gritti 19 Flashcards
what is the semen
the sperm+the products of the accessory glands (that allow the sperm the move efficiently in the tubes and to correctly undergo fertilization)
the male reproductive system includes
-the testis (where sperm is produced and that contain endocrine glands that produce hormones )
-genital ducts
-accessory glands
the connective capsule of the testis is called
tunica albuginea that forms septa and lobules
outside the connective capsule in the testis we have?
tunica vaginalis
made of a parietal and a visceral layer
each lobule contain 1-4 what?
highly coiled seminiferous tubules
straight tubules
exit of the seminiferous tubules that altogether form the rate testis
what connects the rete testis to epididymis (site of storage and maturation of sperm before ejaculation)?
efferent ductuli
ductus deferens
transports sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
in the seminiferous tubules we also have interstitial tissue made of?
-lymphatic vessels
-leydig cells->important cells for the production of hormones
(testosterone secreting cells)
myoid cells
-just outside the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules.
-have contractile properties, favor the expulsion of the spermatozoa produced there
the germinal epithelium has 2 types of cells:
-the place in which spermatogenesis occur, is the epithelium located within the seminiferous tubule
-spermatogenic cells (sperm lineage, from stem to differentiated spermatozoa)
-Sertoli cells->important for support and for the formation of the blood testis barrier
paler nuclei
touch the basal membrane and go up till the lumen
they are a scaffold, they accompany the spermatogonia throughout their differentiation process
in the embryo and in adult life the secretion of testosterone is triggered by what?
embryo->gonadotropin hormone, produced in the placenta
in adult life->luteinizing hormone, produced in the pituitary gland
where can you find the spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules?
they are the proper stem cells found along the basal membrane
the farthest from the lumen of the tubule, very large nuclei
what’s the shape of late spermatids?
elongated and closer to the lumen of the tubule
while early spermatids have rounded shape
the Sertoli cells phagocyte the residual bodies (one of their function). what are residual bodies?
during the differentiation process (from spermatogonia inwards) we have excess of cytoplasm that we need to get rid of–>sertoli cells do it
ratio of Sertoli cells and the cells that they support
1 sertoli cell support 30-50 developing cells
what do Sertoli cells form?
the blood testis barrier
it is a both anatomical and immunological barrier
it separates the primitive progeny (spermatogonia) form the other maturing cell types.
Sertoli cells at the basal membrane are tighten together in the basal part by tight junctions.
-immunological barrier because you prevent the entry of immune cells or dangerous substances into the stem cell layer. (immune cells might recognize them as dangerous)
-it is a sort of protection to maintain the stem cell niches in the testis
the gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the hypothalamus stimulates the secretion of?
-lutenizing hormone from the anterior pituitary that stimulates the production of testosterone by the Leydig interstitial cells
-follicle simulating hormone from the anterior pituitary that acts on the Sertoli cells that produce other kinds of hormones
both these
epithelium of straight tubules and rete testis
straight tubules are initially lined only by Sertoli cells
simple cuboidal epithelium
what is the mediastinum region in the testis?
the region in which the seminiferous tubules converge and the sperm exits the testis
epithelium of efferent ductules
pseudostratified columnar epithelium
patches of ciliated cells columnar alternating with patches of cuboidal cells with microvilli
you also have a circular layer of muscle cells that facilitate the movement of the sperm
epithelium of the epididymis
pseudostratified columnar epithelium with principal cells
(cells with long microvilli called stereocilia)
sorrounded by connective tissue
epithelium of the ductus deferens
pseudostrtified columnar epithelium with principal cells (with stereo cilia) and basal cells
the mucosa is sometimes folded
the lamina propria contains elastic fibers
muscle layers in the ductus deferens
3 layers of smooth muscle
very well developed, in fact smaller lumen
internal and outer layer longitudinal smooth muscle
middle layer:circular
3 accessory glands
bulbourethral gland (produces mucus to lubricate the uretra)
prostate gland and the seminal vesicles (produce the right components and contribute to the formation of the semen)
seminal vesicles
-exocrine glands
-70% of the ejaculate is produced by seminal vescicles and include
1. fructose
2. prostaglandins
3. fibrinogen
-made of simple or pseuodstratified columnar epithelium
-lamina propria with elastic fibers
-developed smooth muscle layer
(inner circular and outer longitudinal)
-during ejaculation the seminal vesicles have to contract to be emptied out
-sorrounded by a connective capsule
organization of glands around the uretra in the prostate, 3 zones
transition zone
surround the superior portion of the urethra with mucosal glands
central zone
contain submucosal glands with longer ducts
peripheral zone
prostate’s main glands, with even longer ducts
prostate specific antigen
is a protein produced by the prostate that breaks down bigger proteins in simpler polypeptides making the semen more liquid
corpora amylacea
concrections of prostatic fluid in the lumen of some glands in older man
->increase with age
epithelium of the 30-50 tuboloalveolar glands in the prostate
glands are lined by simple or pseudostratified columnar epithelium
3 masses of erectile tissue in the penus
2 corpora cavernosa in the dorsal side
1 corpus spongiosum around the urethra