Green 1 Flashcards
Penny Stock
Must disclose amount the BD and RR will receive.
A Nasdaq market maker that withdraws its quote for a specific stock
Suspend for quoting that stock for 20 day
If the broker-dealer crosses stock between two accounts the trade
s typically executed between the bid and ask prices. The firm is acting as a dual agent and each client is charged a commission
How much buying power is afforded a pattern day trade
Pattern day traders are permitted to buy up to 4 times the amount of their excess equity (SMA) on an intra-day basis
A reverse convertible security would be MOST suitable for an investor who is anticipating:
A stable value in the underlying asset
The risk is the decline in the asset. If the asset value rises there is no benefit to the owner
dtc eligible
Corporate equities Corporate bonds Municipal bonds Money-market instruments Mortgage-backed bonds U.S. Treasuries and agency securities
NOte: options are not
Customer Order Protection Rule,
some exceptions whre a BD can trade ahead
The customer order is from an institutional account, defined as an account for (i) a bank, insurance company, S&L, or registered investment company, (ii) a registered investment adviser, or (iii) any other entity with total assets of at least $50 million.
Large orders, defined as orders for 10,000 shares or more and a value of at least $100,000, including those from retail customers
carrying member may take exception
additional documentation is required (e.g., legal documents such as death or marriage records)
the account is flat and reflects no transferable assets
the account number is invalid
the Automated Customer Account Transfer (ACAT) is a duplicate request
the transfer violates the member’s credit policy
the client sends written instructions to rescind
the Social Security number or Tax ID numbers do not match (i.e., the number does not correspond to the carrying member’s number)
the account title is a mismatch
the ACAT has a missing or improper authorization
Examples of separate capacities are:
individual account; joint account; an account for a corporation; an account for a trust created under state law; an individual retirement account; a Roth individual retirement account; an account held by an executor for an estate; and an account held by a guardian for a ward or minor.
market maker may be granted an excused withdrawal for up to
5 business days for technical issues such as system outages. This withdrawal period may be up to 60 calendar days for legal or regulatory issues. No SEC approval of the withdrawal is required.
bond trades
must be reported within 15 minutes if between 8 and 6:30.
IPO Beneficial ownership exception
New Issue Rule, equity IPOs may be sold to an account if the beneficial owners are restricted persons and their ownership of the account does not exceed 10%
Net PRice - Markup
Principal = no commission
When are oats reports generated
The OATS business day runs from 4:00:01 p.m. on one market day to 4:00:00 p.m. on the next market day. OATS reports must be generated by 8:00 a.m. on the calendar day following the end of the OATS day.
minimum standards for a stock to be classified as actively traded?
ADTV of at least 1,000,000 shares and public float of at least $150 MM
Form 13G
passive investors with 5%
restricted period distribution participants
5 days or
1 day for Public float between 25M and 150 ADTV 100K
None for activeley traded -float 150 mill adtv 1 ill
Order Flow Reporting
Non-directed order flow must be reported quarterly by the sending firm. Market centers are required to report the percentage of trades that received price improvement monthly.
Code of Procedures Deals with
The Code of Procedure deals with disciplinary action when a member firm or one of its employees violates SRO rules.
arbitrator - simplified industry arbitrations
one non public arbitrator
Rule 146 Offering outside of state vehicles
If a purchaser resides in another state but they buy an investment vehicle, a fund share etc, that bought the offering it is not a violation as long as the fund is in the state where teh offering was done.
The statute of limitations under the Code of Arbitration is
The statute of limitations under the Code of Arbitration is 6 years from occurrence of the event
When trading on a net basis for a client, the broker-dealer acts as
Focus report 2A
quarterly introducing firms
Futures and commodities contracts are not
considered securities and are regulated by the CFTC not the sic
setllement and clearing between foirms
Monetary disputes between members
Disciplinary procedures
Rule 506 Regulation D offering.
an unlimited number of accredited investors may participate but there is a limit of 35 non-accredited investors who may take part in offering.
PEO AND PFO are synonymous with
The Customer Limit Order Protection Rule (the Manning Rule) requires that a market maker holding a customer limit order for a Nasdaq stock execute that order within:
immediately which generally means 60 seconds
May the CFO of the issuer of a private placement act as a purchaser representative in a Reg. D offering?
A purchaser representative may not be an affiliate, director, officer, or employee of the issuer unless related to the purchaser by blood, marriage, or adoption