Groundwater Flashcards
Groundwater recharge
precipitation (comes from high inland reaches)
Losing stream
Sits above the water table. May exit into groundwater system
Gaining stream
Sits below water table, receives groundwater
Groundwater flow
- downhill through aquifers (regions of high porosity)
Regions of high porosity
Inhibit the flow of water
Confined aquifer
aquitard above it, can cause water to flow uphill
Unconfined aquifer
connected to the water table, no aquitard above it
Ocean discharge
can discharge into ocean or a seawater-freshwater interface can form
Perched aquifer
water gets stranded and cant flow out
Conceptual models
- topography
- aquifers
- aquitards
- water table
- flow direction
- piezometric surfaces
- position of wells
Aquifer material
gravels, limestone
Aquitard material
clay, silt, bedrock, glacial till, shale
Seepage face
When water in an aquifer breaks the surface
Protecting a spring for water supply
Horizontal, vertical
- slanted covers, rock entrance, overflow, outflow
Artificial springs (groundwater well)
- recharge
- discharge
- ground surface
- piezometric surface
- piezometers
How to get ground water
- drill a hole
- keep bad water out (casing, grout)
- let good water in (screen)
- get good water out (punmp)
- improve (sanitary seal, gravel pack, sand trap)
Groundwater depletion
pump lots of water out of wells, piezometric surface depresses, springs dry up, well levels and yields affected
Groundwater head
elevation that water will rise to or settle at in a semi-infinite straw
fitted through measurements of equal head
water flows perpendicualr to contours
K (Darcys law)
conductivity [m/s]
hydraulic gradient
A (Darcys law)
cross-sectional area
Water table in an unconfined aquifer
piezometric surface