Gyn-Dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstruation) Flashcards
What is the Etiology of Dysmenorrhea
- Diet - Cold, Raw, Greasy, Sugar
- Emotional - Anger, Frustration, Anxiety
- Trauma, Injury, Surgery - affects REN & CHONG
- Too many children which harms LV, KD, QI, Blood
- Weak Constitution
Sharp, Severe, don’t want to be touched
Dull Pain, Like to be touched
Cramping Pain
Burning Pain
Bearing down pain BEFORE Period
Blood Stagnation
Bearing down pain AFTER Period
KD Deficiency
Pain in Lower Abdomen
Distention more than Pain
Qi Stagnation
Pain more than Distention
Blood Stagnation
Pain is Less AFTER passing CLOTS
Blood Stagnation
Pain around Waist
Pain referred from Front to Back & Both Sides
KD Deficiency
Pain from the Middle to sides & Down & Up
LV QI Stagnation
- Pain began several days before onset or during period and ceases upon end of menstruation
- Intense Pain aggravated by Pressure - Comes & goes
- With Clots (can be cold, qi or blood stagnation)
Dysmenorrhea - EXCESS
Treatment Principle for Excess Dysmenorrhea syndrome
Regulate Qi in Ren & Chong
Acupuncture Points for EXCESS Syndrome
RN 3 (3 yin crossing, like SP 6) UB22, LI4, SP10, LV3 Distending Pain = KD14, ST28 (moxa-qi & blood stagnation) Pain + Cold = ST 27 & ST 29 Moxa *UB 32= EMPIRICAL point for DYSMENORRHEA (S2 Level), Ear Acupuncture for dysmenorrhea = Lower abdomen, uterus, shenmen)
- Appears AFTER menstruation had begun at the end or after
- Pain is more CONTINUOUS, relieved by Pressure and Warmth
- DULL Pain
- Pink, Menses
Dysmenorrhea d/t DEFICIENCY
Acup. Points for Dysmenorrhea d/t Deficiency
RN4, UB20, 23, ST36, SP6 (Tonify Qi & Blood)
RN4 & UB 23 - tonify Yang
- Pain in the Lower Abd.
- Distending Pain (1-2 days-before or during)
- Delayed, Hesitant, scanty
- Pain before menstruation
- Dislike to be touched
- Purplish or Dk. Red color Blood
- Pain Relieved after passing clot
- Bad mood, low spirit (LV)
- Dark & Clotted Blot
T: Purplish on both sides (LV) P: Wiry, choppy
Dysmenorrhea - Excess
Qi and/or Blood Stagnation (may turn to heat)
LV QI Stagnation going to Blood Stagnation going to Pain
Treatment Principle for Dysmenorrhea d/t LV QI Stagnation producing Blood Stagnation & Pain
Regulate LV qi, Move Blood, Stop Pain
Points for Dysmenorrhea d/t LV Qi Stagnation - Blood Stagnation - Pain
SP6 (regulate period), SP8(regulate uterus, harm. blood for both stag & bleeding, LV3, REN4 & REN6=tonify & move qi & Blood, ST29, SP10, GB 34, SP14, LU7 & KD6 (open Ren & regulate Qi)
PC6 & SP4 (open Chong & regulate blood)
Herbs for Dysmenorrhea d/t LV Qi Stagnation - Blood Stagnation - Pain
Qi Stagnation = Xiao Yao San (Rambling Powder)
Blood Stagnation = Tao Hong Si Wu Tang (four substance decoction with Safflower & Peach Pit)
- Low abd. pain beofre, during, or after period started
- Pain & cold lower abd. referred to waist & back (uterus connected to KD)
- Alleviated by WARMTH
- Blood color is Dark Red, Scanty, with clots
T: Pale or Pale Purple P: Deep, tight or deep choppy
Excess Cold Deficiency COLD (SP & KD Yang Def) - may be also Damp Cold
TP for Dysmenorrhea d/t Excess Cold
Warm Uterus, Dispel Cold, Activate Blood, Stop Pain
Points for Dysmenorrhea d/t Excess Cold
SP6, LU7, KD6, RN4&RN6 (Moxa), ST29 (Period Point), SP8, UB23(moxa) ST36, DU4
Formula for Dysmenorrhea d/t Excess Cold
Wen JIng Tang (Warming the Menses Decoction)
Moves Blood, Activates Blood, Tonifies Yin
Also treats Whole Body Yin Deficiency
- Cold is EXCESS
- Body Constitution is Deficient
- Abdominal Pain before or during Period
- Refuses to be Touched
- Period is THICK, Heavy Yellow Vaginal discharge, Foul Smelling
- Short Cycle
- Heavy Thick Period (Heat in Blood)
- Bright red blood with small clots
- Burning sensation extend to sacrum
- Feeling of Heat, Thirst, Scanty dark urine
- Irritability & mental restlessness
T: Red with sticky yellow coat P: rapid,slippery
Damp Heat with Blood Heat (Toxicity)
TP for Dysmenorrhea d/t Damp Heat with Blood Heat
Clear Heat, Resolve Damp, Eliminate blood stasis to stop pain
Points for Dysmenorrhea d/t Damp Heat with Blood Heat
SP6, LU7, KD6, RN3, SP9, ST28(water passage), UB32, LI11, SP8, LV3, SP10, RN12 (Reg. SP/Damp)
Formula for dysmenorrhea d/t Damp Heat with Blood Heat
Er Miao San variation (Two Wonderful Powder Variation)
- Dull Pain (during, at end, or after period)
2 Empty & pulling dragging down on lower abd. - Blood color is light, scanty
- Pale Face, Pale lips and Tiredness
- Dizziness, Loose Stool
T: Pale P: Weak (thready) and/or choppy
Dysmenorrhea d/t QI & BLOOD DEFICIENCY
After Chronic Disease creates manifestations of Yang Deficiency
TP for Dysmenorrha d/t Qi & Blood Def
Tonify Qi & Blood
Points for Dysmenorrhea d/t Qi & blood Def
SP6, 8, ST36, REN4, UB17, UB32, RN6 (t. qi & blood) LV8, UB18, 20, 23,
Formula for dysmenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Def
Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Precious Decoction)
4 substance plus
4 gentlemen
- Lower abd. pain at the end or after period
- Pain radiates to Back
- Dizziness
- During period, scanty flow, pale, no clots
- Pain relieved by massage, pressure & warmth
- Dull Headache, blurred vision, dizziness
- Feels Cold
- Tired & Loose Stool
T: Pale, swollen P: Fine & Deep
TP for dysmenorrhea d/t LV Blood & SP Yang Deficiency
Tonify LV & SP
Warm Yang
Nourish Blood
Points for Dysmenorrhea d/t Lv Blood & SP Yang Deficiency
SP6, RN4, 6, 12, LV8, UB17, 18, 20.
LU7, KD6
Formula for Dysmenorrhea d/t LV Blood & SP Yang Deficiency
Dang Gui Jian Zhong Tang (Angelica Strengthening the Centre Decoction)