GU Flashcards
what is contained within the suspensory ligament of the ovary?
ovarian artery + vein
what is the name of the peritoneal pouch anterior to the uterus?
vesicouterine pouch
what are the names of he four sections of the uterine tube from distal to proximal?
uterine part
In which part of the uterine tube does fertilisation occur?
what is meant by the term “anteflexion”?
body of uterus is bent forward on the cervix
what is meant by the term “anteversion”?
whole uterus is bent forward at a right angle to the vagina
where is the bulbourethral gland located and what is its function?
below the prostate
-produce a mucous-like secretion to help things flow through urethra
what are the 6 layers of the wall of the scrotum?
skin dartos muscle (crinkles skin) external spermatic fascia cremaster muscle (contract to raise testis in cold weather) cremasteric fascia internal spermatic fascia
where would a hydrocele form?
excess fluid between the parietal and visceral tunica vaginalis
which kidney is higher?
left (due to liver on right)
what is the network between the epididymous and the straight tubules from the seminiferous tubules called?
Rete testis
describe the epithelium of the epididymous
pseudo stratified columnar epithelium with sterocilia
what is the blood supply to the testis?
testicular a.
what is the venous drainage of the testis?
pampiniform plexus -> testicular v. -> IVC on right, renal v. on left
what is the lymphatic drainage of the testis?
testis -> para-aortic nodes
scrotum -> inguinal nodes
how long is the ductus deferens?
45cm (same as femur, thoracic duct, spinal cord, incisors-> cardiac end of stomach)
what is the function of the seminal vesicles?
secrete alkaline fluid -> neutralise
fructose -> ATP for sperm
prostaglandins -> aid sperm mobility, viability + stimulate contraction of female reproductive tract
where does the urogenital tract originate from, embryologically?
intermediate mesoderm
what are the names of the 3 primitive kidney structures?
pronephros, mesonephros + metanephros
from what 2 sources does the definitive kidney develop?
metanephric mesoderm
ureteric duct
what is the cloaca?
posterior orifice that serves as the only opening for the intestinal, reproductive and urinary tracts at early stages
(gives rise to anterior urogenital sinus + posterior rectal/anal canal)
what are the ureteric buds?
protrusions of mesonephric duct
allows urine drainage from the developing kidney
what is the allantois?
sac like structure involved in nutrition + exertion, evagination of hindgut
what is the urachus?
duct between bladder + yolk sac
what is another name for the paramesonephric ducts?
Mullerian ducts
what is another name for the mesonephric ducts?
Wolffian ducts
at what week does sex differentiation begin?
week 7
what causes mullein ducts to regress in males
anti-Mullerian hormone - by Sertoli cells of testis
what is the “ovary determining gene”?
Wnt 4
which gene promotes differentiation of testis?
SRY- Sex determining Region of Y chromosome