Ground Handling and Servicing Prepware x41 Flashcards
Prepware General
A person should approach or leave a helicopter in the pilot’s field of vision whenever the engine is running in order to avoid
the tail rotor.
A hung start in a jet engine is often caused by
the starter cutting up too soon.
When taxiing (or towing) an aircraft, an alternating red and green light from the control tower means
ok to proceed but use extreme caution.
When stopping a nosewheel-type airplane after taxiing (or towing), the nosewheel should be left
pointed straight ahead
The main differences between grades 100 and 100LL fuel are
lead content and color.
Which of the following is the most satisfactory extinguishing agent for use on a carburetor or intake fire?
carbon dioxide.
What must accompany fuel vaporization?
an absorption of heat
The priming of a fuel injected horizontally opposed engine is accomplished by placing the fuel control lever in the
full - rich position.
Generally, when an induction fire occurs during starting of a reciprocating engine, the first course of action should be to
continue cranking and start the engine if possible.
Tetraethyl lead is added to aviation gasoline to
improve the gasoline’s performance in the engine.
A fuel that vaporizes too readily may cause
vapor lock.
Characteristics of detonation are
rapid rise in cylinder pressure, excdessive cylinder head temperature, and a decrease in engine powder.
When taxiing an airplane with a quartering tailwind, the elevators and
upwind aileron should be held in the up position.
(1) Jet fuel is of higher viscosity than aviation gasoline and therefore holds contaminants better.
(2) Viscosity has no relation to contamination of fuel.
Regarding the above statements,
only 1 is true.
(Refer to Figure 50.) Identify the signal to engage rotor on a rotorcraft.
Why is ethylene dibromide added to aviation gasoline?
to scavenge lead oxide from the cylinder combustion chaimbers
Which of the following conditions has the most potential for causing engine damage when starting or attempting to start a turbine engine?
hot start.
When first starting to move an aircraft while taxiing, it is important to
test the breaks.
When starting and ground operating an aircraft’s engine, the aircraft should be positioned to head into the wind primarily
for engine cooling purposes.
When taxiing (or towing) an aircraft, a flashing red light from the control tower means
move clear of the runway/taxiway immediately.
When towing a large aircraft
a person should be in the cockpit to operate the breaks.
Characteristics of aviation gasoline are
high heat value, high volatility.