25bb BTN Vs BB Specific Flops Flashcards
9s8s4d flop : what type of flop is this and what is the expected betting strategy for IP after a check?
On a 9s8s4d board there are 3 oesd and it is 2-tone. This means a barbell strategy between checking and betting 90% of pot.
On 9s8s4d flop what hands do you bluff with?
How would you describe these hands?
What frequency do you bet them with and what size?
Here are all the trash hands you bluff with on the 9s8s4d board
J5cc J6cc J5hh Q3cc Q3hh T5cc T5dd T5hh
These are all hands with a card that blocks an OESD and and blocks a backdoor straight draw. But none contain a suit on board.
They are all bluffed with very high frequency and net 90% of pot
On the 9s8s4d board what weak hands does IP bluff with a very high percentage of the time? What size ?
The high frequency weak hands to bluff with all contain and low card or 6 and do not contain the As
Ac5s Ac2c Ac2h Ac3s Ac5s Ad2h Ad5s Ah2c
On 9s8s4d flop what are the equities of
77and generally what is your betting strategy?
The equities vary from 55 to 65% and there are 100% checked.
9s8s4d flop. What are the equities of hands
AKwith no ace of spade or diamond
AQno ace of spade or diamond
AJ no ace of spade or diamond
AT no ace of spade or diamond
And what are the betting frequencies ?
The equities of AK to AT no As or Ad are all approximately 50%.
AQo are 30% check and 79% b90%
AKo are mainly check
ATo are mainly check
AJo are mainly check
9s8s4d flop
Describe the betting pattern when you hold a suited king without spades
Suited kings divide into diamonds and non diamonds.
KdXd hands are split between bluffing and checking When the kicker is small. When the kicker is Td,Jd or Qd the hand is checked back.
9s8s4d flop
What is the betting strategy with AsXs or KsXs?
Suited aces with spades are bet 90% of pot 86% of the time
Suited kings with spades are bet 86% of the time
What is the betting strategy with AdXd?
These are checked with the exception of Ad9d which is top pair. This is net 90% of pot 95% of the time.
9s8s4d flop
What are the average equities of middle pair hands like 87 and Q8?
Middle pair hands on a 9s8s4d board are strong hands with equities from high sixties (Eg 87 has 68%) to Q8 having 72%
9s8s4d flop, IP play
How does the betting patter for b90% of pot differ between 200bb and 25bb stacks for trash hands?
IP with a small 25bb stack bluffs much more aggressively, 60% of the time with trash hands than with a 200bb stack.
b90% b66% b33% bMin Check Strong 73%/64% 8%/3% 3%/2% 2%/2% 14%/28% Good 21%/35% 3%/2% 2%/2% 1%/2% 74%/59% Weak 50%/60% 4%/2% 1%/2% 1%/2% 43%/34% Trash 26%/59% 8%/2% 2%/2% 1%/1% 63%/36%
How does the overall IP betting pattern differ between 25bb and 200bb on 9s8s4d flop?
The overall pattern is very similar: approximately 50% big bets (90% of pot) and 50% checks for 25bb vs 43% big bets for 200bb.
9s8s4d board
At 25bb stacks, how does the IP player bet 7c6c, 7d6d, 7h6h?
Checks back 100% of the time
9s8s4d board
At 200bb stacks, how does the IP player bet 7c6c, 7d6d, 7h6h?
Bets 90% of pot close to 100% of the time