Growth Hormone & Gonadotropins Flashcards
- How is GH transported?
- What is GH’s overall effect?
- Use up fat stores & promote protein synth.
What are Insulin-like growth factoes (IGFs) (somatomedins)?
Peptide hormones w. strong mitogenuc properties (encourage cell division)
Produced Io in liver, but also in most other tissues (where it has an auto-/paracrine effect).
What are the 2 types of IGFs?
effects most cells in body where it stimulates cell growth multiplication & inhibits apoptosis
a growth-promoting hormone during gestation
What effects does GH have on GROWTH?
–Hyperplasia (increase # cells)
–Hypertrophy (increase cell size)
– Increase protein synth. (decreases blood a.a’s)
– Decrease protein degradation
– Increase bone growth
What effects does GH have on METABOLISM?
– Increase fat breakdown (lipolysis) (increase blood free fatty acids)
– Increase glucose output from liver (hepatic gluconeogenesis)
– Decrease insulin sensitivity in muscle
(THUS, decrease glucose uptake by muscles)
–> muscles use free fatty acids (increase blood glucose)
How does GH regulate bone growth?
GH (via IGF-1 stimulating chondrocytes & osteoblasts) regulates both THICKNESS and LENGTH of bone growth.
What happens when there is excess GH?
–if in childhood, body remains in proportion (GIGANTISM)
–if after adolescence, bones can’t legthen (ACROMEGALY)
What happens when there is GH deficiency?
–IGF-1 (or R) deficiency = AFRICAN PYGMIES
What other responses (other than growth) may occur in response to GH?
- Androgens areninvolved in the pubertal growth spurt and simulate protein synth. (permissive interaction with GH)
- Children with hypothyroid conditions have their growth
severely stunted, however, hypersecreUon of TH does not stimulate excess growth.
• Excess insulin stimulates excessive growth and a deficiency may block growth
What are gonadotropins?
LH & FSH produced by gonadotropes in ant. pituitary!
–> acts on gonads by activating cAMP
–> some circadian rhythm
–> puberty is initiated by an increase in GnRH activity
What do FSH and LH do in FEMALES?
FSH = promotes follicle growth & development
(including the induction of LH R’s on the dominant follicle)
Also stim.’s estrogen secretion from follicles
LH = maintains development of corpus leuteum & estrogen/progesterone secretion
What do FSH and LH do in MALES?
FSH = stim. sperm production
LH = stim. testosterone