GUM Flashcards
Fishy smelly watery discharge and clue cells on microscopy
Bacterial vaginosis
Which Ab to prescribe in BV and what CI?
Metronidazole- avoid alcohol otherwise ‘disulfiram like reaction’= N/V, flushing, shock or angioedema
RF for BV
multiple sex partners, XS vaginal cleaning (loss of friendly bacteria lactobacilli keeps pH low acidic so increased anaerobic bacteria), Ab’s, smoking, copper coil
What is thrush caused by?
Candida albicans
RF for thrush
Increased oestrogen (high in pregnancy, lower pre-puberty. post meno.)
Diabetes poorly controlled
Immunosupression (CS’s)
Broad spec Ab’s
Thick white cottage cheese discharge that doesn’t smell
Treatment for thrush
Oral fluconazole (Antifungal) one dose
Antifungal clotrimazole cream/pessary- single dose.
STI screens for which conditions
C/G, syphillis, HIV
What does NAAT specifically check for?
C/G- so do charcoal test to look for others
1STLINE- chlamydia, any CI
Doxycycline 2x a day 7 days. CI in pregnancy/breastfeeding- azithromycin 1g stat, 500mg once day for 2 days
Odurless purulent discharge, possible green/yellow
How do you treat gonorrhoea
Single dose Ceftriaxone if sensitives not known, ciprofloxacin if known
Complications of Gonorrhoea
PID, gonococcal conjunctivitis in neonate, Disseminated gonococcal infection (bacterial spread to skin/joints)
What is key feature in Mycoplasma genitalium and treatment
Urethritis Doxycycline 2x 7 days
PID can cause?
Tubular infertility
chronic pelvic pain
Fitz- Hugh Curtis syndrome (inflamm/infection of liver capsule Glisson’s= adhesions betw. liver/peritoneum. RUQ pain.
Frothy- yellow- green, fishy smell and strawberry cervix and treatment
Trichomoniasis- metronidazole
What is commonly responsible for cold sores/genital herpes?
HSV- 1 and HSV-2
How to treat genital herpes
How long can it take to develop Ab’s following HIV infection
3 months
What medicine is given to baby/mother with HIV?
Truvada and raltegravir for 28 days
Painless ulcer (Chancre), condylomata lata (grey wart like lesion around genitals/anus), fever, lymphadenopathy, alopecia, gummatous lesions, aortic aneurysms, neuro (headache, tabes dorsalis, ocular, paralysis)
Which bacteria causes syphilis
Treponema palladium