Guard Duty and Traffic Control Flashcards
What shop is responsible for operational security (OPSEC)?
S3 (operations), not S2 (security)
What is the end goal of OPSEC?
The end goal of OPSEC is essential secrecy, a condition achieved by the denial of critical information to adversaries.
What are the five steps in the OPSEC process?
- Identification of critical material
- Analysis of threats
- Analysis of vulnerabilities
- Analysis of risks
- Application of OPSEC measures
Who is the commander of the guard?
The commander of the guard is the CO or NCO of the guard, reporting to the officer of the day, responsible for the instruction, discipline, and performance of the guard.
Who is the commander of the relief?
The commander of the relief is the next senior NCO under the sergeant of the guard.
Who is the sergeant of the guard?
The sergeant of the guard is the senior NCO of the guard who supervises enlisted members and reports to the commander of the guard.
What is the main guard?
The main guard is a subdivision of the interior guard whose responsibility is to patrol the area and protect the personnel, buildings, and equipment.
What is a guard?
A guard can refer to two entities:
- The unit responsible for the security and protection of an installation or area; the unit includes the commander of the guard, the sergeant of the guard, the commanders of the relief, and the guards
- An individual responsible to keep watch over, protect, shield, defend, warn, or any other duties prescribed by general or special orders; also referred to as a sentry, sentinel, or lookout
If the guard must challenge a group, how many in the group step forward at one time?
Only one person of the group steps forward at a time, in rank order.
What is a guard’s post?
A guard’s post is the area for which the guard is responsible.
What is a guardhouse?
A guardhouse is a building, tent, or other location occupied by members of the guard which functions as the guard’s HQ.
What is the guard duty officer of the day?
The guard duty officer of the day is the officer acting directly under the CO or field officer of the day, whose responsibility is to execute all guard duty orders for that day.
Do guards render standard military courtesies while challenging?
Yes, except for salutes, which could render the guard into a vulnerable position by identifying the officers.
What is the exterior guard?
The exterior guard is an individual classified as a lookout, listening post, outpost, specifically designated patrol, or other guards external to the installation or area.
What is the fixed post system?
The fixed post system prescribes assigned posts to sentinels where they remain until properly relieved.
What is the guard duty commanding officer?
The guard duty commanding officer is the officer commanding an installation, organization, unit, garrison, or bivouac.
What method can a guard use to identify a friendly at his post?
A guard can use the challenge-countersign method. The guard issues the challenge (“Halt, who goes there?”), and the friendly responds with the countersign (the secret word or distinctive sound). If the friendly has the authority to inspect the guard, the friendly uses the parole, and the guard must respond with both the challenge and the countersign.
What is the interior guard?
The interior guard is an individual detailed by commanders to protect property and enforce specific military regulations which includes a combination of patrols and fixed posts.
What is the guard duty field officer of the day?
The guard duty field officer of the day is the personal representative of the CO responsible for the security of the installation.
What is a supernumerary?
A supernumerary is an extra member of the guard who is used when needed to replace a guard or perform duties prescribed by local directors.
What is the most important consideration when selecting a traffic control point?
Visibility is the key consideration for traffic control points, both of the traffic control officer to oncoming traffic, and vice versa.
What are the three goals of traffic control?
- Ensure orderly movement of traffic
- Prevent unnecessary delay
- Use of traffic control devices where possible
What are the three key rules to remember about traffic control?
- Look carefully at the developing traffic situation
- Execute the appropriate signal precisely
- Complete each sign distinctly