Group 24 Small Group Flashcards
Small group compliance testing
- Data that is needed in certification review process
- 1 small group rate manuals
- 2 policy and certification forms used
- 3 listing of groups in force, including: actual rates charged, group size, value of case characteristics for each group, value of any change in benefit
- Sampling techniques
- Intra-class range testing
- 1 verification that each group’s rate is within +/- 25
- 2 Express group rates consistently through normalization
- Between class testing - limited to 20% between highest and lowest index rates
- Testing premium rates for actuarial soundness
- 1 projected premiums in aggregate adequate to cover for all expected costs
- 2 ACA: if MLR in a state less than 80%, the excess must be rebated back to the insureds
- Underwriting Requirements Verification. Must adhere to:
- 1 Guaranteed issue (except for allowed exceptions)
- 2 Guaranteed Renewability (except for allowed exception)
- 3 Prohibits singling out individual EE’s for special treatment
- 4 apply rating factors and underwriting procedures on a consistent basis
Adherence to fair marketing requirements
- Any plan offered by a carrier must be available to all small ERs of same class
- Carriers actively selling must offer plans mandated by state regulation
- In sales materials, carrier discloses right to change rates, pre-existing provisions
- Commissions cannot vary by health status, claims experience, industry etc
- Commissions for state mandated plans must be reasonable
- Carriers cannot make contract contingent on health, claim experience, occupation
- Denial of an application must be in writing with the reasons for denial stated
Premium rate
- Certification
- Filing requirements
- Premium rate certification
- 1 indicate whether opinion non-qualified or qualified
- 2 also indicate if providing a limited certification
- State version of the law - be familiar with deviations from NAIC law from state to state
- Premium rate filing requirements
- 1 states require policy forms, certificates, applications, disclosures, rates be filed
- 2 ACA: all small group prem rate increases must be filed with each state
- 2.1 if rate increase >= 10%, must file additional info with federal and state
Small group annual rate certification
- Each small-employer carrier must file an annual actuarial certification
- Must be signed by an MAAA
- Any exceptions to compliance must be stated
- Certification may expand beyond the rates
- Actuary must qualify the opinion if necessary
- ACA also requires annual filing of rate increases being implemented