GU Therapeutics Flashcards
What is the UTI treatment in pregnancy?
nitrofurantonin 100 mg BID x 7 days
or amoxicillin 500 mg bid x 5-7 days
or cephalexin 500 mg bid x 3-7 days
Who should you treat with asymptomatic bacteriuria?
pregnant women, before a urologic procedure or young children where high incidence of vesicoureteral reflux
Why is it important to treat bacteriuria in pregnancy?
associated with premature births
What is pphx for recurrent UTI?
TMP/SMX 40/200 QD or 3/wk or Trimethoprin 100 QD or Nitrofurantonin 100 QD
What is tx for cystitis?
Nitrofurantonin 100 po bid x 5days
TMP/SMP 160/800 mg po bid x 3days
What is tc of pyelonephritis?
Cipro 500 mg BID x 7 d (or 1000 mg ER QD)
Levofloxacin 750 QD x 5 d
TMP/SMX DS BIS x 14d (if pathogen is susceptible)
What is tx for prostatitis?
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg BID x 6 wk
If chlamydia: ceftriazone plus azithromycin
NSAIDs for pain
What is tx for volume oberload?
Treatment of underlying condition Restrict sodium intake Diuretics( increase natriuresis) Inhibitors of RAAS (Renin inhibitor, ACEI, ARB, Aldosterone antagonist) for CHF Restrict water if hyponatremic
What is fn of alpha blockers in nephrolithiasis treatment?
relax smooth muscle and decrease intraureteral pressure
stone explusion 3 days shorter than with standard therapy
What are SE of alpha receptor blockers?
dizziness, ppostural hypotension, HA, palpitation
What are contraindications to kidney stone removal?
active, untreated UTI, uncorrected bleeding diathesis, pregnancy
What is shockwave lithotripsy?
least invasive tx for kidney stones that uses high energy sound waves to shatter the stone into passable fragments
What is shockwave lithotripsy contraindicated for?
pregnancy and untreatable bleeding d/o
What is shockwave lithotripsy useful for?
smaller stones <2 cm and lodged in upper or middle calyx
What is uteroscopy useful for?
stones 1-2 cm and lodged in lower calyx or below (must palce stent after due ti spasm & edema)