Green Top guideline Flashcards
What is the incidence of ICP in pregnancy in UK?
0.7% in multi ethnic group
1.2 - 1.5 % in Indian Asian or Pakistani asian origin
What percentage of women develop itching in pregnancy?
How is ICP characterised?
1- pruritus
2- normal skin
3- abnormal bile acid concentration
When is symptoms of ICP usually started?
Third trimester
Can be earlier
How is ICP categorized?
Gestational pruritus: itching + bile acid < 19
Mild ICP : itching + bile acid 19-39
Moderate ICP: itching + bile 40-99
Severe ICP: itching + bile > 100
How is ICP diagnosed?
Itching +normal skin + bile acid concentration > 19 (non-fasting)
📌resolve after birth
📌 normalization of bile acid & LFTs during pregnancy 👉 reconsider the diagnosis
When should specialist hepatology advice to sought in women with ICP?
2- early in pregnancy
3- atypical presentation
What is the role of other investigations in the care of women with suspected ICP?
Additional antenatal imaging / lab are NOT recommended unless :
1- severe 2- early onset
3- atypical symptoms ( fever- jaundice)
4- presence of relevant comorbidity
( GDM - PET - MF pregnancies)
What is the usual postnatal resolution?
Confirm the diagnosis:
LFTs return to normal ( including bile acid)
Itching will stop very soon after birth
What is the maternal morbidity in Women with ICP?
1- affect sleep
2- higher risk of PET 12.2%
3- higher risk of GDM 13.2%
👉👉monitor BP+ urine + glucose
4- may be diagnosed later with: *hepatobiliary disease
* Hepatitis C 👉 DON’T SCREEN
What is the usual presentation of a woman with ICP?
1- itching: generalized & may affect
palms &soles ( ES: at night)
2- dark urine & pale stool
3- steatorrhoea ( ⬇️vitK)
4- jaundice ( rare) 1%
What are the risk factors for stillbirth in women with ICP?
1- bile acid concentration >100
2- twin ( stillbirth occurs earlier (33-35 in twin/ 36-38in singleton)
3- comorbidity: diabetes/ PET
What is the pathophysiology of stillbirth in ICP?
Uncertain : bile acids may cause fetal arrhythmia OR acute placental vessel spasm
What is the association between bile acids concentration & prevalence of stillbirth?
🚩19-39 👉same as background risk
🚩 40-99👉 same as background UNTIL 38-39 W
🚩> 100👉the risk is higher than the background
What are the perinatal morbidity in women with ICP?
1- preterm birth
Mild 16%
Moderate 19%
Severe 30 %
2- meconium stained amniotic fluid during labour
3- more likely to receive neonatal care