GTO BUCKETS Flashcards
Overall frequencies: IP cbet frequency when board has 0 straights.
What is dominant bet size when you are in position and the board has no possible straights?
You bet minimum size and do this 44-% of hands on average.
What is the aggregates cbet frequency board has 0 straights.
How often do you check on average when the board has zero possible straights?
You check only 13% of hands. In other words this is a flop where you bet a high proportion of hands.
Aggregated over all situations, what is the IP cbet frequency when board has 0 straights?
How often do you bet 1/3rd pot?
On average you bet 1/3rd pot 44% of the time. This is the dominant size.
Aggregated IP cbet frequency, flops categorized by straights.
Which number of straights checks the most?
IP checks the most on boards with 3 straights.
Aggregated over all flops what is the IP cbet frequency when board has 0 straights?
How often do you bet 1/3rd pot vs min bet?
1/3rd pot bets 21% vs min bet bets 44%
BTN vs BB 25bb
What is average b90% frequency across all paired boards?
Is this the same between two-tone and rainbow?
The average frequency of b90% is 25% but on two tone boards it rises to 40%.
BTN vs BB 25bb
Ace high flops
On ace high flops, what is average b90% frequency on unpaired boards? Is the betting frequency consistent between 2-tone and rainbow ?
On average you bet most unpaired ace high flops 78% of the time.
There is very little difference in bet frequency between two tone and rainbow.
BTN VS BB 25bb stacks
Ace high/paired boards
How does betting frequency on flops compare between AAx and Axx compare? Eg flops such as AAT versus A99.
AAx flops have no checking and high proportion of b90%.
Axx paired flops such as ATT have no big bets and primarily bet minimum
???!! What about checks????!!
Btn vs BB 25Bb
What is the dominant bet size for paired flops that are not ace high?
Minimum bet size
Btn VS BB 25bb; No ace on board
What is the dominant size bet for unpaired boards that are not ace high? Eg K94.
Bet 90% of pot.
The average frequency is approximately 40%.
Btn VS BB 25bb; Axx Board
On Axx boards what is the average “big bet frequency”*?
*big bet means “bet 90% of pot”
Average big bet frequency on Axx boards is 57%
BTN vs BB 25bb stacks on paired boards
What is the check-back frequency on boards that feature paired big cards and a little card KK4 and TT5?
On boards like KK5 and QQ7 IP player does not ever check and bets small most of the time.
BTN VS BB 25BB, Monotone flops
What is the general pattern for monotone flops
The betting is split between large bets (90% pot) and checking.
BTN VS BB 25BB IP c-bet frequency
What is the relationship between possible straights on board and check-back frequency?
In general the more possible straights the more IP player checks back.
BTN vs BB 25bb: OOP defense after x-minBet
By rank on which type of board does the OOP player fold the least? Ace high, high rank, medium rank or low rank?
OOP folds the least after a check–>min bet on LOW RANK (high card, 2, 3, 4 or 5) boards.