Gross motor Flashcards
Moro reflex
position: supine head at midline
stimulus: dropping head, more than 30 degrees extended
positive response: arms extended and hands open; then arms flex and hands close; infant usually cries
age of onset: birth to 4-6
lack of onset: interferes with head control, sitting
equilibrium, and protective reactions
ATNR (asymmetric tonic neck reflex)
position: supine, arms and legs extended, head in mid position
stimulus: head turned to one side
positive response: arm and leg on face side extend, arms and legs on skull side flex
age of onset: birth to 4-6 months
lack of onset: interferes with reaching and grasping, bilateral hand use, and rolling
Position: supine
Stimulus: light touch on side of face near mouth
Positive response: opens mouth and turns head in direction of touch
Age of onset: birth to 3 months
Lack of onset: interferes with exploration of objects and head control
Position: supine
Stimulus: pressure on ulnar surface of palm
Positive response: fingers flex
Age of onset: birth to 4-6 months
Lack of onset: interferes with releasing objects
infant in prone lift head
3-4 months
prop on elbows (prone propped )
2-4 months
prop on hands (prone on hands)
rolling each direction
0-6 months
side sit
6-12 months
sit independently
6-9 months
6 - 12 months
moving with tummy on floor
10 months
lift tummies off floor and move around on hands and knees Crawling in a hands-and-knees posture (sometimes called creeping) requires more strength and coordination than belly crawling. The two sides of the body move reciprocally.
1/2 kneel
pull to stand
9-12 months
12-18 months
walk with high guard
walk with arms up to protect themselves
externally rotated at the shoulders and flexed at the elbows
18-24 months
jumping 2 feet
18-24 months
standing one foot
3-4 years
hopping one foot
24-36 months
3-4 years
pump swing
4 ish
Hold prone extension fully, and supine flexion fully (for 30 sec)
5 years