Growth and Development of Toddler and Preschoolers Flashcards
Toddler period
12-36 months
Time of intense exploration
“how do things work and how can I control others?”
Toddlers try to control others with
Temper tantrums
(reassure parents that behaviors are appropriate and needed for intellectual growth and developmental achievements
Psychosocial Development: Toddler
Erikson’s Autonomy V Shame and doubt (phase 2: 12-36mo)
Acquire sense of autonomy while overcoming a sense of doubt and shame
Ritualistic behaviors and negativism responding “no” or “me do”
Will throw temper-tantrums when scolded- but need to have a sense of sameness and reliability that will provide a sense of control and help limit some of their outbursts and temper tantrums
Early stages of “super ego” or conscience emerge
Cognitive Development: Toddler
Piaget’s sensory motor stages (12-24mo)
Tertiary Circular Reactions begin to emerge
Awareness of casual relationships between 2 events (like turning on a light switch)
Not able to knowledge transfer to new situations, they must reinvestigate what happens
Able to recognize different shapes and their relation to one another
Aware of space and the relationship of their body to dimensions such as height – they can stand and stretch to reach things higher up, pull stings, stand on stools
Primary circular reaction:
Action and response both involve infants own body (1-4 mo)
Secondary circular reaction:
Action gets a response from another person or object, leading to babies repeating original action (4-8mo)
Tertiary circular reaction:
Action gets one pleasing result, leading baby to perform similar actions to get similar result (12-18mo)
Piaget’s Final Sensory Motor and Preoperational phase
19-24 mo
More complex preoperational thought
Object permanence (actively seek out objects in several different potential hiding places)
Imitation: symbolization
Mimicry: imitating household activities
Gender role behaviors becomes increasingly common, identify with the same gender parent and attempt to copy them in their gestures and words
Piaget’s Per-conceptual/Pre-operational phase of Cognitive Development
Subdivision of per-operational lasts from 2-7yr rudimentary socialized behavior is primary one of transitions that bridges the purely satisfying behavior of infants and the rudimentary socialized behavior of latency
Don’t think in operation/logical fashion-problem solving
Concrete thinkers (basis of their perception of an event only with what they see and hear directly)
Egocentrism, Magical belief
Concerned with why and how of things
Physical Development: Toddler
Growth slows Birth weight is quadrupled by 2.5yr Height increases by 3 in per year FOC = chest circumference by 1-2yr Pot belly look Bowed legs (straighten out between 3-4) Visual acuity: 20/40 Report persistent strabismus (crossed eye): should disappear between 3-4 mo-- can be fixed if caught soon, if not can lead to vision problems Senses become increasingly developed (want to smell, touch, taste... Very curious)
Estimation of adult height:
2yr height in cm x 2
Gross motor: Toddler
Major development of locomotion
Begin to tiptoe
Steady gait
Gross motor: 12-13 mo
Walks independently, using a wide stance for extra balance
Gross motor: 18mo
Try to run, but fall easily
Gross motor: 24mo
Walk up and down stairs with assistance
Gross motor: 30mo
Can jump using both feet
Gross motor: Assessing the readiness for Potty training
Voluntary control of anal and urinary sphincters (18-24mo)
Ability to stay dry for 2hr
Decreased number of wet diapers
Waking up dry from a nap
Regular bowel movements
Achieved gross motor skills, such as sitting, walking, squatting
Achieved fine motor skills: able to remove their clothing
Recognize the urge to use the bathroom
Ability to communicate when they need to use the bathroom
Must be able to sit on the toilet for 5-10 minutes without getting up or fussing
Fine motor: 12mo
Grasp very small objects
Fine motor: 15mo
cast and retrieve objects
Fine motor: 18mo
Throw a ball over hand
Fine motor: 24mo
Turn pages in a book
Fine motor: 30mo
Hold crayon in fingers
Fine motor: toddler
Can stack blocks
Draw stick figures
Must incorporate play during hospital stay due to its importance
Nutrition for Toddler
Decreased need for protein, calories, fluids
Caloric requirement: 102kcal/kg/day
Require 3 meals and 2 snacks per day
Eat with the rest of the family
Physiologic Anorexia
Become very picky, fussy eaters with a strong taste preference
Preventing food jags in toddlers
Prevent one food in various physical forms
Child may need to progress to eating new foods in a step wise fashion: seeing food, smelling, touching, tasting it then eating it
Normal behavior
Want to investigate the food before eating it
Nutrition needs for Toddler
Vit C enhance iron absorption
Drink from cup with a lid
Use a spoon
Eat with fingers: make sure its cut up
Use routines (can bring routine to hospital)
Dont mix food or let them touch
Keep serving small: 1 tbsp of solid food/year of age
Need vit D supplementation for good bone growth
Toddler nutrition: Whole milk
2-3 servings a day (23-30oz)
Milk is the cheapest source of Ca and Phosphorus intake
Continue whole milk until 2yr then can go to low fat milk to decrease caloric intake
Toddler nutrition: Fruit Juice
4-6 ounces of 100% juice = enhances iron absorption
Need at least 1 cup of fruit/day because of Vit C enhancing absorption of Iron
Dont give more than 4-6 ounces of 100% juice because it will cause diarrhea, DM, dental caries and over and under nutrition
Good sources of Ca
Cheese Yogurt Milk Beans Green veggys (broccoli, collard greens)
Ca fortified foods
Some white bread
Skills and Language development: 15mo
Tolerates separation from parents mometarily
Skills and Language development: 18mo
Temper tantrums emerge
Show strong emotions
Use ownership words
If time outs are used its best for the time to be 1 min/year of age
Skills and Language development: 24mo
Parallel play
Not good with sharing at this age group, important to start implementing sharing concepts
Skills and Language development: 30mo
Separates from parents easily
Increased independence from parents
Begin to use 400 words, 2-3 word sentences
Safety considerations: Toddler
Aspiration Suffocation risks Falls Drowning Strangulation Burns (use back burners) MVC (use appropriate car seat) Immunizations
Safety tips for parents of toddlers
Use federally approved car seat Supervise play Supervise child around water Cover outlets Latch second story windows Place gates at top and bottom of stairs Examine toys for small pieces Garage doors need to have safety mechanisms in place Food should be adequately cute Keep toxins out of reach
Sibling Rivalry in Toddler
occurs when there’s a new child in the family and the toddler no longer gets all of the attention and actios out, and may revert to more infantile behavior such as demanding a bottle when they’ve been weaned off for a few months, or clinging, or soiling underpants
This is normal behavior because they are feeling left out
Parents should spend as much time with toddler as possible
Breathing holding in Toddler
When a child is having a temper tantrum
If they are not getting what they want they may hold their breath, it is common and will not be harmed.
Make sure of safe environment due to fainting
They do this to gain independence and be autonomous
Provide them with consistency in expectations and prioritize rituals
Have consequences that are reasonable for the development to help manage behavior
When the child demonstrates appropriate behavior: provide positive reinforcement about the behavior so that the child knows that the behavior is bad not that they are bad
Autism in Toddlers
Diagnosed at 18-36mo
4x more often in Boys than Girls
Various therapies can help but no cure
Common speech and language delay
🚩If child isn’t babbling or gesturing by 12mo
🚩If they are not saying single words by 16mo or 2 word phrases by 24 mo
Need to be recommended immediately for hearing and language evaluation
✶Early treatment results in better outcome
Common fears and stressors in a hospital for a Toddler
Fear of strangers and new places Separation from parents Fear of being abandoned Fear of losing control and autonomy Fear of moving with medical equipment connected to them
Preschool Age
3-5 yr
Gain control of their bodily functions
Most children should be completely potty trained (some are heavy sleepers and need to wear pull ups)
Tolerate brief and prolonged periods of separation
Interact cooperatively with other children and adults
Learn how to share and take turns, learn how to say “thats not fair” or “its my turn”
Use language for mental symbolization, make up different names for certain objects
Increased attention span and memory ( if you make a promise you have to follow through, they will remember
Psychosocial development of Preschoolers
Erikson’s Initiative V Guilt (phase 3: 3-5yr)
Primary psychosocial task is acquiring a sense of initiative
Like to please others and its very important to be accepted by parents and friends
Love getting praised for a good job
Feeling of guilt, anxiety and fear when their thoughts differ from expectations
Development of superego and conscience
Learn the difference between right and wrong, good and bad
Cognitive Development of Preschoolers
Piaget’s Cognitive theory: per-operational phase
Less ergocentric- not extremely focused on self
Use language without understanding the meaning of words, need to reinforce not to use words that they dont understand the meaning of, pay attention to what they are hearing and listening to
Dont have a full understanding of time (days, weeks, months)
Thinking is magical, believe their thoughts are all powerful
Physical development of Preschooler
Proportions no longer resemble those of that squat, potbellied toddler, they are more slender with a sturdy frame
Gain about 5lb every year
Average weight and height for 3yr
weight: 14.6kg (32lb)
height: 95cm (37.25in)
Average weight and height for 4yr
Weight: 16.7kg (36.75lb)
Height: 103 cm (40.5in)
Average weight and height for 5yr
Weight: 18.7kg (41.25lb)
Height: 110cm (43.25in)
Motor Function of 3yr
Walking, running, climbing, and jumping well, stands on 1 foot for about 10 seconds, copy circle, build a tower of 9-10 cubes
Vocabulary of 900 words, talk using 3-4 sentences combined
Ask many questions
Dress and feed themselves - need help with buttons, zippers, turning clothes right side out, putting the left and right shoe on correctly, brushing teeth,
Motor Function of 4yr
Skip and hop on one foot, catch a ball, throw overhand, walks up and down stairs alternating feet (supervise), use scissors, copy a square, draws 2 part stick figure
1500 word vocab, talks in 4-3 word sentences
Imaginary playmates (normal)
Very independent
Motor Function of 5yr
Skips alternating feet, jumps rope, begins to sate with good balance, walks backwards, ties shoe laces
2100 word vocab, 6-8 word sentences
Names 4 or more colors
Knows days of week and months but still bad concept of time (use breakfast, lunch and dinner time frames)
Nutrition for Preschooler
Picky eaters
1400-1600 calories/day for a moderately active child
Fruits, veggy and whole grain should be increased
Be aware of sugar-sweeteners
Diet must contain adequate Ca, Vit D
Decrease fats
Serving sizes should be about 1/2 cup portions
Quality over Quantity
Nutrition By age 5
Become more agreeable to trying new food when encouraged by adults, love helping in the kitchen
Ready to social side eating, will sit quietly with family and eat
Safety Considerations of Preschooler
Supervision when playing anywhere NEVER LEAVE CHILD ALONE AROUND WATER Educate about hazards of the street and learn what the signs mean Appropriate car seat Helmet to prevent head injury Prevent choking by cutting up foods
Appropriate Car seat
Rear facing used by infants for as long as possible, to the weight limit of the harness
Never Forward facing before the 1st birthday and about 20-22lbs
When forward facing: toddler must be in a5 point harness until upper weight limit of harness is reached about 40-65lbs
Children age 4 and up to 4ft 9in to be in a booster seat
Safety in hospital for Preschoolers
Bed in the lowest position
Side rails up and locked
Call light within reach and teach how to use it
Prevent choking on food or objects- cut up food and make sure HOB is elevated appropriately for them to eat