discharge (in addition to burning and insertional dyspareunia)
Lichen planus
What is associated with multiple flat, purple papules on the inner labia minora, vagina, and vestibule?
What two other things may be seen on exam in this condition?
Lichen planus
May also see Wickham striaie (whitish, lacy lines around ulcerated lesions) and vaginal adhesions leading to vaginal stenosis
What condition may lead to vaginal adhesions?
Lichen planus
Which of the lichens may also have oral involvement?
Lichen planus
What presents with red, fleshy exophytic tissue at the urethral meatus?
What is the treatment?
Urethral caruncle (prolpased urethral epithelium)
Treat with topical estrogen (due to urogenital atrophy)
How is a Bartholin abscess treated?
Need more than I&D, need to keep open.
Word catheter to drain for 4-6 weeks to create epitheliazed tract is one option.
Marsupialization is another (open cyst and sew walls to skin to externalize cyst)
What is the normal length of the clitoris?
What 3 things can cause clitoromegaly?
- CAH (21-hydroxylase or 11-hydroxylase deficiency)
- Androgen-producing ovarian or adrenal tumor
- Cushing disease
What is vaginismus?
Involuntary contractions of muscles surrounding vaginal orifice during sex.