Gross negligence manslaughter Flashcards
what are the two cases which established gross negligence?
Adomako and Broughton
what does it mean it must be a duty of care?
duty is owed to anyone closely or directly affected by acts or omissions
(caparo v dickman)
can be pre existing (Robinson)
what does breach of duty mean?
reasonable man test
court considered what d was expected to do
factual causation?
‘but for’ (r v white)
legal causation?
more than minimal and the substantial cause
(r v pagett)
what is gross negligence?
must be grossly negligent
must be ‘so bad/serious that it amounts to a criminal offence
what is a risk of death according to the case (r v rose)
a mere possibility that an assessment might revel something life threatening is not the same as a ‘obvious risk of death’ present risk which is clear and not one which becomes apparent on further investigation