Great Depression Flashcards
became president in a landslide win over Alfred E. Smith in 1928
Herbert Hoover
a system for buying and selling stock in corporations
The Stock Market
a long period of rising stocks
A Bull Market
prices of securities are falling, thus causing pessimism in the market is known as
A Bear Market
the act of buying stocks at great risk with the anticipation that the prices will rise
buying stock by paying only a fraction of the stock price and borrowing in the rest
a demand by a broker that investors pay back loans made for stocks purchased on margin
a margin call
when did the market peak
September 1929
the three causes of the great depression
uneven distribution of income, loss of export sales, mistakes by the federal reserve
shantytowns were also called
people who began hitchhiking or “riding the trails” across the country
launched to send poor immigrants back to their home countries
repatriation drives
people who survived the dust bowl got _______
dust pneumonia
dust storms were called black blizzards or
black rollers
wrote Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck
wrote folk music about his dust bowl experiences
Woody Guthrie
migrants from Oklahoma were known as
the first feature-length animated film
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (produced by Walt Disney)
a factor leading to the onset of the great depression
raised the average tariff rate to the highest level in American history
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
hurts both American companies and farmers
decrease in exports
a sustained, long term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies
a depression
a slowdown in economic activity over the course of a normal business cycle
a recession
access to ___ ___ propelled the stock market
easy money
the first movie in color
The Wizard of Oz, produced by MGM
popular radio superhero
The Green Hornet
one of the first major soap operas
The Guiding Light
publisher of TIME Magazine and Life
Henry Luce
captured the photo of the great depression, “Migrant Mother”
Dorothea Lange
Grant Wood’s most famous painting
American Gothic
Hoover believed that _______ _______ would keep the economy moving
Rugged Individualism
created a pool of money that allowed troubled banks to continue lending money in their communities
National Credit Corporation (NCC)
set up to make loans to businesses
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
called for $1.5 billion for public works and $300 million in emergency loans to states for direct relief
Emergency Relief and Construction Act
Texas Congressman who introduced the bill
Wright Pattman
veterans who marched from Oregon to D.C.
the bonus army
the military was sent in under the command of
Douglas McArthur