Greek and Latin Root Words Part 1 Flashcards
Latin; away from
ab-, a-, abs-? English examples: abnormal, abrasion, absent, abstain, abstraction, aversion
Latin; sharp or pointed
ac-? English examples: acupuncture
Latin; sharp, bitter, sour
acerb-? English examples: acerbic, exacerbate
Latin; sour or acid
acid-? English examples: acidosis, acidulation
Greek; height, summit, tip
acr-? English examples: acrobatics, acromegaly, acronym, acrophobia
Latin; bitter, pungent, sharp, sour
acr-? English examples: acrid, acrimony
Latin; sharp
acu-? English examples: acupuncture, acute, acutifoliate
Latin; movement to or toward; in addition to
ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-? English examples: accept, adapt, affect, approximate, ascend
Latin; fat
adip-? English examples: adipose
Greek; air, atmosphere
aer-? English examples: aeronautics, aerosol
Greek; feeling, sensation
aesthet-? English examples: aesthetics, anaesthetic
Greek; field
agr-? English examples: agronomy
Latin; field
agri-, -egri-? English examples: agriculture, peregrine
Latin; dull white
alb-? English examples: albedo, albino, albumen
Latin; love
am-, amat-? English examples: amateur, amatory, amorous
Latin; both, on both sides
ambi-? English examples: ambidexterity, ambivalent
Latin; friend
amic-, -imic-? English examples: amicable, inimical
Greek; around, about, both, on both sides of, both kinds
amph-, amphi-? English examples: amphibian, amphibolic, amphoterism
Latin; ample, abundant, bountiful
ampl-? English examples: amplification
Greek; not, without
an-, a-? English examples: anhydrous, atypical
Greek; again, against, back, up
ana-, an-? English examples: anabaptist, anaphylaxis, anion, anode
Greek; male, masculine
andr-? English examples: androgen, android
Greek; wind
anem-? English examples: anemometer
Latin; breath
anim-? English examples: animal, animation
Latin; year, yearly
ann-, -enn-? English examples: anniversary, annual, biannual, millennium
Greek; against, opposed to, preventive
ant-, anti-? English examples: antagonist, antibiotic, antipodes
Latin; before, in front of, prior to
ante-, anti-? English examples: antebellum, antediluvian, anticipate, antiquarian
Greek; flower
anth-? English examples: anther, anthology
Greek; coal
anthra-? English examples: anthracite, anthrax
Greek; human
anthrop-? English examples: anthropology, anthropomorphic
Greek; away from, separate, at the farthest point
ap-, apo-? English examples: aphelion, apocrine, apogee, apostasy
Latin; water
aqu-? English examples: aquamarine, aquarium, aqueduct, aquifer
Latin; plow, till
ar-? English examples: arable
Latin; be dry
ar-? English examples: arid
Greek; ruler
arche-, archi-? English examples: archangel, archetype
Greek; ancient
archae-, arche-? English examples: archaeology or archeology, archaic
Greek; ReLatin; g to the North Pole or the region near it; reLatin; g to cold; used as the scientific name of some bear species, e.g. Ursus arctos horribilis
arct-? English examples: Arctic Ocean
Latin; silver
argent-? English examples: argent, Argentina
Greek; excellence
arist-? English examples: aristocracy
Greek; joint
arthr-? English examples: arthritis, arthropod
Greek; star, star-shaped
astr-? English examples: asterisk, astrology, astronomy
Greek; prize
athl-? English examples: athlete, pentathlon
Latin; hearing, listening, sound
audi-? English examples: audible, auditorium, auditory
Latin; grow, increase
aug-, auct-? English examples: augend, augmentation
Latin; reLatin; g to gold, or gold-colored
aur-? English examples: aureate, aureole
Latin; reLatin; g to the ear
auri-? English examples: auricle
Greek; self; directed from within
aut-, auto-? English examples: autarchy, autograph, automobile, autonomy
Latin; bird
avi-? English examples: aviary, aviation
Latin; axis
axi-? English examples: axisymmetry
Greek; merit
axio-? English examples: axiology
Latin; rod-shaped
bac-? English examples: bacilla, bacteria
Greek; weight, pressure
bar-? English examples: barograph, barometer
Greek; at the bottom
basi-? English examples: basic, basis
Greek; deep, depth
bathy-, batho-? English examples: batholith, bathymetry, bathyscaphe
Latin; bless
be-, beat-? English examples: beatification
Latin; war
bell-? English examples: antebellum, bellicose, belligerent
Latin; good, well
ben-? English examples: benefit, benignity
Latin; two
bi-? English examples: binary, binoculars, bigamy, biscotti
Latin; drink
bib-? English examples: imbibe
Greek; book
bibl-? English examples: bible, bibliography
Greek; life
bio-? English examples: biography, biologist, biology, biosphere
Greek; slime
blenn-? English examples: blennophobia, blennosperma
Greek; germ, embryo, bud, cell with nucleus
blast-? English examples: blastula, fibroblast, osteoblast, sideroblast
Latin; good
bon-? English examples: bonify, bonitary
Latin; from Greek; north
bor-? English examples: borealis
Greek; plant
botan-? English examples: botanic, botanist, botany
Latin; cow, ox
bov-? English examples: bovine
Greek; arm
brachi-? English examples: brachial artery, brachiosaurus
Greek; short
brachy-? English examples: brachycephaly, brachydactyly
Greek; slow
brady-? English examples: bradycardia
Greek; gill
branchi-? English examples: branchiopod, nudibranch
Latin; brief, short (time)
brev-? English examples: abbreviation, brevity
Greek; food
brom-? English examples: bromatium, bromatology
Greek; oats
brom-? English examples: brome, Bromus, Bromus ramosus
Greek; stench
brom-? English examples: bromate, bromide, bromine
Greek; windpipe
bronch-? English examples: bronchiole, bronchitis, bronchus
Greek; thunder
bront-? English examples: Brontosaurus
Latin; cheek, mouth, cavity
bucc-? English examples: buccal, buccinator muscle
Latin; bulbous
bulb-? English examples: bulbous, bulbule
Latin; bubble, flask
bull-? English examples: ebullient, ebullism
Latin; pouch, purse
burs-? English examples: bursa, bursar, bursary, disburse
Greek; bad
cac-? English examples: cacophony
Latin; fall
cad-, -cid-, cas-? English examples: accident, cadence, case
Latin; cut
caed-, -cid-, caes-, -cis-? English examples: caesura, incisor, scissors
Latin; and Greek; stone
calc-? English examples: calcite, calcium, calculate, calculus
Greek; beautiful
call-, calli-? English examples: calligraphy
Latin; heat
calor-? English examples: calorie
Greek; cover
calyp-? English examples: apocalypse
Latin; vault
camer-? English examples: bicameral, camera
Latin; field
camp-? English examples: champion, campaign
Latin; dog
can-? English examples: canine, Canis Major
Latin; sing
can-, -cin-, cant-? English examples: cantata, canto, cantor
Latin; glowing, iridescent
cand-? English examples: candela, candid, candle, candor, incandescent, incendiary, incense
Latin; hold, take
cap-, -cip-, capt-, -cept-? English examples: capture, captive, conception, recipient
Latin; head
capit-, -cipit-? English examples: capital, decapitation, precipitation
Latin; goat
capr-? English examples: Capricorn, caprine
Latin; box, case
caps-? English examples: capsule
Latin; coal
carbo-? English examples: carbohydrate
Latin; jail
carcer-? English examples: incarceration
Latin; from Greek; cancer (disease)
carcin-? English examples: carcinogenic, carcinoma
Greek; reLatin; g to the heart
cardi-? English examples: cardiograph, cardiology
Latin; hinge
cardin-? English examples: cardinal
Latin; flesh
carn-? English examples: carnal, carnival, carnivore
Greek; reLatin; g to fruit
carp-? English examples: carpology
Greek; reLatin; g to the wrist
carp-? English examples: carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome
Latin; pure
cast-? English examples: caste, castigate, castrate
Greek; down
cata-, cat-? English examples: catabolic, catalyst, catastrophe, catatonia, cathode, cation
Latin; chain
caten-? English examples: catenary, concatenation
Greek; pure
cathar-? English examples: catharsis
Latin; tail
caud-? English examples: caudal
Latin; cause or motive
caus-, -cus-? English examples: causative
Latin; hollow
cav-? English examples: cave, cavity, excavation
Latin; go
ced-, cess-? English examples: procession, recede, secede
Latin; quick
celer-? English examples: acceleration, celerity
Greek; new
cen-? English examples: Cenozoic
Greek; empty
cen-? English examples: cenotaph
Latin; to assess
cens-? English examples: census
Latin; hundred
cent-? English examples: cent, centennial, centurion
Latin; hundred each
centen-? English examples: centenary
Latin; hundredth
centesim-? English examples: centesimal, centesimation
Greek; center
centr-? English examples: eccentric
Greek; head
cephal-? English examples: cephalic, cephalopod, encephalogram
Greek; clay
ceram-? English examples: ceramic
Greek; horn
cerat-? English examples: keratin
Latin; sift
cern-? English examples: discern, secern
Latin; reLatin; g to the neck, reLatin; g to the cervix
cervic-? English examples: cervix, cervical
Latin; other
ceter-? English examples: et cetera
Greek; of the hand or hands
chir-? English examples: chiral, chiropractic, chiroptera
Greek; reLatin; g to a turtle
chelon-? English examples: chelonia
Greek; green
chlor-? English examples: chlorine, chlorophyll, chloroplast
Greek; reLatin; g to dance
chore-? English examples: choreography
Latin; and Greek; cord
chord-? English examples: chordata
Greek; color
chrom-? English examples: chromium, chromosome, monochrome
Greek; time
chron-? English examples: chronic, chronology, chronometer
Greek; gold
chrys-? English examples: chrysolite, chrysalis
Latin; eyelash
cili-? English examples: cilia, supercilious
Greek; motion
cine-? English examples: cinema
Latin; ash
ciner-? English examples: incineration
Latin; gird
cing-, cinct-? English examples: succinct
Latin; circle, ring
circ-? English examples: circus, circular
Latin; around
circum-? English examples: circumcise, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate
Greek; orange
cirr-? English examples: cirrhosis
Latin; curl, tentacle
cirr-? English examples: cirrus
Latin; citizen
civ-? English examples: civility
Greek; branch
clad-? English examples: clade
Latin; clear
clar-? English examples: clarity, declaration
Greek; broken
clast-? English examples: iconoclast, osteoclast
Latin; close
claud-, -clud-, claus-, -clus-? English examples: clause, exclusion, include
Greek; key
clav-? English examples: clavichord, clavicle, conclave
Greek; closed
cl(e)ist-? English examples:
Greek; bar, key
cleithr-? English examples: cleithrum
Latin; mild
clement-? English examples: clemency, inclement
Latin; bed, lean, recline
clin-? English examples: declination, inclined
Greek; shell
cochl-? English examples: cochlea
Greek; hollow
coel-? English examples: blastocoel, coelom, spongocoel
Latin; know
cogn-? English examples: cognitive, cognizant, recognize
Latin; strain
col-? English examples: colander, coulee
Latin; hill
coll-? English examples:
Latin; neck
coll-? English examples: collar
Latin; color
color-? English examples: coloration, coloratura, tricolor
Latin; with, together
con-, co-, col-, com-, cor-? English examples: coagulate, collide, compress, connect, contain, corrode
Greek; cone
con-? English examples: conic, conical, conoid
Latin; season
condi-? English examples: condiment
Latin; against
contra-? English examples: contradiction, contrast, contraception
Greek; dung
copr-? English examples: coprolite, coprophagia, coprophilia
Greek; raven
corac-? English examples: coracoid
Latin; heart
cord-? English examples: accord, cordial
Latin; horn
corn-? English examples: cornea, cornucopia, unicorn
Latin; crown
coron-? English examples: corona, coronation
Latin; body
corpor-? English examples: corporation, corpse, corpuscle
Latin; bark
cortic-? English examples: corticosteriod
Greek; universe
cosm-? English examples: cosmic, cosmonaut
Greek; the art of dress and ornament
cosmet-? English examples: cosmetics, cosmetology
Latin; rib
cost-? English examples: costal
Greek; cup
cotyl-? English examples: cotyledon
Greek; government, rule, authority
-cracy, -crat? English examples: democracy
Greek; skull
crani-? English examples: cranium
Latin; thick
crass-? English examples: crassitude
Latin; make
cre-? English examples: creation, creature
Latin; believe, trust
cred-? English examples: credentials, credibility, creditor, incredible
Greek; boot, shoe
crep-? English examples:
Latin; sieve
cribr-? English examples: cribble, cribrate
Greek; ring
cric-? English examples: cricoid
Greek; judge
cris-, crit-? English examples: crisis, critic
Latin; curled
crisp-? English examples: crepe, crispate
Latin; crest
crist-? English examples: cristate
Greek; fringe, tassel
cross-? English examples: crossopterygii
Latin; cross
cruc-? English examples: crucial, crucifix, crucify, excruciating
Latin; leg, shank
crur-? English examples: crural
Greek; hidden
crypt-? English examples: cryptic, cryptography
Greek; comb
cten-? English examples: ctenophore
Greek; cube
cub-? English examples: cubic, cuboid
Latin; lie
cub-? English examples: incubation, succuba
Latin; kitchen
culin-? English examples: culinary
Latin; blame, fault
culp-? English examples: culpable, exculpate
Latin; wedge
cune-? English examples: cuneiform
Latin; care for
cur-? English examples: accurate, curator, cure
Latin; run
curr-, curs-? English examples: concurrent, current, cursive, recursion
Latin; bent
curv-? English examples: curvature