Groups in the periodic table Flashcards
Classify elements as alkali metals (group 1), halogens (group 7), noble gases (group 0) and transition metals based on their position in the periodic table
Describe the structure of metals as a regular arrangement of positive ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electrons
Describe and explain the properties of metals, limited to
malleability and the ability to conduct electricity
Recall that most metals are transition metals and that their
typical properties include:
a high melting point
b the formation of coloured compounds
Demonstrate an understanding that elements and compounds can be classified as:
a ionic
b simple molecular covalent
c giant molecular covalent
d metallic
and that each type of substance has different physical
properties, including relative melting point and boiling point, relative solubility in water and ability to conduct electricity (as solids and in solution)
Describe alkali metals as:
a soft metals
b metals with comparatively low melting points
Describe the reactions of lithium, sodium and potassium with water to form hydroxides which are alkaline, and hydrogen gas
Describe the pattern in reactivity of the alkali metals lithium, sodium and potassium with water, use this pattern to predict the reactivity of other alkali metals and explain the pattern
Recall the colours and physical states of the halogens at room temperature
Describe the reaction of halogens with metals to form metal
Recall that halogens react with hydrogen to produce hydrogen halides which dissolve in water to form acidic solutions
Investigate displacement reactions of halogens reacting with halide ions in solution
Describe the relative reactivity of the halogens as shown by their displacement reactions with halide ions in aqueous solution
Describe the noble gases as chemically inert, compared with the other elements, and demonstrate an understanding that this lack of reactivity can be explained by the electronic arrangements in their atoms
Demonstrate an understanding that the discovery of the noble gases was due to chemists:
a noticing that the density of nitrogen made in a reaction
differed from that of nitrogen obtained from air
b developing a hypothesis about the composition of the air
c performing experiments to test this hypothesis and show the presence of the noble gases
Relate the uses of the noble gases to their properties, including:
a inertness (including providing an inert atmosphere for
welding and in filament lamps)
b low density (including filling balloons)
c non-flammability
Use the pattern in a physical property of the noble gases, such as boiling point or density, to estimate an unknown value for another member of the group