Growth and Development Flashcards
The time between puberty and adulthood; a time of rapid growth and physical, sexual, emotional, and social changes.
Changes in mental, emotional, and social function.
Developmental task
A skill that must be completed during a stage of development for development to continue
The release of semen
The physical changes that are measured and that occur in a steady, orderly manner.
The first year of life
The first menstruation and the start of menstrual cycles
The time when menstruation stops and menstrual cycles end.
A behavior or skill that occurs in a stage of development.
A person of the same age-group and background
Primary Caregiver
The person mainly responsible for providing or assisting with the child’s basic needs
The period when reproductive organs begin to function and secondary sex characteristics appear
An involuntary movement
Sexual Orientation
Emotional, romantic, and physical attraction to men, women, or both sexes
A period of time (age range) in which a person learns certain skills.
Teen Dating Violence (TDV)
The physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship as well as stalking.
Intimate Partner Violence
Birth to 1 year (learn to walk, learn to eat solid foods, begin to talk and communicate with others, learn to trust, begin to have emotional relationships with parents, brothers, and sisters, develop stable sleep and feeding patterns)
Moro reflex (startle reflex)
Occurs when the baby is startled by a loud noise, a sudden movement, or the head falling back. the arms are thrown apart. The legs extend and then flex. A brief cry is common.
Rooting reflex
Occurs when the cheek is touched near the mouth. The mouth opens and the head turns toward the touch. This reflex is needed for feeding. It guides the baby’s mouth to the nipple.
Sucking reflex
Occurs when the lips are touched.
Palmar grasp reflex
Occurs when the palm is stroked. The fingers close firmly around the object.
Step (dance) reflex
Occurs when the baby is held upright and the feet touch a surface. The feet move up and down in stepping motions.
1 to 3 years (Tolerate separation from the primary caregiver, gain control of bowel and bladder function, Use words to communicate, become less dependent on the primary caregiver)
3 to 6 years (Increase their ability to communicate and understand others, perform self-care, learn gender differences and develop sexual modesty, learn right from wrong and good from bad, learn to play with others, develop family relationships)
School Age
6 to 9 or 10 years (Develop the social and physical skill needed for playing games, learn to get along with persons of the same age-group and background, learn behaviors and attitudes common for one’s gender, learn basic reading, writing, and math skills, develop a conscience and morals, develop a good feeling and attitude about oneself, permanent teeth erupt)
Late childhood
9 or 10 to 12 years (Become independent of adults and learn to depend on oneself, develop and keep friendships with peers, understand physical, psychological, and social changes, develop moral and ethical behavior, develop greater muscular strength, coordination, and balance, learn how to study)
12 to 18 years (Accept changes in the body and appearance, develop appropriate relationships with others and begin to attract partners, become independent from parents and adults, prepare for marriage and family life, prepare for a career, develop the morals, attitudes, and values needed to function in society)
Young Adulthood
18 to 40 years (Choosing education and a career, selecting a partner, learning to live with a partner, becoming a parent and raising children, developing a satisfactory sex life)
Middle Adulthood
40 to 65 years (Adjust to physical changes, adjust to having grown children, develop leisure-time activities, adjust to aging parents, sandwich “take care of kids and parents”)
Late Adulthood
65+ years (Adjust to decreased strength and loss of health, adjust to retirement and reduced income, cope with a partner’s death, develop new friends and relationships, prepare for one’s own death)
Changes in mental, emotional, social function are called
These statements are about growth and development. Which is true?
Each stage has its own characteristics
Which reflexes does the infant need for feeding?
The rooting and sucking reflexes
Which occurs first in infants?
The pincer grasp
A 6-month old can
Babble and make sounds
By 18 months a child can usually
Walk alone
Toilet training begins
During the toddler years
The toddler can
Use a spoon and cup
Playing with other children begins during
The preschool years
Losing baby teeth usually begins at the age of
Peer groups become important to
School age children
Reproductive organs begin to function. Secondary sex characteristics appear. This is called
Which is true?
Menarche marks the onset of puberty in girls.
Dating usually begins
During adolescence
Teen dating violence
Can occur electronically or in person
Adolescence is a time when parents and children
Young adulthood involves
Making career choices
Middle adulthood ranges from
40 to 65
Middle adulthood is a time when
Children are grown and leave home
Late adulthood involves