TRUE OR FALSE: Most research is intended to examine individual variables.
Most research is intended to examine relationships between two or more variables.
Which research method is used to observe to different variables to determine whether or not there is a relationship between them?
The correlational method.
What type of test evaluates the relationship between variables for non-numerical data?
Chi-square tests.
TRUE OR FALSE: A correlational study can provide an explanation for the relationship.
A correlational study cannot demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship, however, they can demonstrate the existence of a relationship between two variables.
What is the best research method to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship?
The experimental method.
TRUE OR FALSE: A nonexperimental study permits a cause-and-effect explanation.
It does not. We can say that changes in one variable are accompanied by changes in a second variable, but we cannot say why.
What are the two characteristics that differentiate experiments from other types of research studies?
Manipulation and control.
In an experimental study examining the effect of violence in videogames, the amount of violence in a videogame is adjusted per group of boys. This is the characteristic of _________ by the researchers of one variable in an experiment.
TRUE OR FALSE: In an experiment, the research must exercise control over the situation to ensure that other, extraneous variables do not influence the relationship being examined.
What are two general categories of variables the researchers must consider?
Participant variables and environmental variables.
Whenever a research study allows more than one explanation for the results, the study is said to be ______ because it is impossible to reach and unambiguous conclusion.
THINK! How can a researcher establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables?
They can attempt to control all other variables to prevent them from influencing the results.
What are three basic techniques researchers use to control other variables?
Random assignment, matching, holding variables constant
What is the variable in the experimental method that is manipulated by the researcher?
The independent variable.
What is the variable in the experimental method that is observed to assess the effect of the treatment?
The dependent variable.
THINK! In an experiment, only one variable is actually measured. In this light, how is this different from a correlational study?
In a correlational study, both variables are measured and the data consist of two separate scores for each individual.
Individuals in a ________ condition do not receive the experimental treatment. They either receive no treatment or receive a neutral, placebo treatment.
Individuals in the ______ condition receive the experimental treatment.
TRUE OR FALSE: Nonequivalent groups are permittable in experiments.
They are not. This does not make it an experiment. This is permitted, however, in nonexperimental research, where it is not possible to use techniques like random assignment to control participant variables and ensure equivalent groups.
This is the term for the “independent variable” in a nonexperimental study.
Quasi-independent variable
THINK! Why is the quasi-independent variable in a nonexperimental study not a true independent variable?
Because this is a variable that cannot be manipulated (e.g. boy/girl, age)