GRE Essential Flashcards
affable (adj) AFF-uh-bull
Warm and friendly; pleasant; approachable Think about how affable Monson is and how not so affable Mocogni is.
alacrity (noun) uh-LACK-rit-tee
Cheerful or speedy willingness
arcane (adj) ar-CANE
Know or understood by only a few/ obscure; secret
artless (adj) ART-less
Free of deceit or craftiness; natural ; genuine/ lacking skill or knowledge; crude; uncultured
ascetic (adj; noun) uh-SET-ick
Abstinent or austere in lifestyle (adj)/ A person who leads an austere lifestyle (noun)
assuage (verb) uh-SWAY-zh
Make milder; relieve/ soothe; pacify; or calm
audacious (adj) aw-DAY-shus
Very bold or brave; often in a rude or reckless way/ extremely original
austere (adj) aw-STEER
Severe in manner or appearance/ very self-disciplined; ascetic/ without luxury or ease/ sober or serious
belie (verb) bih-LIE
Contradict or misrepresent
boor (noun) BOO-er
Rude; ill-mannered; or insensitive person/ a peasant or country bumpkin
burgeon (verb) BER-juhn
Grow or flourish rapidly/ put forth buds or shoots (of a plant)
capricious (adj) cap-REE-shuss
Acting on impulse; erratic
coalesce (verb) coh-uh-LESS
Come together/ unite/ fuse together
craven (adj) CRAY-ven
Very cowardly; lacking courage
credulous (adj) CREDD-joo-luss
Gullible/ prone to believing or trusting too easily or without enough evidence
deleterious (adj) dell-uh-TEER-ee-uss
Harmful; unhealthful
desiccate (verb) DESS-ick-ayt
Thoroughly dried up; dehydrated
din (noun) DIN
Loud; confused noise; esp. for a long period of time
dispassionate (adj) diss-PASH-shun-it
Unbiased; not having a selfish or personal motivation/ calm; lacking emotion
enervate (verb) EN-er-vayt
Weaken; tire
ephemeral (adj) ee-FEM-er-ull
Lasting only a short time
erudite (adj) AIR-yoo-dite
Scholarly; knowledgeable/ possessing deep; often systematic; knowledge
esoteric (adj) ess-oh-TAIR-ick
Understood by or intended for only a few/ secret
exculpate (verb) ECK-skull-payt
Clear from guilt or blame
exponent (noun) eck-SPOH-nent
Person who expounds or explains/ champion; advocate; or representative
foment (verb) FOH-ment or FAH-ment
Incite; instigate; stir up; promote the growth of/ apply medicated liquid to a body part
gainsay (verb) gayn-SAY
Declare false; deny/ oppose
garrulous (adj) GAIR-ull-uss
Talkative; wordy; rambling
gauche (adj) GOH’sh
Tactless; lacking social grace; awkward; crude
germane (adj) jer-MANE
Relevant and appropriate; on-topic
glib (adj) GLIB
Fluent and easy in a way that suggests superficiality or insincerity
gregarious (adj) greh-GAIR-ee-uss
Sociable; pertaining to a flock or crowd
hackneyed (adj) HACK-need
So commonplace as to be stale/ not fresh or original