Guru Yoga > Visualizing basis guru Heruka Flashcards
How do we visualize basis guru Heruka?
- vast and precious jewelled throne
- upon it are five smaller thrones
- each throne is supported by two snow lions at each corner
- on the central throne on a lotus and sun, treading on Bhairawa and Kalarati is our root Guru, Heruka
- he has a dark-blue coloured body like a lapis moutain
- four faces: dark blue, green, red and yellow (anti-clockwise)
- 12 arms
What are his hands holding?
- His two principal hands embrace Varjavarahi and hold a vajra & bell
- two hands holding an elephant skin
- two hands holding a damaru and a khatanga
- two hands holding an axe and a skullcup of blood
- two hands holding a curved knife and a varja noose
- two hands holding a three pointed spear and a four-faced head of Brahma.
Other aspects:
He displays the nine moods of a Hero and wears six bone mudra-ornaments.
His crown is adorned with a half-moon and a crossed vajra.
He wears a long necklace of fifty human heads, the nature of wisdom, and a lower garment of a tiger skin.
He stands with his right leg outstretched, in the center of a mass of blazing fire.
Vajravarahi is red in colour and adorned with five mudra-ornaments. She holds a curved knife and a skullcup, and is entwined in embrace with Heruka.
Why is this visualization called ‘basis Guru Heruka’
Because the gross and subtle parts of his body are the basis for accomplishing the supporting and supported body mandala of Guru Heruka.