Greek and Latin Root Words Part 1 Flashcards
Latin; away from
ab-, a-, abs-? English examples: abnormal, abrasion, absent, abstain, abstraction, aversion
Latin; sharp or pointed
ac-? English examples: acupuncture
Latin; sharp, bitter, sour
acerb-? English examples: acerbic, exacerbate
Latin; sour or acid
acid-? English examples: acidosis, acidulation
Greek; height, summit, tip
acr-? English examples: acrobatics, acromegaly, acronym, acrophobia
Latin; bitter, pungent, sharp, sour
acr-? English examples: acrid, acrimony
Latin; sharp
acu-? English examples: acupuncture, acute, acutifoliate
Latin; movement to or toward; in addition to
ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-? English examples: accept, adapt, affect, approximate, ascend
Latin; fat
adip-? English examples: adipose
Greek; air, atmosphere
aer-? English examples: aeronautics, aerosol
Greek; feeling, sensation
aesthet-? English examples: aesthetics, anaesthetic
Greek; field
agr-? English examples: agronomy
Latin; field
agri-, -egri-? English examples: agriculture, peregrine
Latin; dull white
alb-? English examples: albedo, albino, albumen
Latin; love
am-, amat-? English examples: amateur, amatory, amorous
Latin; both, on both sides
ambi-? English examples: ambidexterity, ambivalent
Latin; friend
amic-, -imic-? English examples: amicable, inimical
Greek; around, about, both, on both sides of, both kinds
amph-, amphi-? English examples: amphibian, amphibolic, amphoterism
Latin; ample, abundant, bountiful
ampl-? English examples: amplification
Greek; not, without
an-, a-? English examples: anhydrous, atypical
Greek; again, against, back, up
ana-, an-? English examples: anabaptist, anaphylaxis, anion, anode
Greek; male, masculine
andr-? English examples: androgen, android
Greek; wind
anem-? English examples: anemometer
Latin; breath
anim-? English examples: animal, animation