Gyn-Amenorrhea Flashcards
Etiology of Amenorrhea
- Endocrinal and neuropyscliotrical factors
- Menstruation that doesn’t come until 18 (primary amenorrhea) or suppression of menst. for over 3 months (secondary amenorrhea).
- Can eventually slow down, delay & than stop or suddenly stop
- Patient is not pregnant, menopause or breast feeding
- Some women are born with no ovary or no uterus (organ problem)
- No Period
- Pale Face, pale lips
- Dizzy, Blurred Vision, numbness/tingling
- Palpitations, poor memory, insomnia
- SOB, Fatigue
- Loose Stool
T: Pale P: Weak or thready/choppy
Amenorrhea d/t Qi & BLOOD DEFICIENCY
-Gradual Stop
TP for Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Deficiency
Tonify Qi & Blood
Points for Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Deficiency
UB17, 18, 20, 23, LV8, RN4, 6, 17, KD3, ST36, SP6
Causes of Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Deficiency
Deprived Ren & Chong
- Chronic Diseases
- Improper intake of food
- Excessive sex
- Grand multipara
Formula for Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Deficiency
Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Precious Decoction) Chuan Xiong Dang Gui Chao Bai Shao Shu di Huang Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao
- Period slows down & eventually stops coming
- Dizzy, Sore & Weak back & lumbar region
- Dry Mouth & Throat
- 5 Center Heat
- Red Cheek Bones
- Dizzy, blurred vision, numbness/tingling
T: Red/no coat P: Empty, Thready (yin) and rapid, wiry (LV Yin, LV Blood)
Amenorrhea d/t LV & KD (Yin) Deficiency
(Blood & Essence)
TP for Amenorrhea d/t LV & KD Yin Deficiency
Nourish LV & KD yin, nourish Blood
Points for Amenorrhea d/t LV & KD Yin Deficiency
LU7, KD6,
KD 3, 13, SP6, RN4, UB 17, 18, 23, ST36, LV8
Formula for Amenorrhea d/t LV & KD Yin Deficiency
Si Wu Tang (Four Substance Decoction) Chuan Xiong Dang Gui Bai Shao Shu Di Huang
Etiology for Amenorrhea - Excess Type
May Stop Suddenly - More Secondary Amenorrhea
- Emotional Disturbance
- LV qi Stagnation
- No Period for Months
- Depression
- Anger, Irritability & Moodiness
- Painful & Distending Sensation on Chest & Hypoc. region
- Lower abd. feels tight and pain Increased with pressure
- Might feel hard mass in lower abd. (qi mass, blood mass)
T: Purplish Sides P: Deep, wiry, choppy
Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Stagnation
Excess Type
TP for Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Stagnation
Regulate Qi & Activate Blood
Points for Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Stagnation
PC6 (Left Side-distending pain)SP4(Right side) SP6, 10, LV3, GB34, KD6, LU7, LI4-bring qi & blood downward RN4-Regulate Ren & Chong ST30 - move qi & blood in lower jiao KD14 - pain & mass in lower abd.
Formula for Amenorrhea d/t Qi & Blood Stagnation
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang (Four Substance Decoction with Safflower and Peach Pit)
- No Period for Months
- Prolonged Cycle gradually developing to Amenorrhea
- Obesity
- White Vaginal Discharge
- Feel oppression in Chest
T: Thick Sticky White/Yellow Coat
P: Slippery
Amenorrhea d/t Damp & Phlegm Stagnation
TP for Amenorrhea d/t Damp & Phlegm Stagnation
Resolve Damp & Phlegm
Points for Amenorrhea d/t Damp & Phlegm Stagnation
SP6, 9, RN 4, 6, 9, 12, ST 28, 36, 40,
UB 20, ST 36
Two main points to stop uterine bleeding = SP8, KD8
Points that act on Chong = SP10, UB17