Green Laws Flashcards
Green Laws
those that deal with the protection, conservation, utilization and development of forests, other land–based natural resources, and wildlife.
When is the cutting of trees permitted?
- Clearing of road right of way by the DPWH
- Site preparation for tree plantations
- Silvicultural Treatment
- Similar Activities
Any person who shall cut, gather, collect, removed timber or other forest products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable public land, or from private land, without any authority, or possess timber or other forest products without the legal documents as required under existing forest laws and regulations, shall be punished with the penalties imposed under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code
Any person who enters and occupies or possesses, or makes kaingin for his own private use or for others, any forest land or grazing land without authority under a license agreement, lease, license or permit, or in any manner destroys such forest land or grazing land or part thereof, or causes any damage to the timber stand and other products and forest growth found therein, or who assists, aids or abets any other person to do so, or sets a fire, or negligently permits a fire to be set in any forest land or grazing land, or refuses to vacate the area when ordered to do so
Unlawful Occupation or Destruction of Forest Lands and Grazing Lands
Any person who enters and occupies or possesses, or makes kaingin for his own private use or for others, any forest land or grazing land without authority
or in any manner destroys such forest land or grazing land or part thereof, or causes any damage to the timber stand and other products and forest growth found therein, or who assists, aids or abets any other person to do so, or sets a fire, or negligently permits a fire to be set in any forest land or grazing land, or refuses to vacate the area when ordered to do so,
The dual mandate of DENR
- to protect and conserve the environment and;
- to promote the utilization of natural resources
an ecosystem or an assemblage of ecosystems dominated by trees and other woody vegetation; a community of plants and animals interacting with one another and its physical environment.
the legal status, a classification for legal purposes designated by some competent authority.
Can lands that have already been occupied, developed and sold to investors be considered forestland, thus belonging to the land of the public domain?
That the occupants of Boracay have built multi-million peso beach resorts on the island, or that the island has already been stripped of its forest cover, or that the implementation of Proclamation No. 1064 will destroy the island’s tourism industry, do not negate its character as public forest.
Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources vs. Yap, 568 SCRA 164, G.R. No. 167707 October 8, 2008
Topography - Section 15 PD 705
NO LAND of the public domain 18% in slope or over shall be classified as alienable and disposable, nor any forestland 50% in slope or over, as grazing land.
ands 18% in slope or over which have already been declared as alienable and disposable shall be reverted to the classification of forestlands by the Department Head, to form part of the forest reserves
XP: -they are already covered by existing titles and approved public land application
they actually occupied openly, continuously, adversely and publicly for a period of not more than 30 years as of the effectivity of the Revised Forestry Code. And where the occupant is qualified for a free patent under the Public Land Act.…
What is required to utilize, exploit, occupy, possess within forest lands?
No person may utilize, exploit, occupy, possess or conduct any activity within any forest and grazing land, or establish, install, add and operate any wood or forest products processing plant, unless he had been authorized to do under a license agreement, license, lease or permit.
A privilege granted by the State to a person to occupy and possess, in consideration of specified rental, any forest land of the public domain in order to undertake any authorized activity therein
A privilege granted by the State to a person to utilize forest resources within any forestland, without any right of occupation and possession over the same, to the exclusion of others, or establish and operate a wood processing plant, or conduct any activity involving the utilization of any forest resources.
A privilege granted by the State to a person to utilize forest resources within any forest land, with the right of possession and occupation thereof to the exclusion of others EXCEPT the government, but with corresponding obligation to develop, protect and rehabilitate the same in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement.
A short-term privilege or authority granted by the State to a person to utilize any limited forest resources or undertake a limited activity within any forest land without any right to occupation and possession therein.