Ground System Descriptions Flashcards
Universal Ground Control Station (UGCS)
Serves as the Operator’s interface with the aircraft by providing; NRT (Near Real Time) control, NRT mission progress, video display, and system function monitoring.
Portable Ground Control Station (PGCS)
Fully ruggedized and environmentally sealed AV support system, designed to operate in extreme environments. Primary functions are preflight, launch, recovery, and maintenance of aircraft.
Human Machine Interface (PGCS-HMI)
Provides the necessary interfaces, controls, and processors for managing and displaying PGCS inputs and outputs from Operators.
Interface Control Unit (PGCS-ICU)
Functions as a computational platform for the gVSM and dVSM software elements, as well as an interface between the HMI and the external peripherals required to support flight operations.
Primary means of controlling the payload on the PGCS.
Universal Ground Data Terminal (UGDT)
Serves as the communications and interface center for the UGCS and AV.
Remote Equipment Assembly (UGDT-REA)
Provides signal processing and transmission between the LEA and RFE attached to the directional antenna.
Local Equipment Assembly (UGDT-LEA)
Interfaces with the UGCS shelter and REA. It provides the user interfaces, and accomplishes encryption and decryption, multiplexing and de-multiplexing of user data and signal conversion for transmission.
Portable Ground Data Terminal (PGDT)
Houses the transmitters, receivers, and antennas needed to communication with the aircraft during preflight, launch, execution, recovery, post mission, and maintenance operations.
Portable Transit Assembly (PGDT-PTA)
Houses the primary and secondary data link hardware.
Mobile Directional Antenna Assembly (PGDT-MDAS)
Directional, portable antenna assembly used for primary link connection with the AV.
Launcher Interlock Device (LAU-LID)
Checks for secondary frequency comms and verifies autolaunch is selected prior to launch.
Launcher Electrical Control Unit (LAU-LECU)
Controls power to the LHCU and provides indicators for HPU POWER ON, UAV POWER ON, READY TO PRESSURIZE and READY TO LAU conditions.
Launcher Hand Control Unit (LAU-LHCU)
Used to set Hydraulic Pressure Unit (HPU) ON, Pressurize the launch cylinder, and set the LAUNCH switch.
Tactical Automated Landing System (TALS)
Controls the aircraft during landing.
Track Control Unit (TALS-TCU)
Provides power and control for the other TALS-TS hardware. Also includes computing resources and flight data storage memory for Track Subsystem Program (TSP).
Interrogator Unit (TALS-IU)
Is the Track Subsystem (TS) RF transmitter and receiver. Provides the RF signal processing necessary to track the Airborne Subsystem (TALS-AS)
Air Vehicle Transport (AVT)
Carries AVs, AV fuel, electric fuel transfer pump, AV oil, PGCS, PGDT, TALS, barrier net, and other support equipment/material.