Green Belt Techniques (Stripe 1) - By Name Flashcards
Indicator: You want to stand
With one forearm frame up and sideways to block punches, place other hand on ground beside hip. Post opposite foot. Rotate hip under your body and place other foot outside the hand on the ground. Stand and back away bring both hand up to protect face.
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Indicator: You want to make space to bring a knee in or escape control positions
Bring feet close to your butt. Raise hip slightly off the ground putting all your weight on only a single shoulder and both feet, this will reduce sliding friction. Extend legs pushing your butt back with forearms protecting yourself.
3 types - Both feet, inside foot, outside foot.
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Indicator: You are avoiding a leg takedown
Shoot legs back and place arms in front to break the fall with your feet hitting the ground last (basically do the worm(dance move)).
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Indicator: You are falling forward in a manner that could cause head and neck injury
Move one arm across your body creating momentum toward one side. As you fall forward look backward ducking your head under and off to the side your arm moved toward, landing on your shoulder. Roll through and up to your knees and you should be able to keep the momentum to stand all the way back up.
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Indicator: You are falling backwards with gusto
As you fall back tuck one leg behind the other and bend it as you fall back on your hip. Continue the momentum with your back curved and roll over your shoulder opposite that hip moving your head to the side with your chin tucked avoiding hitting your head directly on the ground. Continue momentum back to standing.
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Indicator: You are falling forward in a manner that could cause head and neck injury and want to stop your momentum
Move one arm across your body creating momentum toward one side. As you fall forward look backward ducking your head under and off to the side your arm moved toward, landing on your shoulder. As you roll through, break your momentum by slapping the ground with your legs, bottom leg straight and upper leg bent so your foot lands flat on the ground and can lower your body down, and your lower arm keeping your other forearm frame up and sideways to guard your face.
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Indicator: You are falling flat on your back
Lower your knees as you fall back to reduce the height you fall from. Crunch your abs and tuck your chin as you roll back to avoid hitting the back of your head on the ground. Before you fall all the way back, extend your arms out from your sides at 45 degrees and slap the ground dissipating energy and softening the fall.
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Indicator: You are falling on your side
Lower your knees as you fall back to the side to reduce the height you fall from. Tuck your chin in and tilt your head slightly away from the ground to avoid your head hitting the ground. Aim to not fall directly on your back or side but half way between. Before your upper torso hits the ground, swing your arm from across your body and slap the ground at 45 degrees out to your side dissipating energy and softening the fall.
Video(s): Judo(Movements), Judo(Ukemi)
Throws & Takedowns
Indicator: Opponent has their hips away from you while in your T-position clinch
Take a small set up step with your front leg that is far enough away from their leg that you can bring your rear leg through. Bring the rear leg through turning your hips in front of their hips and shooting your heel backward between their legs. Bring the other foot together with this foot. Lift their hips with your hips by straightening your legs. Pull their far arm down across the front of your body toward your hip and lift with your underhook arm twisting your body and dropping them on their back. Keep hold of their arm and finish with armbar.
Video(s): PS6
Throws & Takedowns
Indicator: Opponent maintains a wide base when you clinch (T-position)
Step foot between their legs. Shift their weight onto their back leg lightening the front leg. Hook around the front leg. Spin until they fall. Fall into mount, watching to not put your knee down in between their legs.
Video(s): PS7, C6
Throws & Takedowns
Indicator: Opponent is standing up straight, hips in, and feet narrow, while in your T-position clinch
Set up step with your forward foot right beside and parallel their closest foot. Extend your other leg across and place it behind the far heel. Rotate their body over your thigh by pulling on their hip falling down beside them. Make sure to rotate your lower arm out parallel to their spine so they don’t fall on your arm pinning it. High step over their body using a pinching of their leg with your high stepping leg to pull yourself into mount.
Video(s): PS8
Throws & Takedowns
Indicator: Opponent attempts to throw punches after you establish the clinch
From clinch, lower weight onto opponent’s hips and walk forward pushing your head up into their chin. Keep legs wide so you fall into mount and not guard.
Video(s): C14
Throws & Takedowns
Indicator: Opponent prevents you from controlling their hips in a clinch
One at a time, so you don’t lose control of their body, move your hands to the back of their shoulders. Pull them toward you and down lowering your hips. Hop in toward them once you have broken down their posture and extend your legs back pulling them down while keeping your feet out wide so they fall into your guard.
Video(s): C21
Throws & Takedowns
Indicator: Opponent is aggressive, commits to attacking you with strikes, and you wish to transition
Drop under the punch vertically without leaning over. Move in, with back straight and eyes facing forward, putting your foot between their feet. Place shoulder on their stomach and palms on back of calves right under their knees. Push into them with shoulder and pull their knees inward falling down to one knee and pushing them on their back. Tripod up on your shoulder and feet with extended legs using your hand flat on the ground to block beside their hip. The other hand collapses their knee so you can walk around and clear their knee. Slide up into side control.
Video(s): PS10, C17
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent advances toward you, does not throw strikes, and you wish to control them while standing
Keep 2 arm length distance until you decide to move in. Protect your face with your hands on your head. Kick them just above their knee with your front leg. Your foot should be at a 45 degree angle allowing you to follow through stepping on the outside of their leg and use the momentum of the kick to enter the [T-position clinch.] (Front leg arm around the back grabbing their far hip, other hand on their far tricep pulling their arm and pinching it in your armpit. Ear on their chest pushing up into their chin. Your hip touches their hip.)
Video(s): PS1
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent throws roundhouse punches
Put your forearm up to block their bicep moving your hand over their tricep to a monkey grip. As the second punch comes in, block it in the same fashion. As you block this arm, raise your elbow up to the sky like you are looking at your watch and pummel to an underhook grabbing their far hip. Pull other arm into your armpit to secure T-position.
Video(s): PS2
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent throws straight punches
As the straight punch comes in, use the arm on the same side as their punching arm to deflect their punch across to the other side of your head and move straight in to clinch.
Video(s): PS2
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent throws large telegraphed punch at your head
Punch side palm on your head to block punch. Duck and enter in placing the other hand to the front of their hip. Keep facing straight in and duck under their arm. Move your hip forward and head back and up pushing into the back of their shoulder. Put your ear in the center of their back. Grab your hand in s-grip. Hips out. Pinch their hips between shoulder and hands. Set up step with your forward foot right beside and parallel their closest foot. Extend your other leg across and place it behind the far heel. Rotate their body over your thigh by pulling on their hip falling down beside them. Make sure to rotate your lower arm out parallel to their spine so they don’t fall on your arm pinning it. High step over their body using a pinching of their leg with your high stepping leg to pull yourself into mount.
Video(s): C30
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent throws a front kick
Step back to lessen the blow as the kick comes and cup both of your hands under their heel. Lift their heel up, rotating your hands as you raise your arms to not lose control of their heel, until they fall backwards.
Video(s): PS3
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent throws a low kick
Similar to pisao. Lift and turn your shin perpendicular to their shin as it comes in and connect your elbow to your knee. Step into and through their kick, making sure your foot lands on the outside of their leg. Pummel from the outside of their forearm in, to T-position.
Video(s): PS4
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent throws a high roundhouse kick
Step to the side away from the kick as it comes in. The top of your wrist on the side of the kick firmly planted to your hip bone creating a triangle shape with your elbow out to the side. The opposite side forearm should protect the side of your face from the kick. Catch the incoming kick with your bent arm and bring your second arm down grabbing the top of their leg. Bring the first arm around the top of their leg and around the other side grabbing your own wrist underneath their leg for figure 4 control. Step forward with your back foot and using your forearm, push their leg down and to the side swinging their body down to the ground with control. Slide their leg up into your armpit and slide back on their leg until the top of their toes stop on the back of your shoulder. Step your opposite leg over their hip and turn away from them. Ankle lock.
Video(s): PS5
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent attempts to tackle you
Put hands out on their shoulders and move your feet back to absorb some of their movement in. Drop one hand for a forearm on their shoulder and this arm will lead their head under your arm. Wrap their neck. Grab your wrist with monkey grip. Bring your choking side hip in to choke them with your arm on one side and ribs on the other by lowering your weight and rotating your torso over the back of their neck.
Video(s): PS9, C23
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent grabs your wrist with same side hand
Establish a controlled base by lowering your hips and moving your weight back so they can’t pull you forward. Push your elbow 180 degrees away from the opening between their thumb and fingers pushing your elbow toward the back of their forearm. If you need to move toward them to do so, move your feet forward with an upright back instead of leaning your torso over.
Video(s): PS11
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent grabs your wrist with two hands
Establish a controlled base by lowering your hips and moving your weight back so they can’t pull you forward. Grab your own fist from the top between their arms. Push your elbow in toward their body while pulling your fist up and out. If you need to move toward them to do so, move your feet forward with an upright back instead of leaning your torso over.
Video(s): PS12
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent extends arm and pushes your chest or grabs your lapel with their thumb facing down
Double handed wrist grab. Step back with opposite leg pulling their arm. Spin your body toward them and step in front of them causing them to run into your back as you continue pulling and place their arm under your armpit. Keep twisting pressure on their wrist and lean weight into their arm pushing your hands vertically from below their arm.
Video(s): PS13, C34
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent grabs your lapel with a bent arm
With grab side hand grab the bottom of their wrist palm up. With opposite side arm grab just behind their elbow and flare their elbow and arm out wide. Step across and under their arm placing their arm up on your shoulder as you turn backward, ducking under their arm and bringing their wrist to their back. Let go of their wrist and shoot your flattened hand up through their arm to their shoulder. Push down on their shoulder and elbow bringing them to the ground.
Video(s): PS14
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent grabs your lapel and turns their palm up
With both hands, grab both sides of their palm with your fingers gripping the meat close to their wrist pushing the back of their hand into your chest. Turn and lower your chest to the outside of their body as you step forward in front of their legs causing a wrist lock that will force them to spin to the ground. Finish with armbar.
Video(s): PS15
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent grabs both sides of your lapel with two hands
Support the bottom of one elbow with your hand from below. Bring your other elbow up between their arms elbowing them in the face and then down onto the shoulder so you can control their upper body. As you are throwing this elbow bring the elbow side foot through turning your hips in front of their hips and shooting your heel backward between their legs. Bring the other foot together with this foot. Lift their hips with your hips by straightening your legs. Pull their arm down across the front of your body toward your hip and pull with your other arm twisting your body and dropping them on their back.
Video(s): PS16
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent chokes you with both arms outstretched
Support the bottom of both elbows with your hands from below. Quickly bend your knees lowering your body and hook your head down and under one of their arms making sure to push up with your hands breaking their grip and step back. Close the distance and clinch.
Video(s): PS17
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has you in looser guillotine choke and you want to get them off you
Place both of your hands just above their choking side knee. Bring your legs and hip in and sit while lifting your head up and pushing their leg up and over as they fall.
Video(s): PS18
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has you in a firm guillotine choke and you want to regain control
Put your choke side hand on their knee so they can’t turn with you. Throw the other arm over their far shoulder and hang a lot of weight on their shoulder. Step around to their side. Buckle the outside of their knee with your knee and sidestep down as they fall into side mount. If they don’t release the choke, grab their far knee and pull it toward you collapsing the legs together toward the ground, this will move them on their relieving some of the bend in your neck and give you room to climb over. Paper cutter choke with your forearm on their neck until they release the choke. Keep close control of their arm as you move your knee diagonally across their chest and around them to finish with an armbar.
Video(s): PS19, C32
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has you in a side headlock
Grab far hip with hand around their back. Place setup step foot with heel toward their toes. Step other foot between their feet blocking far knee with your other hand. Keep setup step leg straight and squat other leg pulling them in a twisting motion over your straightened leg. Keep momentum as you fall, bring in elbow so it doesn’t get pinned under their body, and swing your leg over their body into modified mount. Place forearm on their neck and grab wrist with other hand pressing on their neck until you can break their headlock grip. Finish with armbar.
Video(s): C26
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has you in a rear choke and your hips are under you
Grab onto their choking arm and pull down with both hands on either side of your neck making sure not to put your fingers on your own arteries helping their choke. Move your hips back and down to be able to get your hips under their hips. Bring your feet close together and straighten your legs as you pull down hard on their arm and toss them over your shoulder and on their back in front of you. Keep hold of their arm and finish with armbar.
Video(s): PS20
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has you in a headlock and your hips are forward because they are pulling you back
Grab onto their choking arm and pull down with both hands on either side of your neck making sure not to put your fingers on your own arteries helping their choke. Lean your weight on their choking arm so they need to keep their base by putting their legs wide. Step beside their choking side leg keeping a wide base yourself, then rotate your torso forcing them around the side of your body over your upper thigh. Keep hold of their arm and finish with armbar.
Video(s): PS21
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent swings a club at you over their head
As the club comes in, extend your club side arm out and grab their wrist. Reach around behind their forearm (as opposed to their upper arm) with your other arm and grab the club from behind just above their grip. Slide your grip up the club as much as you can to get more leverage. Pull down on the club breaking their grip on it. Keeping control of their wrist, bring the club back and give them a taste.
Video(s): PS22
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent grabs your hair/ear
Hair: Press their hand into your head with both of your hands making sure not to put your hands over their wrist because it can act like a brace for their wrist and you are trying to wrist lock them. Tilt your head down and lower your torso as you walk back wrist locking them.
Ear: Put your ear side hand on theirs and hold it there while grabbing their wrist with your other hand making sure to keep their hand on your ear for the entire technique to avoid ear damage. Step back with opposite leg pulling their arm into you. Spin your body toward them and step in front of them causing them to run into your back while lowering your head to keep their hand on your ear. Place their arm under your armpit and pinch down with your arm. Keep twisting pressure on their wrist and lean weight into their arm for an armbar.
Video(s): PS23
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has a rear bear hug over your arms
Lower your stance while holding your arms at 90 degrees causing their grip to slide up to your upper arms and giving you control of your lower arms. Swing your hips side to side until you create enough room to step behind them on one of the swings. Grab the back of both legs just above their knees. Straighten your back and bring your hips in causing their shoulder that is behind you to go back and their hips that are in front of you to go forward. This alone will take them off their feet but the hands can also be used to lift their legs out from under them. Turn and drop them on their back. Finish with armbar.
Video(s): PS24
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has a rear bear hug under your arms
If they try to lift you up, you can wrap a foot around the outside of their leg and catch the back of their leg stopping their progress. Raise your arms up high in the air and swing them down while bending your torso down forcefully using momentum to force yourself back down to your feet. Put your outside hand on the ground like a football lineman and reach the inside hand between your legs to cup around the back of their heel. Pull their heel inward twisting their foot as you crawl backwards pushing your hip into them and causing them to fall. Lower your hips on their upper leg above their knee and pull up on their ankle for a kneebar.
Video(s): PS25
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has a front bear hug over your arms
Place your palms on their hips and push back to create space. You can either knee them in the stomach at this point or not before you move your leg around their side into T-position. Instead of the normal T-position arm grab, simply grab their arm from underneath instead of fighting to pull your arm out. Take a small set up step with your front leg that is far enough away from their leg that you can bring your rear leg through. Bring the rear leg through turning your hips in front of their hips and shooting your heel backward between their legs. Bring the other foot together with this foot. Lift their hips with your hips by straightening your legs. Pull their far arm down across the front of your body toward your hip and lift with your underhook arm twisting your body and dropping them on their back. Keep hold of their arm and finish with armbar.
Video(s): PS26
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has a front bear hug under your arms
Put your hands on the side of their jaw and push their jaw to whatever side of your body their head is already on making sure their neck is at an angle. Cat your back and drop your base until you break their grip. Grab the back of their head and pull it down to the side they are already on as you bring your outside leg forward and knee them in the face.
Video(s): PS27
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent is choking you with one outstretched arm against a wall
Lean forward into their choke and lower your body to a strong base. Swing your opposite side hand striking through their wrist to knock their choke off your neck. Swing that same elbow back the other direction and elbow them in the side of the head. Then strike down on their head with this elbow and swing your forearm around the other side of their head and under their neck setting up a guillotine choke. Swing their body toward the wall by putting your non-choking forearm under their arm and behind their back. You can throw knees into their stomach if you want. Finish the choke by grabbing your choking hand wrist with a monkey grip and rotating your torso over their neck.
Video(s): PS28
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has you in a side headlock and is standing upright
Take your arm from behind and over their near shoulder cupping their chin. Push their chin up and away making sure that their neck is off at an angle while bringing your hip into the back of their hip. Take a step sideways behind them and then lift up their leg just above their knee with your other hand while taking most of their body weight on your hip and looking up to lift them up and drop them on their back. Finish with armbar.
Video(s): PS29
Self Defense
Indicator: Opponent has you in a side headlock and throws punches
Stick your arms straight out, one in front of them and the other behind blocking the incoming punches and hugging their arm with both hands. Slide down to gain wrist control. Push wrist slightly to be able to thread your rear hand under their arm to grab their forearm. Once you control their forearm well with your rear arm you can let go of their far wrist and grab the wrist of their headlock arm holding downward pressure on that arm on your shoulder. Bring your hips forward into the back of their hips and stand up straight and turn away from them opening up their arm. Duck under their arm and bring their wrist to their back. After you pull their wrist across their back, bring your body close to their back so they are unable to straighten their arm. Let go of their wrist and shoot your flattened hand up through their arm and to their shoulder all the while keeping hold of their punching arm to keep them from spinning around.
Video(s): PS30