Guidelines to live in a world of systems Flashcards
What are the 15 guidelines?
- Get the beast out of the system
- Expose yout mental models to the light of day
- Honor, respect and distribute information
- use language with care and enrich it with systems concepts
- Pay attention to what is important, not just what is quanitfiable
- Make feedback policies for feedback systems
- Go for the good of the whole
- Listen to the wisdom of the system
- Locate repsonsibility within the system
- Stay humble - stay a learner
- Celebrate complexity
- Expand time horizons
- Defy the disciplines
- Expand the boundary od caring
- don’t erote the goal of goodness
get the beat out of the system
Watch how systems behave before you disrupt it in any kind of way
Expose your mental models to the light of day
Everything you know is a model, everyone has different models. Collect as many models as possible in order to see which one is correct based on evidence.
Honor, respect and distribute information
Decision makers need correct information, most of the things what go wrong within organizations goes wrong because of biased, late or missing information
Use language with care and enricht it with system concepts
Information streams are dependent of language, by honoring the streams, the language should be as clean as possible.
By expanding language, it becomes possible to talk about complexity
Pay attention to what is important, not just what is quanitifiable
Pretending that something does not exist because it is hard to quanitfy leads to faulty models
Make feedback policies for feedback systems
By giving feedback, potential problems in the system can be solved in time
Go for the good of the whole
Don’t maximize parts of the systems or subsystems while ignoring the whole. Aim to enhance total system properties
Listen to the wisdom of the system
Locate responsibility within the system
Stay humble - stay a learner
When you do not know what to do, you should learn. You can learn from experiment
Celebarate complexity
The world is complex and diverse, that is what makes thw orld intersting. the same is for systems, the more xomplex, the more interisting
Expand time horizons
The longer the operant time horizon, the better the chances for survival
Defy the disciplines
Follow a system wherever it leads, independent of what books/backgrounds say.
Expand the boundary of caring
All systems are interconnected, this means that the boundary of carring should be expanded. Care not only about your organization but also your workers
Don’t erote goals of foodness