Group A Flashcards
Which of the following should be the primary focus of early language intervention for at-risk infants?
A.Establishing object permanence through play activities
B.Training primary caregivers to facilitate language learning
C.Creating readiness activities in the context of play
D.Enhancing social communication through play activities
Option (B) is correct. Early language stimulation in at-risk infants is best provided by primary caregivers who have been trained in practices that promote learning.
The figure above shows the oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal structures involved in swallowing. Which of the following best describes the transit of the bolus at the moment depicted in the figure?
A.The bolus is traveling through the esophagus.
B.The bolus is being propelled from the oral cavity by the tongue and has entered the pharynx.
C.The bolus has passively exited the oral cavity without propulsion by the tongue.
D.Laryngeal penetration of some of the bolus is evident.
Option (B) is correct. The tongue is in contact with the entire anterior and most of the mid to posterior hard palate. Furthermore, the bolus head has passed the epiglottis and is descending into the hypopharynx.
Primary motor innervation to the larynx and velum is provided by which cranial nerve?
Option (D) is correct. Primary innervation to the larynx and velum is provided by cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve. The other answer choices identify cranial nerves that are not primarily involved in motor innervation to the larynx and velum.
Fela is a third-grade student in a public school. She is a speaker of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) who has difficulty with the Standard American English (SAE) dialect used in her classroom. Her teacher believes that Fela’s language skills are affecting her academic performance and has referred her to the school’s speech-language pathologist. Which of the following is an appropriate rationale for providing language intervention for Fela?
Select all that apply.
A.It will likely foster better communication with Fela’s linguistically and culturally diverse peers.
B.It will likely improve Fela’s code-switching ability with her teacher and other adult speakers of SAE.
C.It may expand Fela’s later academic and vocational opportunities.
D.It will likely lead Fela to adopt SAE as her primary dialect.
Options (A), (B), and (C) are correct. The intervention will foster better communication because Fela and her peers will have a common dialect. Also, the intervention will provide Fela with the ability to switch easily between dialects using SAE structures. Furthermore, being able to switch codes will enable Fela to participate in more educational and vocational opportunities.
Federal laws regarding freedom of access to information stipulate that client records kept or written by health care professionals can be
A.reviewed only by other health-care professionals
B.reviewed only by the clients themselves unless the client provides written permission to share with others
C.reviewed by anyone who submits a formal written request
D.released only by subpoena
Option (B) is correct. Clients have the right to review their own records.
To justify providing individual treatment for a 2½ year old with apraxia of speech, which of the following would be LEAST important for the SLP to include in the evaluation report?
A.A description of the child’s typical interaction with peers
B.Relevant prognostic data
C.Information about apraxia of speech
D.A description of the language development of the child’s older siblings
Option (D) is correct. A description of the child’s older siblings’ language development does not provide the objective, documented evidence required to justify provision of treatment for a child of an age at which some unintelligibility would be typical.
The speech reception threshold (SRT) is a basic component of an evaluation of hearing function. Which of the following statements about the SRT is most accurate?
A.It is measured in decibels and corresponds to the intensity level at which spondaic words can be recognized approximately 50% of the time.
B.It makes use of test materials that are limited to monosyllabic words.
C.It provides information on how well speech is understood at conversational levels.
D.It is useful in validating acoustic intermittence measures.
Option (A) is correct. It is an accurate definition of the speech reception threshold.
A clinician who employs active listening is doing which of the following?
A.Responding to both the content and the affect of the client’s remarks
B.Listening very carefully and taking extensive notes
C.Conducting a clinician-directed interview
D.Directing the client to specific answers to questions
Option (A) is correct. A clinician who employs active listening responds to both the content (the denotative message) and the affect (the emotional content) of a client’s remarks.
This investigation was motivated by observations that when persons with dysarthria increase loudness, their speech improves. Some studies have indicated that this improvement may be related to an increase of prosodic variation. Studies have reported an increase of fundamental frequency (F0) variation with increased loudness, but there has been no examination of the relation of loudness manipulation to specific prosodic variables that are known to aid a listener in parsing out meaningful information. This study examined the relation of vocal loudness production to selected acoustic variables known to inform listeners of phrase and sentence boundaries: specifically, F0 declination and final-word lengthening. Ten young, healthy women were audio-recorded while they read aloud a paragraph at what each considered normal loudness, twice-normal loudness, and half-normal loudness. Results showed that there was a statistically significant increase of F0 declination, brought about by a higher resetting of F0 at the beginning of a sentence and an increase of final-word lengthening from the half-normal loudness condition to the twice-normal loudness condition. These results suggest that when some persons with dysarthria increase loudness, variables related to prosody may change, which in turn contributes to improvement in communicative effectiveness. However, until this procedure is tested with individuals who have dysarthria, it is uncertain whether a similar effect would be observed.
Which of the following represent(s) the independent variable or variables used in the Watson and Hughes study?
A.Prosody of dysarthric speech
B.F0 declination and final-word lengthening
C.Vocal loudness
D.Speech intelligibility and communicative effectiveness
Option (C) is correct. The researchers manipulated vocal loudness to determine its effect on prosodic F0 and durational variables.
Watson and Hughes are cautious when suggesting that the speech of some persons with dysarthria improves because of the prosodic changes that result from increasing vocal loudness. Of the following, which is the most likely reason for this caution?
A.Only women were studied.
B.The prosody of persons with dysarthria may not show similar loudness effects.
C.Several acoustic variables related to speech prosody were not included.
D.Reciting a paragraph aloud is unlike spontaneous speech
Option (B) is correct. At the end of the abstract, the researchers Hughes suggest a relationship between increased vocal loudness and “improvement in communicative effectiveness” in some persons with dysarthria. This relationship is not directly supported by their study, as individuals with dysarthria were not tested.
Which of the following best describes the experimental design of the Watson and Hughes study?
A.A multiple-baseline design
B.A between-subjects design
C.A within-subjects design
D.A mixed between- and within-subjects design
Option (C) is correct. The researchers use the same group of subjects who recite a paragraph under three conditions: at normal, twice-normal, and half-normal loudness. This is an example of a within-subjects design, in which the dependent variables (in this case, prosodic F0 and durational variables) are measured repeatedly in the same subjects under different task conditions (in this case, vocal loudness).
Which of the following is the best action to take initially with a client who presents with poor oral control of liquids and solids, coughing and choking while eating and drinking, and a history of hospitalizations associated with pneumonia?
A.Thickening liquids so that the client will be better able to control oral movements for swallowing
B.Obtaining a modified barium-swallow study to determine appropriate interventions
C.Evaluating the client’s ability to eat a variety of foods in order to determine which foods are safest
D.Prescribing that the client be NPO, since aspiration is present
Option (B) is correct. An assessment of the problem must be undertaken before treatment is provided, and the best way to do this is to obtain a modified barium-swallow study.
A number of research reports have described poor auditory memory in children with language impairments. Which of the following can most appropriately be concluded from these studies?
A.Poor auditory memory can be improved by language-intervention programs that focus on teaching vocabulary and word meanings.
B.Poor auditory memory is a reflection of a language impairment, and clinicians and researchers cannot effect improvement.
C.Poor auditory memory could be a reflection or a cause of a language impairment or could be related to some other factor, and further research is needed to determine which is the case.
D.Children with language impairments normally do not have well-developed representational skills.
Option (C) is correct. Research reports are restricted to the variables examined in the studies on which they are based. A relationship between poor auditory memory and language impairment has been found in some research studies. Other factors could be involved, however, suggesting that further research is needed. Conclusions about treatment or the effects of the impairment must be made through additional research studies.
Ms. Brown, a 70-year-old retired female, was admitted to the hospital following a CVA. The SLP conducted a comprehensive evaluation that revealed the presence of left-side neglect, anosognosia (denial of impairment), and visuospatial problems, including prosopagnosia (difficulty recognizing familiar faces). Although her auditory comprehension and repetition skills were good, she experienced difficulty with topic maintenance and turn taking. Based on the clinical features described, Ms. Brown’s diagnostic classification would most likely be
A.Wernicke’s aphasia
B.Conduction aphasia
C.Cognitive-communicative disorder consistent with right hemisphere damage
D.Cognitive-communicative disorder consistent with left hemisphere damage
Option (C) is correct. The symptoms described in the scenario are consistent with damage to the right hemisphere.
A client exhibits weakness, atrophy, and fasciculations of the right side of the tongue and lower face. The client also has right vocal-fold weakness and nasal regurgitation of fluid when swallowing. These problems are the result of damage to which part of the nervous system?
A.Brain stem
C.Left cerebral cortex
D.Right cerebral cortex
Option (A) is correct. Weakness, atrophy, fasciculations, and the other described symptoms are all consistent with a lower motor neuron locus and suspected cranial nerve abnormalities (primarily CN X and XII). These cranial nerves emerge directly from the brain stem and help mediate the transfer of messages from the brain to the brain stem and to the structures of the head and neck.
Which of the following constitutes the major component of an audiologic rehabilitation program for infants with a moderate sensorineural hearing loss?
A.Development of cognitive skills
B.Development of social skills
C.Parent-mediated auditory stimulation
D.Gestural stimulation
Option (C) is correct. For an infant known to have a hearing loss, parents are in the best position to provide consistent auditory stimulation, which the infant needs in order to develop an awareness of sound.
A child exhibits the following production errors.
w/r θ/s t/ʃ t/tʃ z/dʒ t/k d/g If a target sound for initial intervention is to be selected on the basis of established developmental norms, then that sound will be
Option (C) is correct. According to developmental norms, /k/ is the target phoneme that should be selected for intervention.
A public-school-based speech-language pathologist is employed in a state that sets the maximum caseload at 65. However, the clinician’s caseload is currently at 64 with a waiting list of 10 additional students. The school principal insists that the speech-language pathologist enroll the 10 students immediately, because the district cannot locate another clinician to assist with the caseload. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the speech-language pathologist to address the situation?
A.Enroll 1 of the 10 students and provide the principal with a written statement of caseload needs, mentioning the amount, type, and frequency of treatment
B.Refer the 10 students to a speech-language pathologist working in a private setting
C.Suggest that the principal ask a school speech-language pathologist from another school district to take the 10 students
D.Maintain current caseload until an additional speech-language pathologist is hired
Option (A) is correct. It provides the principal with a statement detailing the needs of the students awaiting treatment but also observes the state’s caseload limit.
Fiber-optic instrumentation is appropriate for evaluation of which of the following types of disorders?
Option (B) is correct. Fiber-optic nasopharyngoscopy or laryngoscopy is a commonly used approach to evaluate vocal fold anatomy and physiology for voice production (phonation).
Which of the following views make up a standard videofluoroscopic swallow study?
Select all that apply.
Options (B) and (D) are correct. A lateral view is best for seeing all stages of a swallow, and an anterior-posterior view shows the symmetry (or asymmetry) of the swallow.
earing loss in infants who are born with a cleft palate is usually related to which of the following?
A.The infant’s inability to create positive pressure in the oral cavity
B.Malformation of the middle-ear ossicles associated with malformation of the palate
C.Eustachian tube dysfunction
D.Cochlear dysfunction
Option (C) is correct. Eustachian tube dysfunction, a major factor contributing to middle-ear disease and conductive hearing loss, is nearly universal in infants with cleft palate.
Which of the following, if observed in the speech of an African American child, is most likely to represent a dialectical variation rather than an articulation error?
A./f/ for /θ/ in postvocalic position
B./θ/ for /s/ in all positions
C.Affricates for fricatives in word-final position
D.Dentals for velars in word-initial positio
Option (A) is correct. The use of voiceless labiodental fricatives for voiceless interdental fricatives is a feature of African American Vernacular English (AAVE).
Children diagnosed as having specific language impairments are likely to exhibit the greatest deficits in which of the following?
A.Production of sentences with appropriate inflectional morphology and syntax
B.Acquisition of word meanings
C.Comprehension of short sentences
D.Motoric aspects of written expression
Option (A) is correct. Children with specific language impairments typically have difficulty producing utterances that are morphologically and syntactically well formed.
A 5-year-old girl with a repaired cleft palate has recently undergone a pharyngeal flap operation to correct velopharyngeal incompetence, but she continues to use glottal stops, pharyngeal fricatives, and mid-dorsum palatal stops. Which of the following is the most appropriate action for the SLP to take?
A.Recommending that the child be examined by a cleft palate team to determine the cause of the persistent articular errors
B.Referring the child back to the surgeon to determine the need for a revision of the pharyngeal flap
C.Initiating articulation treatment to teach the correct placement for the stops and fricatives
D.Initiating articulation treatment to teach correct production of nonpressure consonant sounds
Option (C) is correct. This child is using compensatory glottal stops, mid-dorsum palatal stops, and pharyngeal fricatives for standard American English stops and fricatives. She has had surgical management to correct velopharyngeal incompetence. She now needs to learn to produce the stops and fricatives for which she is making compensations. Therefore, articulation treatment is appropriate.
The major objective of auditory training in the treatment of a client with a hearing loss is to
A.improve the client’s awareness of position and movements of the speech mechanism
B.improve the client’s kinesthetic and auditory awareness
C.increase the client’s kinesthetic and proprioceptive discrimination
D.teach the client to make discriminations among speech sounds
Option (D) is correct. Auditory training focuses on the interpretation of auditory input and would thus teach a client to discriminate speech sounds.
A 70-year-old female has dysphagia characterized by poor posterior oral containment of the bolus during the oral preparatory stage, causing aspiration before the swallow. Cognition and the pharyngeal stage of the swallow are intact. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment approach for the client?
A.Providing a puree diet with thickened liquids
B.Having the client flex her head forward (perform the chin-down posture) during oral preparation and transit stages of the swallow
C.Having the client turn (rotate) her head to the right when swallowing
D.Providing a diet that consists of thin liquids
Option (B) is correct. This treatment alters oral configuration to place the base of the tongue superior to the bolus inside the oral cavity. Since liquid cannot flow uphill against gravity, this intervention compensates for impaired palatoglossus contraction, which is causing impaired posterior oral containment.
An SLP receives a referral regarding a 4-year-old boy who uses two words spontaneously and functionally, who began walking at 3 years of age, and who responds to his name inconsistently. On the basis of the information alone, the SLP can legitimately conclude that the child’s communication profile reflects
A.a developmental delay
B.autism spectrum disorder
C.a chromosomal anomaly
D.a metabolic disorder
Option (A) is correct. A 4-year-old typically developing child would have 4 word utterances and would respond to his name consistently. Most children start to walk around age 1. Therefore, the delay in walking, along with the delay in language, indicates a general developmental delay.
uccessful use of an alternative and augmentative communication system is based on such factors as selecting appropriate vocabulary, seating and positioning, and having a reliable method of controlling the system. To facilitate the most effective use of the system, clinicians most often advocate which of the following approaches?
Option (B) is correct. A multimodal approach offers more communicative options than any other of the approaches listed.
Which of the following is most important for an SLP to do when assessing a child who has an acquired brain injury?
A.Evaluate pragmatics through a structured language test
B.Compare premorbid performance with present performance
C.Ensure administration of an intelligence test
D.Compare nonverbal performance with verbal performance
Option (B) is correct. An SLP needs to know what skills the child attained prior to the brain injury in order to select appropriate treatment goals.