Growth and Development Flashcards
What age is a child who can identify 1 or more body parts (up to 4 parts), build a tower of 4 cubes, use a cup well, walk up stairs 2 feet per step with hand held, follows simple command, and speak 10-25 words?⁰
18 months old
What age is a child who can use 3-word phrases of which 75% is intelligible to a stranger, can identify 2 colors, and can draw a circle and cross, but not a square?
3 years old
What age is a child who can dress themselves (except buttons in back), go up and down stairs with one foot on each step, and can balance on 1 foot for 2-3 seconds?
3 years old
What age is a child who can go up and down stairs 2 feet each step, jump off the ground with 2 feet, build a tower of 6 blocks, use a spoon well, and speak 50-100 words which is 50% intelligible to stranger, uses personal pronouns and can identify 6 body parts?
24 months or 2 years old
At what age do children usually start using cooperative play?
3-4 years old
from 18-24 months, they engage in parallel play
What age is a child who can crawl, pull to stand, start cruising furniture, looks for dropped objects (object permanence), starting to use pincer grasp, says Mama/Dada nonspecifically and engages in polysyllabic babbling?
9 month old
What age is a child who can take few independent steps, walk on level ground with 1 hand held, scribble after demonstration, secure pincer grasp (using fingertip and distal thumb), starting to engage in symbolic play, says Mama/Dad specifically and 1-2 other words?
12 month old child
At what age can a child draw a square?
4 years old
At what age can a child draw a triangle?
5 years old
What are signs suspicious for Autism at 6 months of age?
- absence of social smile
2. failing to regard face
What are signs suspicious for Autism at 12 months of age?
- no pointing
- no babbling
- no use of gestures
When does the AAP recommend routine screening for Autism?
18 and 24 months
using MCHAT
At what age can most children (90%) sit without support?
7 months
At what age can most children start walking without help?
13 months
At what age can most children cruise furniture?
11 months
How do you calculate mid-parental height?
girls (inches): mother’s height + (father’s height -5) / 2
boys (inches): father’s height + (mother’s height + 5) / 2
use 13 cm instead of 5 in if in cm
What is the minimum linear growth rate expected during pre-adolescent years?
2 inches or 5 cm per year
A child presents with short stature, growing parallel to standard curves or just below for height and weight, has normal weight-for-height and skin fold thickness, and bone age is consistent with chronologic age most likely suffers from …
Familial short stature
What is the average weight, height and head circumference for a 12 month old?
weight: 10 kg
height: 75 cm
head circumference: 45 cm
What is the average weight, height, and head circumference for a 24 month old?
weight: 12 kg
height: 86 cm
head circumference: 48 cm
What is the most common type of craniosynostosis?
premature fusion of the midline sagittal suture (scaphocephaly or dolichocephaly)
-long narrow skull
At what age can a child be found to be able to lift his head 90 degrees while prone, have no head lag, and starting to roll from front to back?
4 months of age
At what age can a child lift his head off the examine table in anticipation of being lifted, transfer an object from hand to hand, roll back to front and sit with support?
6 months of age
At what age can a child start to lift her head 45 degrees off the exam table, smile socially, track objects 180 degrees, still has head lag, has palmar grasp reflex, and has Moro reflex?
2 months of age
An infant aged 2 weeks to 6 months old who presents with increased extensor tone in both arm and leg on the side his head passively turns to and increased flexor muscles of arm and leg on opposite side most likely suffers from ….
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex
normal primitive reflex; reassurance if within 2 weeks to 6 months of age
What is the typical age range for the rooting reflex?
birth to 4 months old
What is the typical age range for the parachute reflex (extend their arms forwards as if to break a fall)?
develops at 6-9 months and persists for life
one of the balance and equilibrium tests
What is the typical age range for the Moro reflex?
birth to 3-6 months old
When is an up-going Babinski (extensor plantar) response pathologic (indicative of brain or spinal cord lesion)?
if persists beyond 2-3 years old
usually disappears between 9-12 months of age
What is the normal expectation for a premature baby without co-morbidities to complete catch up growth (for weight, height and development)?
2 years of age
At what age can most children regard and rake a small object with the thumb adducted, the proximal and distal thumb joints flexed and the fingers extended?
6 months of age
What are the criteria for bariatric surgery in a pediatric patient?
- physiologically mature adolescent (SMR 4/5)
- failure to lose weight after 6 months of organized
3a. BMI > 120% of 95th percentile with severe comorbidity (poorly controled T2DM, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, pseudotumor cerebri)
3b. BMI > 140% of 95th percentile with less severe comorbidities
At what age does object permanence emerge?
Between 9 and 12 months
allows for playing peek a boo
What cognitive stages of development might be seen in a 4 year old?
- Magical thinking (belief that they can with the disease away)
- Immanent Justice (child perceives their own illness as punishment for some misdeed)
What age is a child who can walk alone, squat to pick up toys but crawls upstairs, makes a tower of 2 cubes, uses a cup, starts to scribble spontaneously but can not make vertical line or circle, can turn page of book, points to objects to express interest, and has 3-5 words?
15 months old
At what age can a child state his age, tell his full name, can identify 2-3 colors, use plurals, can ask who/ what questions, and form 3 word sentences?
3 years old
At what age can a child walk downstairs, hop, cut with scissors, speak intelligibly with 6-8 word sentences, define words, copy triangle, name 5 colors, count 10 objects, dress and undress themselves, and apologize when a mistake is made?
5 year old
What is the average head circumference for a term newborn?
33-37 cm
What is the most likely diagnosis for a patient presenting with bilateral premature closure of coronal sutures (brachycephaly), midface hypoplasia, proptosis, normal intelligence, and normal hands and feet?
Crouzon syndrome
most common craniosynostosis syndrome; 1/3 develop hydrocephalus
What is the most likely diagnosis for a patient presenting with premature closure of multiple sutures (often bicoronal synostosis), syndactyly of hands and feet with characteristic mitten hand and intellectual disability?
Apert syndrome
What is the most likely diagnosis for a patient presenting with fusion of multiple sutures (often lambdoid and sagittal sutures), syndactyly, intellectual disability, and somtimes CHD/ orthopedic abnormalities/ corneal opacities?
Carpenter syndrome
What is the likely diagnosis for a patient presenting with macrocephaly, excessive physical growth in early childhood, and intellectual disability?
Soto syndrome
Cerebral gigantism
By what age can most children ump off the ground with 2 feet up?
30 months old
By what age can most children balance on 1 foot for 6-10 seconds?
4 years old
At what age can 90% of children walk well unassisted (without help)?
15 months
How do you determine the age equivalent (age level) of a child’s drawing of a person?
each point coverts to 1/4 added to the base of 3
1 point credited for each: 2 eyes, 2 ears, a nose, a mouth, hair, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 hands, 2 feet, a neck and a trunk
How do you determine how old a child is based on a drawing on a person?
You add 1/4 of a year to the base of 3 for each of the following:
2 eyes, nose, 2 arms, 2 legs, trunk, hair, 2 ears, mouth, 2 hands, 2 feet, neck
At what age does the Babinski (extensor plantar response) disappear?
9-12 months old
What are risk factors for obesity is children?
1) parents obesity
2) low maternal education status
3) high birth weight
4) maternal excessive weight gain during pregnancy
5) maternal gestational diabetes
What is the most common type of craniosynostosis?
scaphocephaly (long narrow skull due to fusion of midline sagittal suture)