Adolescent Flashcards
What are the 3 clinical symptoms required to make up a minimal set of clinical criteria for PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) to initiate empiric therapy?
- Cervical motion tenderness
- Uterine tenderness
- Adnexal tenderness
What is the most common orthopedic complication of repetitive tennis playing?
Lateral epicondylitis
(Tennis elbow)
-reproducible pain on and around lateral epicondyle, & with resisted wrist extension and supination
-no warmth or erythema
What is the most common orthopedic complication of repetitive golfing?
Medial epicondylitis
(Golfer’s elbow)
-pain on and around medial epicondyle and during wrist flexion
What accounts for the high incidence of new HPV infections in sexually active adolescents?
Metaplasia within cervical transformation zone (columnar epithelium transform into squamous epithelium)
- very active during puberty until early 20’s
- 90% of infections are transient & clear w/in 2 years
What is the criteria to be an emancipated minor? (3)
1) < 18 years old
2) married/ previously married, a parent, serving in military, living independently
3) managing own finances
What is Asherman syndrome?
secondary amenorrhea due to avascular intrauterine adhesions (synechiae) & fibrosis after endometritis
-diagnosis with hysteroscopy or sonohysterography
What is the best initial treatment of a non-pregnant patient with Chlamydia infection?
Azithromycin 1 gram orally with retest in 3 months (to assess for reinfection)
-test of cure done in pregnant pt’s after 3 weeks
What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome?
extrapelvic manifestation of PID due to ascending infection
- infection & inflammation of hepatic capsule & right diaphragm
- LFT normal, elevated acute phase reactions
What medication used to treat STIs results in a disulfiram-like reaction if the patient consumes alcohol?
- used for bacterial vaginosis (500 mg BID for 7 days)
- flushing, tachycardia, palpitations, nausea, vomiting
What is the most common bacteria that causes breast abscesses in newborns?
Staph aureus
-tx w/ Clindamycin, Bactrim, Vanc if MRSA risk
What antimicrobial medication can result in decrease serum estrogen & progrestin levels from OCPs; and, therefore, backup method of contraception should be used?
-remember anti-seizure meds (phenytoin, carbamazepine, barbituates, topamax, oxcarbazepine) can have same effect
What is the best initial treatment for pt with fibrocystic breast changes (tender cystlike mobile mass associated with fibrotic tissue, pain worse just prior to menses)?
NSAIDs (ibuprofen) and recheck in 1-2 months
- usually resolve over 1-2 menstrual cycles
- caffeine can make worse
What are the 3 most common causes of death in adolescents?
- Unintentional injury (MVA, drowning, ATV, guns accidents)
- homicide
- suicide
What is the preferred outpatient treatment for gonococcal urethritis (or vaginitis)?
Cefriaxone 250 mg IM with azithromycin 1gram oral
treat for gonorrhea and presumptive chlamydia coinfection
What is the most common cause of death in adolescents?
Unintentional injuries (~40% of deaths)
What is the treatment for congenital syphillis?
1) Aqueous penicillin G 50K units/kg IV q 8-12 hrs for 10 days
2) Procaine penicillin G 50K units/kg IM for 10 days
A child aged weeks to 2 years old presents with diffuse reddish papulosquamous rash that fades to copper, hepatomegaly, lymphadenolpathy, jaundice, hemorrhagic rhinitis, elevated LFTs, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia most likely suffers from…?
Congenital Syphillis
check VDRL and RPR
What lab abnormalities is associated with bulimia/ purging disorder? (2)
1) Hypokalemia
2) Hypochloremic metabolic acidosis
What is the lab abnormality associated with cardiac failure (arrhythmias) ad respiratory compromise in severe anorexics undergoing treatment?
refeeding syndrome- phosphate needed for myocardial & diaphragm contractility
What organism is characterized as rod-shaped, oval organisms (safety pin shaped encapsulated bacilli) within the cytoplasm of mononuclear phagocytes on Wright Stain and can cause painless genital ulcers?
Klebsiella granulomatous
- Donovan bodies
- aka granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis)
- more common in India, Carribbean, south Africa
During which sexual maturity rating is the peak height velocity for girls?
SMR 2-3 (~11.5 years)
-boys occur during SMR 3-4 (~13.5)
What diagnosis is characterized by the triad of migratory arthritis, tenosynovitis, and dermatitis (painless pustules) especially in a sexually active pt?
Disseminated gonococcal infection
- 2-3 weeks of primary GU infection, often w/ menses
- dxw/ nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT)
What is the outpatient treatment for PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)?
IM Ceftriaxone 250 mg plus Doxycycline 100 mg BID to complete 14 day course
Azithromycin (500 mg once followed by 250 mg to complete 7 days)
What is the most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) in adolescents during initial 1-2 years of menarche?
Anovulatory cycle
- due to immarturity of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis
- tx w/ monophasic OCPs at set interval until bleeding stops
What is the cause of vaginal discharge that is most often associated with increase vaginal pH?
Bacterial vaginosis (vaginal pH > 4.5, clue cells on wet mount, positive Whiff test, thin grayish-white discharge)
What is the average peak height velocity in girls?
8.3 cm per year
What is the average peak height velocity in boys?
9.5 cm per year
What disease is the groove sign (tender femoral lymphadenopathy and inguinal lymphadenopathy) characteristic of?
Lymphogranuloma venereum
-due to Chlamydia trachomatis (L1, L2, L3)
True or false. Women should be encouraged to used OCPs for birth control if they have liver disease.
-OCPs are metabolized by liver so should discourage if have liver disease or tumor
An athlete who develops peripheral edema, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and HTN most likely using what performance-enhancing drug?
Recombinant human growth hormone
What is the most common structural cardiac complication among pt’s with anorexia nervosa?
mitral valve prolapse
-late systolic murmur at apex preceded by a click
What is Russell sign and what diagnosis is it associated with?
calluses on knuckles due to hand continually hitting teeth associated with self induced vomiting in bulimia
What is the first sign of puberty in boys?
increased testicular size
What is the diagnostic finding for bacterial vaginosis?
Clue cells (vaginal epithelial cells with a stippled membrane covered with adherent bacteria)