Great Gatsby 1-5 Flashcards
Gatsbys car
Rich cream color, labyrinth of windshields, flashy, swollen with boxes
Daisy’s wedding
She was a hot mess, drunk and crazy because she want happy with her marriage
The man gatsby and nick meet, he rigged the World Series, gambler
Jordan’s role in chapter 4
Informant, tells nick about gatsby and Daisy’s love when they are young
Toms car accident in chapter 4
He was with another woman when daisy and home were on honeymoon and he got into an accident with her, scandalous
Gatsbys truth about the past ch 4
He was in the war and has medal to prove it, he went to oxford and has a picture to prove it, says he’s from Midwest then San Francisco, his money was handed down
Why does Fitzgerald list all the guests in ch 4
To show connections between the people and gatsby
Nick says, “there are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.” What does Nick mean? How does each character in the novel fit into this schema?
Pursued- Daisy by gatsby, gatsby by the guests
Pursuing- gatsby and nick pursuing daisy
Busy-tom with the ladies, nick with his job
Tired- nick from work, daisy from her marriage
How does Fitzgerald use weather to show mood
The rain is sadness and waiting and nerves it gets sunny when gatsby and daisy are together, daisy is gatsbys sunshine
The exhilarating ripple of her voice was a wild tonic in the rain. How is that appropriate for Daisy’s voice?
It’s medicine or intoxicating
What is the purpose of the broken clock in ch 5
Time is standing still when daisy and gatsby are together
He has been full of ideas for so long… he was running down like unwound clock. Explain
Gatsbyhad built her up in his head for so long that he is overwhelmed with emotions
Characterize gatsby in ch 5
He is nervous and fumbling around daisy
West egg
Nick lives here, new money, less fashionable
East egg
Tom and daisy live here, old money
Valley ashes
Between things fantastic form where valley of ashes row Dr. TJ Ecklebury eyes
Nicks house
Small, eye sore over looked cardboard
Gtatsbys house
Mansion, modeled after hotel after a hotel, 40 acres of lawn+garden
Buchanon’s house
Burying gardens, vines, golden, organic, airy home
NY apartment
Small filled to the brim with furniture
Characterize Nick
Main character, Daisy’s cousin, from his point of view, from Midwest, bondsman
Characterize tom
Married to daisy, cheating, player, old money, nasty, peaked in college
Who is the foil of tom
Who is the foil of daisy
Characterize Daisy
Nicks cousin, married to tom, pretty lady, aloof, bright eyes, sultry voice
Characterize Jordan
Miss baker, good girl, golfer, slender, gossipy
Characterize Wilson
Myrtles husband going no where
Characterize myrtle
Toms mistress, stout, mid thirties
Characterize Gatsby
Rich man, new money, mysterious, tell nick all about him
I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world… explain
Daisy wants her daughter to be aloof and not realize how bad her position is in this world
… Except a single green light, minute and far away… explain
Jealousy, Daisy’s dock light that gatsbys staring at
Pretend to be affected by a feeling state or injury
Behaving or looking as thought one thinks one is superior to others
Showing smug or in critical satisfaction with oneself or achievements
An indication or hint
Sharing a common border touching
Loud or harsh grating
Nearly skillful and quick in ones movements
Spread throughout something
Having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence mindless
A fat person
Of a concerning a province of a country or empire
Stubbornly refusing to change ones opinion