-the duct on the testicles where the sperm are stored
Vas Deferens
- a duct connecting the testicles to the urethra
- sperm travels along this duct
Seminal Vesicle
- provides semen
- semen= a mix of mucous and sperm
Prostate Gland
- gives off milky fluid that is part of semen
- semen helps to ensure that the sperm is not destroyed in the acidic environment of the vagina
-a narrow, muscular tube that transports semen outside he body through the penis
-the part of the body that transports semen out of the body and into the female for reproduction
-the end of the penis that allows the semen to pass from the body through the urethra opening
- found in the semen
- meets with the ovum (egg) for reproduction
- there are 2
- each is about the size of an almond
- they sit on either side of the uterus
- they produce eggs and the female sex hormones testosterone and progesterone
- each month an egg is released from here to the Fallopian tubes
- an egg
- moves from the ovary to the Fallopian tubes in hopes of being fertilized by a sperm
Fallopian tubes
- Extend from the sides of the uterus
- the path the egg travels down each month
- when an egg is fertilized, it usually happens at the section of the tube closest to the ovary
- looks like an upside down pear and is about the size of a fist
- where a fetus developed and grows
-the opening between the uterus and the vagina
- about 8cm long and between the cervix and the vaginal opening
- walls are very elastic and expand during child birth
How STIs are transmitted
- Sexual Contact (body fluids)
- Sharing Items (razors, toothbrushes)
- Mother to Baby
- Sometimes Dirty Needles
- frequent peeing
- antibiotics taken by mouth
- one of the most common STIs in Canada rn
- pain during sex
- antibiotics taken by mouth
- can be found in the throat, rectum, penis or vagina
- rash
- antibiotics taken by mouth
- oldest known STI
- visible warts
- cryotherapy (a procedure where the warts are frozen by liquid nitrogen)
- very contagious
- caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
- 2 types (HSV1 and HSV2)
Hepatitis A,B,C
- jaundice
- systems stop after time, but is always in your system
- can cause permanent liver disease and cancer of the liver
- HIV = 1st // AIDS = 2nd
- over a period of time, the virus attacks the immune and nervous system
- once infected, you have HIV for life
Public Lice
- reddish rash
- shampoo/lotion/ointment/antibiotics
- caused by tiny wingless insects known as crabs
- reddish rash
- shampoo/lotion/ointment/antibiotics
- caused by itch mites (burrows itself under the skin and lays eggs. Live for 2-4 days away from the human body)
- reddish rash
- shampoo/lotion/ointment/antibiotics
- caused by a normally sexually transmitted parasite (can survive for 24 hours on a wet bathing suit or towel)
- male reproductive glands
- produce male reproductive hormones (mostly testosterone)
The Fertilization Path
- sperm enters the vagina, the mucous lining is used to swim through the cervix and into the uterus
- Sperm heads for the Fallopian tubes, where it tries to find an egg. If they unite, they make the journey back to the uterus together while changes occur inside and out